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 Topic: ISIL and Israel

 (Read 1320 times)
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  • ISIL and Israel
     OP - July 20, 2014, 11:03 AM

    Strange how news changes its focus so quickly.  Has the war in Syria stopped?

    ISIL crucifies eight rival fighters, says monitoring group
    BEIRUT Sun Jun 29, 2014 9:44am EDT

    (Reuters) - Eight rebel fighters have been crucified in Syria by the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) because they were considered too moderate, a monitoring group said on Sunday.

    The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which relies on contacts on the ground in Syria, said the men were crucified on Saturday in Aleppo province. It added that their corpses were still on view.

    The Observatory said clashes between rival Islamist groups in Syria had killed around 7,000 people since January, as militants from ISIL try to strengthen their grip on territory.

    The infighting has complicated the insurgency and drawn in foreign fighters.

    When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.

    A.A. Milne,

    "We cannot slaughter each other out of the human impasse"
  • ISIL and Israel
     Reply #1 - July 21, 2014, 10:09 PM

    It's just that the world really is that fucked up and when we forget this we are the more surprised when teh shit hits the fan in another part of the world.

    Rival Islamist groups killing each other. I can't deny there's a part of me that says fuck 'em. 

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