19 year old Ethiopian maid hangs herself in Ssan land says news.. An Ethiopian housemaid has hanged herself in Tabarjal province at her employer’s house, local media reported. Family members said the maid did not emerge from her room at her usual hour, prompting them to inform police in Tabarjal, who broke down the door to her room, sources told local media.
The housemaid, in her twenties, arrived in the Kingdom just a few days before Ramadan began, the sources said. An African maid also hanged herself inside the Social Care Center (SCC) in Dammam in the Eastern Province a few days ago. Before committing suicide, the maid, in her thirties, reportedly came to the SCC following a dispute with her sponsor and expressed her desire to go back to her country.
Not sure why that 19 year old maid from foreign country tortures and kills her employer's 4 year old baby..
Who knows who did it.. Allah know the best..., Justice.. Justice in Islamic Sand land.. The Land of Baboon rulers.. Better to hang herself instead of head getting chopped..