Some news outlet in South Africa has covered the campaign:
Ex Muslims tweet #AnApostatesExperienceEx Muslims are sharing their experiences with apostacy under the hashtag #AnApostatesExperience.
An apostate is someone who leaves a religion, sometimes converting to another or becoming an atheist.
The hashtag appears to have come about as a response to Islamic apologist Resa Aslan's claim that the most venomous threats he receives are from atheists.
The response has been overwhelming, with people talking about issues ranging from abuse, to not being allowed to partake in the funerals of their loved ones, to even being told they should be sold into prostitution.
The following is just a sample of what people have tweeted thus far:
Anetsirk @Kristena2513
Being told that the brutal abuse I suffered as a child was because god knew I would one day renounce my faith. #AnApostatesExperience
Milad Jama @MiladJama
Women family members justifying slavery, rape & paedophilia in Islam while young nieces play at their feet #AnApostatesExperience
Ali A. Rizvi @aliamjadrizvi
Regular accusations of being a "sellout" or on the CIA/Mossad payroll. Still waiting for that check, Brennan. #AnApostatesExperience
Jason Gregory @jgrevolucion
Scared to take my daughter to my wife's birthplace of Pakistan #AnApostatesExperience
Fathima Imra Nazeer @FathImraNazeer
Worrying about putting your life or your children's lives in danger simply because you express your opinion of Islam #AnApostatesExperience
Dean Modified @DeanModified
When there's an invisible wall of religion between my mother and I. #AnApostatesExperience #NormalizeAtheism
Eiynah -- @NiceMangos
Being told I'm an enemy of god and worthy of death because i wrote an anti-homophobia children's book #AnApostatesExperience
Reem Abdel-Razek @rimrazek
Getting locked up in a Psychiatric Asylum for coming out and being released after faking a religious experience. #AnApostatesExperience
Anwar @CaptainDG64
Nouman Ali Khan, followed by many, defends killing ExMuslims because it is "better" for us- #AnApostatesExperience
Muhammad Syed @MoTheAtheist
Coming out to a friend and getting asked 'are you going to choose science over Allah' #AnApostatesExperience
Anwar @CaptainDG64
Having to stay silent while Muslim Relatives & Friends blame Jews and praise the vision of Hitler #AnApostatesExperience @Sounakelly
Canadian Antitheist @CDN_Antitheist
A preacher telling my grandmother that Islam forbids her to visit her husband's grave. Because it's considered shirk #AnApostatesExperience
Canadian Antitheist @CDN_Antitheist
Mom said that she'd rather have a rapist son than an atheist 1. She took that back. Other fams aren't as fortunate. #AnApostatesExperience
Nas Ishmael @ThorEXMNA
"Watching your mother accept she's not allowed to visit her child's grave, and not being able to say anything." - #AnApostatesExperience
Sarah @ EXMNA @SarahTheHaider
Being reviled for godless progressive values by nearly everyone except #atheists and #secularists, #AnApostatesExperience
Maha @Mookers
#AnApostatesExperience Crying at the end of Disney's "Brave" b/c Merida resolved their differences and got her mom back...and I couldn't.
Heina Dada-Bo0o0o~ @heinousdealings
Apologist Muslims splain that Islam doesn't actually call for my death while my death is called for by other Muslims #AnApostatesExperience
Ahmed Siddiqui @asidity
Being told that natural disaster victims don’t deserve our pity because they did something to make god angry #AnApostatesExperience
Cinnanun @notcreative388
Being forbidden from my exMuslim husband's burial because the mosque didn't respect his or my wishes. #AnApostatesExperience
Najaf Ali @alinajaf
Planning for the scenarios in your death threats: keeping "camping equipment" at arms reach from where you sleep #AnApostatesExperience
shaytaan @666shaytaan
Being told by your devout sister(real) that "you deserve to be killed for leaving islam as hadith clearly says" #AnApostatesExperience