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 Topic: The Inaneness of Holy Books

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  • The Inaneness of Holy Books
     OP - February 29, 2016, 04:16 PM

    Allah tells you he is the most merciful. Allah also claims that he is the most just and loving. You would have thought that this this super advanced, all-knowing and all-powerful being would contact his creation in the most ADVANCED, FAIR and LOVING way.  The best method of communication Allah could come up with was to only communicate through just one human he chose and make him write books which Allah himself allowed to be corrupted later on. This God who claims to love you uses only ancient human messengers to communicate with you at such distance in time and space, and with the barriers of language and imperfect translations.

    Let’s stop there for a moment. Allah claims to want to “guide” his creation and save them from eternal hell fire.  In addition, Allah takes no responsibility whatsoever for your “wrongdoings” despite the fact that everything you do is predetermined by Allah himself and anything you think of doing only happens because he allowed it to happen. Everything you do is your fault and he will punish you for it.  Allah sent the Torah to some of his creation who inhabited the Middle East.  Mind you, instead of revealing it to everyone, he only reveals this supposed message to humanity to only one part of his creation and in just one language.  Frankly, not even a part of his creation, but only one person in that specific part of his creation. Allah later on allows the Torah to be corrupted.

    It would be like me sending an email to only one person and program the file to corrupt itself later on while in fact I had the capability and resources at hand to send it to everyone. The people who did not receive this vital message later on will now be misguided but no! It is still their fault for being misguided.  I will not take any responsibility because I am all-powerful. If I really wanted to get a vital message out in the most efficient manner and had all the worlds’ resources available due to me being all-knowing, I would send the message out to everyone!

    I will keep in mind that not all of my creation live in just one geographic area. I will also keep in mind that they don’t all speak the same language thus I will send it in different formats they can all understand directly and not have to rely on translations which are subject to human bias and corruption. I will keep this message eternal. Why? Because I do not make mistakes. I do not need to repeat myself or release revisions (version 2.0 or 3.0) because anything I do is perfect. I am all-powerful so will not allow the message to be corrupted because it would be unfair to future generations.

    In this way, all of my creation have received my message in the most efficient and fair way as possible. This of course was not the case with Abrahamic religions.  Islam claims to be superior to Christianity and Judaism. Islam claims that the Torah was a message from Allah that was later on corrupted because Allah allowed it to be corrupted. Allah then releases the Gospel which was also corrupted because Allah allowed to be corrupted. In the 7th century, Allah decided to release version 3.0 of his supposed message to humanity, this time he wasn’t going to allow it to be corrupted (According Islam).
    Islam claims that the Koran is now the last and ultimate message to humanity and have discarded their rivals’ holy books (Torah and Bible) as being corrupt and outdated. The Koran now replaces their books. Version 3.0 is now the final message. Allah will no longer reveal anything more. This is Islam’s logic in claiming religious superiority over rival religions by using this silly and unfair excuse. Islam claims that their religion is the only and true religion. This supposed message to humanity was also written in one language. A language only a few people from a specific geographic location spoke and understood. In other words, a local book. 

    Allah, the most advanced and powerful being was not able to make the Koran readily available to the whole of humanity. Red Indians in North America did not receive this supposed message to humanity. Even if they managed to move to the Middle East, they would still face the language barrier. They would have to rely on someone’s translation of the text. Is this really fair? Is this what a merciful God would do? To disregard others needs and only focus on some of his creation? To discriminate on who should receive this vital message while leaving others in the dark although claiming that it was a message for the whole of humanity?

    Let’s sum these facts up and see how preposterous the claim made by Abrahamic religions make in claiming superiority over one another.

    •Since this is a vital message to humanity, you would expect God to reveal it to everyone in a format they can ALL UNDERSTAND in order for it to be a UNIVERSAL message to humanity. Nonetheless, God did not conclude to reveal it to every single human but rather just one person he chose while keeping others in the dark. You would have thought that such an advanced being would have the most efficient way to reveal his message to his creation but that was the best he could come up with.
    •God allocates these so called holy books into one geographic area while keeping the rest of humanity who did not live in or around the Middle East in darkness.

    •God only makes this vital message available in one format that not all of his creation can understand.
    •God expects the rest of his creation to rely on translations subject to bias and human error.
    •God deliberately allowed his supposed message to humanity (version 1.0) to be corrupted hence causing millions of people to be lead astray.
    •God releases version 2.0 of his supposed message to humanity but also causes it to be corrupted consequently causing even more people to be lead astray.

    •God claims to be loving and most merciful. Instead he says stuff like this; “He guides whomever he wants” and “he leads astray whomever he wants” (sura 6:125).  If that’s not discriminatory, I don’t know what is.
    •God releases version 3.0(Quran), another postulated universal message to humanity. This time he promises in that same book that he won’t allow it to be corrupted.
    •God now claims that version 3.0(Quran) of his supposed message to humanity being the last ever revelation. God will no longer reveal anything more than what is written in the Quran.
    •Despite this being the last and ultimate message to humanity, God still failed to make it available to the whole humanity. The same inaccuracies and flaws in Version 1.0(Torah) and 2.0(Gospel) had been repeated in version 3.0 (Quran).

    •God has made it clear in the Quran that if you do not believe in his last book (the Quran) you will be going to hell for eternal torture. How merciful!
    •God expects you to blindly believe in a book whose authenticity cannot even be proven. You are required to blindly believe that the Quran you have in your hands today has not been altered. The only way to substantiate this claim is to have the original Quran written by Muhammad himself and compare it with the one you have today.
    •Despite Allah being all-powerful, he failed numerous times to protect his supposed message to humanity. His excuse is that he “allowed it to be corrupted” which is ludicrous! He wants to guide humanity because he apparently is the most merciful but keep on allowing it to be corrupted, not to mention his failure in making a universal message and not just limit it to one geographic location, one language and one point in time. For such an all-powerful deity, he only allows his message to humanity be of use only for a short time span because he later on decreed that it would get corrupted thus rendering the message useless for future generations. 

    •Despite all this, Islam still requires you to blindly believe that the Quran is the universal message to humanity, has remained unaltered and is 100% perfectly moral despite being a local book with countless inconsistencies, presenting a hypocritical, immoral, violent and insecure God. If you disagree with the Quran, you are a kafir who is to be tortured for eternity in hell. How merciful!
    With predetermination, Allah has already decided whether or not to guide you BEFORE you were even born.  Allah will “seal their hearts so they do not understand”. Allah admits that he wilfully misguided people by disabling them from being guided by “sealing their hearts and covering their senses”.  (2:7) Allah has set a seal upon their hearts and upon their hearing, and over their vision is a veil. And for them is a great punishment.”

    After Allah has sealed their hearts and disabled their senses, he describes them as being “dumb, deaf and blind” and even goes as far as to even compare them to cattle.

    (2:171) And the example of those who disbelieve, is as that of him who shouts to the (flock of sheep) that hears nothing but calls and cries. (They are) deaf, dumb and blind. So they do not understand.

    (7:179) Already have We urged unto hell many of the jinn and humankind, having hearts wherewith they understand not, and having eyes wherewith they see not, and having ears wherewith they hear not. These are as the cattle - nay, but they are worse! These are the neglectful.

    God favours some of his creation over others. In other words, he discriminates whilst calling himself the most merciful. He has decided to lead you astray before you were even born.
    No loving God would be so reckless, hateful and hypocritical. The God of Abrahamic religions is but an invention. God did not create man but man created God in his image. Intolerant, sexist, discriminatory, violent, hateful and hypocritical.

    We can thus conclude that the Quran is not a message that was intended for the whole of humanity and the nature of the deity known as Allah conveyed in the Quran is but a complete contradiction. One minute Allah is all-powerful, the next he can’t seem to get a simple message to his creation right. He claims to be the most merciful whilst, threatening you with eternal torture. He is so sadistic he vividly describes his cruel torture methods in hell. What moral lessons do you gain by learning how “boiling water is to be poured down the throats of people in hell”? Or how they are to be “rounded up and thrown into fire”?

    Using “holy” books to communicate with your creation is the most inefficient and unfair way as proven by history and even the Quran itself which is also a “holy” book. The inventors of the Quran have managed to take advantage of this pitfall and built a false paradigm of “this time everything is going to be okay” idea. Allah will now do his best to not let the Quran get corrupted whilst throwing the towel and withdraw himself from revealing anything more. Allah has now seized to communicate with his creation. A feeble-minded excuse for simple-minded individuals. Islam pushes a neophobic attitude thanks to a “We know it all” mentality.  Anything new is considered the work Satan.  Believe in the incest story of Adam, his wife and their children, while ignoring tons evidence for evolution.
    I believe this is the reason why Islam has refused to evolve and reform itself.  With such a mentality, Islam will never evolve but rather decay and its treatment towards apostates, infidels, women and children deteriorate over time.

    My faculty of reason will not accept this pathetic excuse of holy books and its Gods.


    Islam is a religion of peace..the kind of peace you find six feet under if you try to leave
  • The Inaneness of Holy Books
     Reply #1 - March 01, 2016, 12:17 AM

    Inanity (sorry)

    I agree with your point of view, though.
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