"It’s also why I can understand the competing forces at play in someone’s mind who used to be very religious. That stuff can take you over, like a drug. You’ve got to wean yourself off and be careful of potential relapses. It’s bigger than just your will sometimes. "
I like the way you see things HM, and I can see now how similar it really is to a drug, and the relapsing - a relapsed junkie will always justify why they've used again, it feels like coming home, having that lovely warm blanket placed around your shoulders, being gently massaged 'welcome back, you can leave me as many times as you like, but I will never reject you.' Kind of thing - even when they know it is only going to lead to pain and suffering once they come down. What the conseqeunces of going back to religion are, I'm not sure, but what I do know is that rich junkies, that never actually needed to 'come down' , being able to afford to be out of it 24/7, begin to lose their soul and eventually arrive at a realisation (usually via the AA/NA cult) apart from say, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton...oh he didn't did he, he just bores people to death these days