Re: Save Maryam! (from Christianity)
Reply #1 - July 21, 2012, 05:48 AM
If they manage to raise $2 million, that's $2 million out of the collective charity pot. Not for medicine, medical training, clean and safe water or food parcels for the poor. Not to build schools or put it into education so people can empower and emancipate themselves. Not for tsunami relief efforts or anything as meaningful and vital as that. Instead $2 million to spread a totalitarian gospel to some of the most desperate and vulnerable people in the world, to install the ridiculous and petty tribal taboos and superstitions of a primitive and obsolete culture, to lay the foundations for gender apartheid, body shame, mental slavery, discrimination, homophobia, chauvinism and blind faith in the supremacy of the chosen, to preach opposition to democracy, liberty, free-thinking and free-expression, to squander the collective energy and ambitions of a nation and waste it all on the fanatical devotion to cult idols and delusions, to plough out their individual and cultural identity and drag them right back to the dark ages. Not to invest in their future here in the real world and for the generations that follow, but to invest in pies in the sky and folklore dreamlands.
By their works, ye shall know them.
Too fucking busy, and vice versa.