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 Topic: Migration to Non-Muslim countries

 (Read 3480 times)
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  • Migration to Non-Muslim countries
     OP - August 28, 2016, 09:55 AM

    How are you my friends?
    I hope you are all OK. I was so busy as I'm still waiting for the appointment of the asylum main interview. Please wish me good luck.
    As I wrote many times before my writings are based on my own experience and the different occasions happened to me personally.

    Today I have two stories:Roll Eyes)))

    1- Two weeks ago I met a new converted Muslim who converted into Islam in the prison. There is a remark here in the UK, a good number of new converted Muslims I met were converted in the UK prisons. I don't know how it works in the prisons, but many accepted Islam while they were in the prison. WHY? They never explained.

    Anyways, this new Islamist advised me not to live in the UK any longer because they are KAFFIR society and we have to migrate to Muslim countries. I listened carefully and then I asked " what is your work in the UK?" He confirmed that he has no job as he doesn't want to work with the disbelievers and pay the taxes to the UK government to buy missiles and weapons to kill our brothers and sisters.

    My second question was where he is residing and how he is earning his living. He explained that flat rent is paid by the council and he is getting benefits from the government. When I asked him why he accepts that money and help from the KAFFIR government, his answer was how could I live !!!

    This person doesn't know a word of Arabic. He can't open the Quran in Arabic and read. He got his religious information from the trustworthy Muslims who share the same mentality and ideology.

    2- I met a Muslim woman who got her divorce from a Pakistani guy recently.
    She was his 2nd wife and got her islamic divorce because he promised her to divorce his 1st wife but he broke his word after two years of marriage.
    When I wondered why she accepted such kind of marrige in the UK. She answered we got married according to the Islamic Sharia law not the British law. We are Muslims and we follow the rules of our Islam.
    He already had his Pakistani wife and his own family but why not having another wife " cheap one " under the name of Islamic marriage.
    She got no money from him as she explained , nothing at all. At the end, it was just a paper and a word to say.
  • Migration to Non-Muslim countries
     Reply #1 - August 28, 2016, 10:29 AM

    A big reason is for protection. When you convert to Islam in prison, you have a gang of new brothers to turn to when shit hits the fan - because it will.

    I'm not saying that there aren't genuine prison converts though.

    My mind runs, I can never catch it even if I get a head start.
  • Migration to Non-Muslim countries
     Reply #2 - August 28, 2016, 12:21 PM

    They also lie and say whatever to get people to convert.  I was told that muslims "believe" in Jesus too and it is all the same god.  When I asked about reading the quran I was told it could not be translated from arabic.  If I wanted to learn arabic the mosque would teach me for free but I had to convert first.   Lots of lies to women as well sometimes not even telling them that they are married already and have children. 

    The UK have different laws about marriage and common law relationships.  In Canada a couple is considered common law marriage if they have a child together or they live together for more than 6 months.  After that they are considered the same as married and support can be ordered and if they break up then the same rules for divorce can apply such as splitting property and assets.  In the UK if a couple is just "living together" then if one dies or they break up, the other gets nothing unless there is some legal paperwork arranged beforehand.   Child support in Canada has to be continued until the child is of age or longer if the court orders it.  Canada has no sharia courts because it was considered as not giving women equal rights.  But there are still underground polygamy because women are ignorant of the laws or do not care because they are brainwashed into thinking sharia is right. 

    So what does this ex convict do all day?  Wash, pray and have sex.  Assuming he has sex?  Watching tv is haram?  What would he do in a muslim country?  Starve to death? 

    It just seems these muslims convert others to Islam in prison out of contempt for them.  Do they promise them jobs when they get out? Do they help them later?   

    The unreligion, only one calorie
  • Migration to Non-Muslim countries
     Reply #3 - September 30, 2016, 06:43 PM

    People feel utter dispear in prison and religion is a crutch of hope. These are vunerable people. I knew a none practising muslim, who became a hardcore muslim in prison. Before he went to prison he was the biggest and most feared drug dealer in town. In prison he admitted he was a broke down wreck and then when talking to a Muslim gained his believed salvation from the religion. He managed to get off with his case and when he came out didn't want anything to do with drug dealing, which he pretty much owned before then. He then became, he said he visited Pakistani over the phone to me, but in person said he was afraid his phone was tapped by the authorities and said he really visited Afganistan pre 9/11. He said how Osama Bin Laden was a modest freedom figher living in the mountains back then. A few of us used to go to talks by the later imprisoned Saudi educated Sheihk Faisal, who would always call for 'Jihad' in his talks. My friend would never refer to him as 'sheihk' though. I haven't talked to him in over a  decade.
  • Migration to Non-Muslim countries
     Reply #4 - December 22, 2016, 01:03 PM

    hello free mind :

    regarding your first story i cant say much about it other than sometimes ppl in preason might be dessprate and  have extra time to listen plus muslims in preson are also extra hyper due to the fact that they belive converting ppl to islam make them forgiven and grentee heaven for them .
      i can also understand how muslims (especially moderate muslims can sound very nice and beautiful as either they are genuine but dont know the full truth about islam (only know the good things and never went too deep i can relate to that ) or intentionally only tell you the good things untill you are stuck ) , sometimes criminals also dont care much about how good the faith is as long as it grantee them money , fame and women ( white converts are treated especially in Muslim community ) (i just hope those crimnal converts dont end up with ISIS )

    regarding your second story : just like the first one a woman face sweet talk about how islam is beautiful and new logic about how it protect her and how she is special and before she really comprehend it she is overwhelmed by the amount of love they giving her as a potential convert to islam and swept away her feet with his charm (not fully knowing the hole truth and later it is too late he got what he wanted from her the children are muslims no matter what and you can go back to hell if she in a country where she have option to go back )
       the thing that worry me is when i watch videos like (would you marry a muslim ? , would you convert for him  ) and a loooot of open minded athiest or other girls say if i like him yes they are just other human .
      am like GIRLLLLLLLL you dont know what you getting into ( yes they are human and we can respect that and treat them as human too but not to expect them to treat us (woman or kafirs  Cheesy) the same as there low and logic dont allow it to be so )

    You are educated when you have the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or self-confidence.
     Robert Frost

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