I am no longer a Muslim
Reply #1 - August 04, 2016, 10:16 AM
Hello SetMeFree
I am an ex muslim male who is living in the closet. I have a very practicing Hijab wearing wife, and a fairly religious family.
I would say don't made any drastic decisions or leave you job just yet.
I understand what you are going through. Every day I say go along with my wife's view of the world because I dont want to hurt her, im still working on my long term plan, but i have young kids to consider.
But enough about me
I don't know if you were looking for advice and I dont know if this advice is relevant if you have
PTSD, but there must be a different way.
If you already have a job and live on your own, you are already half way there.
long term you cant survive with everything bottled up. So you need to focus on getting to the next stage of your life.
First things first, start making yourself less religious. you might think it inconceivable that you could walk about in your community without a Hijab, but people get used to things quicker than you think.
One day just go out without it, when your family ask you why you are not wearing it,
dont get confrontational, do not try to justify yourself, your family will wear you down in an Islam based argument very fast,
just say, your imam is feeling weak, and laught it off and may allah guide you
or even better just say in a light hearted way, that you wanted to see what it was like, and laugh
You will need to listen to people moan at you about hijab for a while, but they will get used to it. Just joke it off when they ask you about it. I have tried the path of finding Islamic justifications for my non islamic behaviour, and its exhausting.
Overtime once they get used to seeing your hair, wear a tighter top, nothing too extreme, or one with short sleeves, or three quarter trousers. When they ask you about your clothes, just say in a jokey way, I thought it looked cute. Just act like you didn't even realise it might be unislamic
At work start missing some Salah because you have a meeting or lots of work
then over time just stop reading, you may have some people ask you about it at first, but then they will just get used to it and people will leave you alone.
Start finding friends who understand you.
I hope you find something helpful in my reply
A perfectly just God who sentences his imperfect creation to infinite punishment for finite sins is impossible