Real life Miracles /religions/faith And Science behind them ..
Woman finds long-lost diamond ring on carrot in garden BBC news
A Canadian woman got an extra carrot with her diamond ring when it was found in her vegetable patch 13 years after she lost it. Mary Grams, 84, was devastated when she lost the ring while weeding on the family farm in Alberta in 2004.
But she had kept the ring's loss a secret from all but her son for more than a decade. On Monday, her daughter-in-law discovered the secret - and the ring - when she pulled up a lumpy carrot. The carrot had grown straight through the ring, enabling it to be plucked out after many years hiding in the dirt....
Is that not a miracle? What is the probability of such occurrences ? Can we compare that god splitting ocean for Israelites? or prophet of Islam flying on good looking horsie to heavens?