Far Right Extremism
OP - March 02, 2018, 03:19 PM
some of the terror plots has been exposed successfully recently and now the surge against war on Islam and terrorism by far rights extremists is in debate personally what i think is this world must be prepared for more terrorists plot and and use of extreme violence that comes out of Islam. some say that the only way to stop it is by people like themselves doing something about it. because they believe that state has allowed this to happen through multiculturalism and integration and there are few people who say a war against Muslims need to happen so they can be expelled from Europe. to me sooner or later there are going to be riots on this issue and the issue itself will remain stagnated because throwing out Muslims wont result in solution. the problem is in Islam if we deal with Islam in sense of reformation and tolerance than this issue could be solved in future. there is an immense need of education for Muslims and this is a time to teach them to be tolerant and believe in views that are harmless and productive for the whole world but then in reality the Muslim countries gets the great support and immunity from the west because of their gains and profits and economical advantages that comes out of those countries. in my opinion i think we should deal Islamic with only one stance that is reforms. what do you think ?