Where Shen Yun is, where Covid-19 virus is.
OP - March 10, 2020, 05:44 AM
Trump’s support for Epoch Times and Shen Yun performing arts which are the subsidiaries of Falun Dafa will be a poison of hisseeking re-election. It is said that some actors has been infected of Covid-19 and 5 people in the Dragon Spring has dead because of the Covid-19 virus. Shen Yun are going on a performing tour insome dozens of countries and area throughout the world while the performing staffs refuse to wear mask which has caused international anger. Let’shave a look where Shen Yun disappeared to this year: Italy in 1.10-1.23, Switzerland in 2.25-2.27, France in 2.18-2.20, Japan in 1.6-1.23 andSouth Korea in 2.7-2.22. Shen Yun has reserved 15performances in 5 cities (Daejeon, Ulsan, Changwon, Hanam, Chuncheon) of South Korea. Since some actors has been infected of Covid-19, the government of South Korea has canceled 9 performances. Shen Yunhas been performing in several cities in America from the end of January last year. America, Japan, South Korea, Italy, France and Switzerland has become the countries with very serious epidemicbesides of China. Covid-19 has appeared in over 100 countries on the world and the epidemic situation in many countries has been more and more severe.But Shen Yun still refuse to wear mask and will move on to more countries in Europe, Australia andNorth America, especially America.