If they want Islamic law, go to an Islamic country.
I actually disagree. "Islamic law," which is an euphemism for the Islamic system of dominance and tyranny, should be dismantled everywhere. It would be absurd to except Islamic cultures of moral responsibility because of their long tradition of oppression and discrimination. The old, vicious traditions of Islam have no validity today.
In other words, Muslims who want Islamic law should not be banished back to Islam. Instead, they must be stripped off their fanaticism. For this we need freedom of speech, not dhimmitude.
Stripped of their fanaatcism? But what if they use the freedom of speech argument to avoid that? It's their freedom of speech to be fanatic and believe what they believe. Even though it's all indoctrinated bullcrap.
Oh of course Shari'a Law treats women with respect. I forgot they treat them with so much respect that women in Saudi Arabia aren't allowed to drive. Women in Saudi Arabia can't go out unless accompanied by a male relative. That's a lot of respect yo, I wish England were like that.