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 Topic: What stereotypes did you have of others when you were muslim?

 (Read 3243 times)
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  • What stereotypes did you have of others when you were muslim?
     OP - August 13, 2009, 08:06 PM

    Folks - We have all been there. Did any of you have any stereotypes of people from other faiths or even of atheists?

    I'll start.

    I used to feel sorry for liberal christians and thought that by abandoing gods rather harsher side had turned god into a "khusra/Hijraa" (eunoch)
  • Re: What stereotypes did you have of others when you were muslim?
     Reply #1 - August 13, 2009, 08:10 PM

    I disliked Atheists, thought they were arrogant and nuts tbh.
    Disliked Arabs, felt they were weak and corrupt and disliked their attitude to other Muslims. Their nations and Government in particular i mean
    Shia's. Weren't portrayed as real Muslims.
    Jews, well ... Palestine. Is there anymore that needs to be said?
    Christians - Misguided.
    Gays = Weird.

    Most of those views were taught to me or explained in that way but i have changed alot since leaving Islam.

    Blind faith is an ironic gift to return to the Creator of human intelligence

  • Re: What stereotypes did you have of others when you were muslim?
     Reply #2 - August 13, 2009, 08:13 PM

    I hated Jews because I thought they hated me, thought Christians we're dumb and everyone who made a joke about Islam was a racist.
    Now my best friends are Jewish, my girlfriend is a Christian and I'm making fun of Islam... xD

    Council of Ex-Muslims of the Netherlands will be back!

    Never doubt that a small group of commited people can change te world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. -Margaret Mead
  • Re: What stereotypes did you have of others when you were muslim?
     Reply #3 - August 13, 2009, 08:14 PM

    Now my best friends are Jewish, my girlfriend is a Christian and I'm making fun of Islam... xD

    Lol, my best friend is gay and jewish and boyfriend a atheist. Can't beat that.

    Funny how things turn out Tongue

    Blind faith is an ironic gift to return to the Creator of human intelligence

  • Re: What stereotypes did you have of others when you were muslim?
     Reply #4 - August 13, 2009, 08:14 PM

    Not so much as a Muslim but in general I grew up believing that:

    Protestants = stern, strict, Bible-bashing, iconoclast, no-fun-allowed.

    Catholics = drink lots of wine, like to party and have lots of children.

    Then again, I was raised by a liberal Jewish-American mother!  Cheesy

    Atheism is a non-prophet organization.

    The sleeper has awakened -  Dune

    Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day Give him a religion, and he'll starve to death while praying for a fish!
  • Re: What stereotypes did you have of others when you were muslim?
     Reply #5 - August 13, 2009, 08:20 PM

    Atheists - I thought they were arrogant and probably had a shitty religious upbringing which made them rebel. I also thought that it was because of religions like judaism and christianity. Nobody can reject Islam though, the quran has scientific facts.

    Arabs - felt they were weak and corrupt and disliked their attitude to other Muslims. Their nations and Government in particular i mean (Same here)

    Shia's - Thought shias were deviant muslims and did strange things during muharram.

    Jews - well ... Palestine. Is there anymore that needs to be said? (I supported my "muslim brothers" 100%)

    Christians - Misguided and weak people. Wanted an easy way to get to heaven.

    Gays - Immoral and dirty. How could they resist women. I also thought they were soft as shite!

    Religion including Islam does this to you!
  • Re: What stereotypes did you have of others when you were muslim?
     Reply #6 - August 13, 2009, 08:24 PM

    Christians - followed scriptures that had been altered, and if they still did not like it, would alter it even more.

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  • Re: What stereotypes did you have of others when you were muslim?
     Reply #7 - August 13, 2009, 08:27 PM

    Jews - well ... Palestine. Is there anymore that needs to be said? (I supported my "muslim brothers" 100%)

    Maybe an interesting poll  cool2
    Do you (as an ex-muslim) support Israel or Palestine:

    Council of Ex-Muslims of the Netherlands will be back!

    Never doubt that a small group of commited people can change te world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. -Margaret Mead
  • Re: What stereotypes did you have of others when you were muslim?
     Reply #8 - August 13, 2009, 08:28 PM

    I thought that all nations were barbarians before Islam and that muslims taught people how to behave, wash properly and observe general hygeine.
  • Re: What stereotypes did you have of others when you were muslim?
     Reply #9 - August 13, 2009, 08:30 PM

    Maybe an interesting poll  cool2
    Do you (as an ex-muslim) support Israel or Palestine:

    I would put a third category in there such as equally right or deluded.
  • Re: What stereotypes did you have of others when you were muslim?
     Reply #10 - August 13, 2009, 08:31 PM

    I second a third option.

    Blind faith is an ironic gift to return to the Creator of human intelligence

  • Re: What stereotypes did you have of others when you were muslim?
     Reply #11 - August 13, 2009, 08:36 PM

    Done ^_^

    Council of Ex-Muslims of the Netherlands will be back!

    Never doubt that a small group of commited people can change te world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. -Margaret Mead
  • Re: What stereotypes did you have of others when you were muslim?
     Reply #12 - August 13, 2009, 08:49 PM

    Christians - followed scriptures that had been altered, and if they still did not like it, would alter it even more.

    I still think that. But for the most part, it seems like they're willing to admit it. 'Oh yes, er, that part of the Bible about stoning your child who curses at you - that was for that time and culture' and 'Oh the Old Testament - that is the old law, Jebus came to give us the NEW law.'  Even though I'm not Muslim, also I still think that the stuff the Shia do in Muharram is weird.  It is.  But the difference is that I no longer think they are engaging in sinful behavior for it and I also recognise that Sunnis have some weird stuff of their own (though not big on ceremony, were we).  

    Stereotypes I had

    Atheists were arrogant or they just didn't hear the message in the right way yet, depending on who they were and how they approached things

    Gay people didn't have the support they needed from the 'true believers' to struggle with their jihad, but I also had a problem with the gay bits in Islam b/c I just believed in my heart that people are born gay, they don't make themselves gay and I wasn't sure about saying 'Ok this is your jihad, and you've still got to marry someone of the opposite gender and just make a go of it.'  

    Non hijabis are slaves of the West who can't hack the struggles of the straight path.  Of course, I only started thinking this once I myself started wearing hijab.   Tongue

    Niqabis are bitchy.  I still think this one to an extent, but I admit it is based on my own personal experiences in life.  

    Apostates are weak people who were seduced by the easiness of the secular lifestyle and they are ignorant of Islam, and if they really knew Islam and what was waiting for them in the eternal hellfires, they'd come back today.

    Most Muslims are racist against one another and against others.  I still do believe this, again based on personal experiences only.  


    [this space for rent]
  • Re: What stereotypes did you have of others when you were muslim?
     Reply #13 - August 13, 2009, 08:54 PM

    I also thought that the failure of the muslims was either a trial from allah. Now I think muslims are just going through what the christians did 500 years earlier and are on the brink of some sort of reformation.
  • Re: What stereotypes did you have of others when you were muslim?
     Reply #14 - August 13, 2009, 08:58 PM

    I also thought that the failure of the muslims was either a trial from allah. Now I think muslims are just going through what the christians did 500 years earlier and are on the brink of some sort of reformation.

    Now that i put on the Muslims shoulders, the failures.
    I thought and still do that Muslims do not deserve power if they do earn it. They wish to be respected but rather than getting it through hard work, some would prefer to use fear and weapons.

    Blind faith is an ironic gift to return to the Creator of human intelligence

  • Re: What stereotypes did you have of others when you were muslim?
     Reply #15 - August 13, 2009, 08:59 PM

    Christians - followed scriptures that had been altered, and if they still did not like it, would alter it even more.

    Do you know how wound up I get when I am trying to explain to Muslims that the Protestant Reformation was a fundamentalist movement - rather like the Christian equivelant of Salafis - rather than Christians just changing their religion because of their whims and desires!

    Religion - The hot potato that looked delicious but ended up burning your mouth!

    Knock your head on the ground, don't be miserly in your prayers, listen to your Sidi Sheikh, Allahu Akbar! - Lounes Matoub
  • Re: What stereotypes did you have of others when you were muslim?
     Reply #16 - August 13, 2009, 09:04 PM

    I also thought that the failure of the muslims was either a trial from allah. Now I think muslims are just going through what the christians did 500 years earlier and are on the brink of some sort of reformation.

    I certainly hope so! 

    [this space for rent]
  • Re: What stereotypes did you have of others when you were muslim?
     Reply #17 - August 13, 2009, 09:12 PM

    I used to fall for some conspiracy theories regarding Jews. But I never hated Jews on a personal level - I hasten to add.
  • Re: What stereotypes did you have of others when you were muslim?
     Reply #18 - August 13, 2009, 10:05 PM

    Because I lived in a non-Muslim area in a non-Muslim town I couldn't stereotype others, I infact hated myself for not being able to fit in thanks to a Muslim name and a different mentality and having silly customs etc. But I did stereotype atheists as godless idiots with no morals.

    "I am ready to make my confession. I ask for no forgiveness father, for I have not sinned. I have only done what I needed to do to survive. I did not ask for the life that I was given, but it was given nonetheless-and with it, I did my best"
  • Re: What stereotypes did you have of others when you were muslim?
     Reply #19 - August 13, 2009, 10:12 PM

    I used to stereotype agnostics as cowardly fence sitter who were too scared to say either way.
  • Re: What stereotypes did you have of others when you were muslim?
     Reply #20 - August 13, 2009, 10:25 PM

    I thought atheists were idiots for not believing in god, afterall its not like you can find god under a microscope or through a telescope. ( Cheesy)

    I used to believe that jews ran the world through an evil conspiracy and were out to get muslims.
    I hated evolutionists. (Thanks Harun Yahya)
    I laughed at shias.
    I loved how the quran had all this science. Honestly if I hadnt found out about the Quran's great science hoax, I would still be muslim.
    For three years of my life I loved Zakir Naik and I laughed at anyone who thought what he was saying was wrong. Earth = egg shaped, ofcourse!
    Christians were the object of ridicule.

    Maliki yawm ul LULZ
  • Re: What stereotypes did you have of others when you were muslim?
     Reply #21 - August 13, 2009, 10:39 PM

    It seems that Muslim stereotypes of others/ideas are fairly uniform, probably stems from Muhammad's own misconceptions (The Quran is based on giant misconceptions from other religions) and the misconceptions that have developed since then. It's a shame, because it makes Muslim/non-Muslim interraction and cohesion fairly awkward.

    "I am ready to make my confession. I ask for no forgiveness father, for I have not sinned. I have only done what I needed to do to survive. I did not ask for the life that I was given, but it was given nonetheless-and with it, I did my best"
  • Re: What stereotypes did you have of others when you were muslim?
     Reply #22 - August 13, 2009, 10:49 PM


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  • Re: What stereotypes did you have of others when you were muslim?
     Reply #23 - August 13, 2009, 10:51 PM

    Atheists - arrogant
    Jewish - evil
    Gays I always had sympathy for because my cousin was gay

    Take the Pakman challenge and convince me there is a God and Mo was not a murdering, power hungry sex maniac.
  • Re: What stereotypes did you have of others when you were muslim?
     Reply #24 - August 14, 2009, 12:43 PM

    I used to stereotype agnostics as cowardly fence sitter who were too scared to say either way.

    I've always thought that about agnostics and still do.   Tongue

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: What stereotypes did you have of others when you were muslim?
     Reply #25 - August 14, 2009, 12:48 PM

    No, I've always lived and socialised in a multi cultural society so any silly stereotype that people try to tell me about other people, I knew was false from a young age, because I had non muslim friends.

    Plus my life aged 4-7 was lived in a childrens home being looked after by some lovely non muslims.

    If anything I would say that the more people tried to make me view other people in a stereotype, the more I rebelled and accepted tham because I hate judgement.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: What stereotypes did you have of others when you were muslim?
     Reply #26 - August 14, 2009, 12:49 PM

    I don't think there is anything wrong with that position now even though I'm an atheist. I think it's a difference of meanings. Agnosticism has more to do with "no knowledge" rather than "absence of belief". Most people remain agnostics all their lives. I think Carl Sagan was one.
  • Re: What stereotypes did you have of others when you were muslim?
     Reply #27 - August 14, 2009, 01:07 PM

    I've always thought that about agnostics and still do.   Tongue

    So if you cant see either side of the fence, which way are you going to jump?

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    My Blog  pccoffee
  • Re: What stereotypes did you have of others when you were muslim?
     Reply #28 - August 14, 2009, 01:13 PM

    In "The God Dellusion" Dawkins has a chapter about agnosticism. There is a scale there as well showing varying degrees. Some agnostics have theist tendencies while others have atheistic tendencies. IMHO it all depends on the weight of the evidence as to which tendency you fall into.
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