I chose atheist, because I'm not sure where else I would fit. I think that perhaps maybe possibly it is possible that there is some supernatural force out there, but it could be aliens from another planet too. I don't see any evidence of any gods, nothing to support worshipping and sacrificing for the sake of one, and ultimately I think it is really not that important. Not if you think about it. It would be nice if there was a mystical element to the universe, and perhaps there is in a way I don't know about yet, but for the most part, one thing I've learned is that mysticism is largely bullshit with pretty words.
+1. I'm an atheist when it comes to all deities from all religions past and present. The deist conception of god just seems like some initial cause that is indifferent and who must be extremely bored! Pantheism is just atheism sexed up. In that you believe that the universe is god. This ultimately denies god his transcendent attribute and renders him unworthy of worship.