* Boy, what is your name?
- My name is Babu.
* It is customary to mention Muhammed before the name.
* What is your father?s name?
- Muhammed Abu
* What?s this in your lap?
- Muhammed cat
Yeah, wicked funny, right? The cartoonist's intent seems to have been some mild satire concerning the Muslim tendency to name kids 'Muhammad' (though 'Osama' is moar popular at the moment) and not to rag Muhammad himself. Furthermore, the Koran is said to contain many examples of the prophet's love of cats (and loli). But, Islam being devoid of lulz and Muslims in general lacking the satire gene, all hell broke out again. The editor was fired, the cartoonist was arrested and the mob demanded his execution.
The court sentenced Rahman to two months in jail with hard labour and a fine of 500 taka (US$7.40).
I dont know what they are moaning about. I found the cartoon pretty funny and accurate