3 kings was a film about Iraq, I really liked that film.
One of my favourite films though is a South Korean film called "Old boy", great film!

If you like Oldboy, I suggest you watch the rest of Park-Chan Wook's Vengeance series. 'Sympathy of Mr Vengeance' and 'Sympathy of Lady Vengeance' are the first and last movies in this trilogy with 'Oldboy' being the second. I prefer Mr Vengeance as the plot is a lot more engaging than the other two films, yet I find myself watching Lady Vengeance more often(as it actually Wook actually had the budget to make this film as intended) because I like its OST better.
By the way, it is REALLY IMPORTANT that when watching lady vengeance you watch the Fade to Black version as it adds to the effect of the movie(I can't say too much w/o spoiling it).