Excellent work DS - I am so grateful to you

Book Cover. I quickly created this, but if there is anyone with good design skills unlike me, I'd like to see a proper cover done.
That looks absolutely awesome to me!! I love it!!
Disclaimer Page This is found in most books where the copyright info is located. I suggest that we use a CC BY-NC license which allows redistribution and modification as long as the authors name's remain intact and not for commercial purpose.
That looks perfect!
Great stuff. I really like the way you've solved the problem of the translators notes - which I left as just a load of these * on each page I translated lol - Good work!!

* I suggest that we add a page in the appendix that has a short list of Arabic terminology often used by the author. One that comes to mind for example is "mufassirun" (exegetes). If anyone is good at writing definitions please volunteer! Otherwise, I'll take care of it.
It would be good if we could have a volunteer for this - to take some of the load from DS (and me). I don't think it's a big task - just a list of the commonly used "Muslim-speak" words used in the book. I don't there is an awful lot.
* Added an addendum section which will contain the reviews that Abu Ali has translated so far.
* Added a
back cover page. Suggestions needed, not sure what to put there.
I think the back page with the quotes and blurb looks great to me.
* Hassan, do you want to put your real name on this? Or is the pseudonym Abu Ali fine?
You can put my real name: Hassan Radwan. I think it will help the book.
* I checked for the domain
www.myordealwiththequran.com and it is available. I can buy the domain from my own pocket (it's really cheap these days), and I already have hosting anyways.
That would be awesome! (But only if you have the means.)
Does anyone want to show off their web design skills and make a little page where someone could download the book and read a few quotes/summaries/whatever, and maybe a YouTube video?
Volunteers please!! (I know nothing about web design at all.
* Is the CEMB officially affiliated with this project? Could we use CEMB as a publisher name?
I know Maryam published something on the official website about it - way back when we started and I'm sure she'll be on board if someone could communicate with her about what we are doing.
Billy could you or one of the other admins/mods contact Maryam about this, please?
* There's a
resource on the MobileRead Wiki for publishing ebooks online. Some
folks at StackExchange also discussed this. This could be helpful to make the book more accessible. If we ever wanted to actually print copies of the book, maybe we could have some sort of crowd-funding effort. (printing isn't free...)
This is outside my sphere of expertise - so perhaps someone else could advise about this.
* I still want to get a proper Arabic publication out to. There are a few sources of the Arabic text now (instead of the horrible scans), like the
blogspot link Hassan found or the mystery word version found on a Christian missionary website. It would just involve a bit of copy/pasting, and changing the fonts, and what not. It's not necessary for the Arabic version to have all the additions of the translated version...
That would be great.
* If the author is famous enough someone could probably find his identity by Googling his biographical details. It would be nice to get in touch with him, if he is still alive, and let him know about this.
* Does anyone know if the Arabic version ever got published? Or if what we have is a leaked draft. I vaguely recall the Arabic title with a mark that says "testing copy" or "draft copy" or something...
As I think has been mentioned before (somewhere) in this thread - the author is unknown. I have tried googling him but I have not found anything we don't already have about him.
I strongly suspect this is not his real name and I also suspect some of the details about his life may have been changed slightly to hide his identity - which is of course understandable, but as I have said will no doubt be a source of criticism.
The book says Nuskha Tajribiyyah (or is it Tab'ah Tajribiyyah) - in both cases it basically means it is a draft - and I remember someone in the thread said it was refused publication and banned - but I have no more info on this.
Would anyone like to do some detective work on this and see if we can find anything about him and whether we can contact him?