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 Topic: just wondering..

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  • Re: just wondering..
     Reply #30 - September 04, 2010, 09:58 AM

    I don't try at all to prove Allah doesn't exist, I have enough education to know that you cannot prove a negative.  Its up to you and other believers to show evidence that Allah does exist, and you guys always fail.

    So, yeah there's quite a big difference between us.

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: just wondering..
     Reply #31 - September 04, 2010, 10:01 AM

    1. What proof is there your god exists? please provide it here. If there is no valid proof than why do you continue to believe in a god that made it so difficult for you?

    2. Is there any crime one can commit for which eternal torture is justifiable?

    3. If you support sharia law, then do you think it is alright that women and men are barbarically stoned to death int his period of time? if they are going to be eternally punished anyway, then why should god approve of such a painful method of dying?

    4. The answer to your confusion about why Allah would put women in such a low  position is very simple. Truly, with an open mind, look at the quran, and look at allah. Would any supreme being who created all the heavens and the earth truly assign punishments such as beating your wife? The role of women in Islam is easily explained when you apply the dominance men have had over women in the past. The quran was written by men for men in a time period where women were not exactly equal to men. It's all over there. Can't you see the patriarchal aspects? The way that muslims refer to women as not simply women but "their" women. A woman always belongs to someone. DO you ever hear anyone saying. "their men in the west are such chauvinistic bastards"? no, you always hear, "their women (in the west) are such sluts. they let them dress like whores."

    I could go on and on, but its up to you to not simply confirm what you believe already and search for answers that you like, but the truth. and the truth is painful, i know.

    there's no proof that God exists, but there's also no proof that he doesn't

    the only crime that deserves eternal hell according to islam is to reject Allah, anything esle can be repented for and can be forgiven.

    my islam teacher once told me, that God ordered people to be stoned to death in this lifetime, and He will forgive them int the afterlife inshallah, it' as an act of repentance.

    what people do and say, the way they act is irrelevant. and if islam was written by men for men, it wouldn't have asked them to respect their wives, to share their lives with them, to stop burrying them alive, or to go to their wives for advice
  • Re: just wondering..
     Reply #32 - September 04, 2010, 10:03 AM

    Yes, it would.  Men are perfectly capable of writing all those things, and human enough to feel all those sentiments about women. 

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: just wondering..
     Reply #33 - September 04, 2010, 10:06 AM

    Do you think that it is fair that someone will be tortured eternally simply for being born into and brainwashed into the "wrong" religion? 4/5 of the world are born non-muslims, do you think it's fair that god favoured you and allowed you to be born into the "right" religion, and all those other billions of people to be be born as kaffirs, making it less likely for them to accept Islam and be saved from eternal torture?

    a lot of people are born muslims and yet they do what's worse that what non-muslims do, and they will go to hell for eternity. some other people are born in the grace of islam and yet they leave it, and a lot of people who were born atheists, christians or whatever, choose to be muslims. cases differ widely
    it's people's own fault when they don't think about what they believe in
  • Re: just wondering..
     Reply #34 - September 04, 2010, 10:09 AM


    Its like paradoelia, I mean christians can see Jesus in wood bark, Hindus see Krishna in biscuit crumbs, and muslims see Allah in the attached pic. 

    Like Cheetah said, if you are looking to answer confirm your own desired biases, then you will.  Just dont begin your journey at the point from your parents inherited it .

    If you start from a clean fresh slate, well thats when you really begin your journey.

    i started my own journey, i inherited nothing from my parents about islam but the name, they taught me absolutely nothing about it, i'm making my own path that's why i'm telling you i'll be objective
  • Re: just wondering..
     Reply #35 - September 04, 2010, 10:12 AM

    my islam teacher once told me, that God ordered people to be stoned to death in this lifetime

    So you are are happy to believe that I should be stoned to death, even if I think this is my only chance at life, just because you think I will have a better life afterwards?

    if islam was written by men for men

    I believe it was written by a man for a better society & more united Arabia

    it wouldn't have asked them to respect their wives, to share their lives with them, to stop burying them alive, or to go to their wives for advice

    as I just said, it was not written for men only, it managed to empower men (& control women) in such a way that the religion could spread & flourish

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  • Re: just wondering..
     Reply #36 - September 04, 2010, 10:15 AM

    i started my own journey, i inherited nothing from my parents about islam but the name, they taught me absolutely nothing about it, i'm making my own path that's why i'm telling you i'll be objective

    Cool, thats the best way to do it.  Even if you accept Islam with even greater knowledge & conviction, then in my eyes at least your journey will have been worth it.  Thats more than I can say about a lot of Muslims, who know very little about their religion.

    Can I suggest you start by reading the quran (use the Pickthal or Shakir translation, who are the best & most honest translators in my opinion)

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  • Re: just wondering..
     Reply #37 - September 04, 2010, 10:28 AM

    we're not that different, you just try hard to prove Allah doesn't exist and i try hard to prove that He does. there are some stuff about islam that make me doubt i admit, but the answer is always out there and i have to dig deep to find it

    I don't have to try hard at all.  Matter of fact, I really didn't have to try AT ALL.  

    1.  My first language is English.  You say you don't trust to read the Quran in
    english, and yet, I speak VERY little arabic.  How am I supposed to understand
    the quran fully?  Learn arabic?  Unless I am raised in a culture with Arabic, I
    am screwed?  Of course, I memorized surrahs in Arabic, but had no clue what
    they meant.  How is that going to help me if I am just mumbling sounds and
    all the while I am wondering what it is I am saying!  

    2.  The chapter about Mary, the mother of Jesus.  As an ex christian, this
    chapter made no sense at all!  What did Aaron's and Moses' sister have to
    do with the mother of Jesus?  Both were named Maryam.  The chapter makes
    no sense whatsoever, and as muslims, noone would be the wiser since they
    never studied the bible.  Then it brings up Martha, Mary's cousin, and there
    it makes no sense either.  The stories are are all mixed up, and just randomly
    put together.  If you are going to study anything, please study that chapter.

    3.  There are ahadiths that discuss things that noone wants to hear about.
    Like Aisha scraping dried semen off of clothes, or how many women Mohammad
    slept with in one night.  How are things like this considered holy and sacred?
    The killing of geckos (or salamanders)!! You get jannah points for killing God's
    creatures?  There are only two species of salamanders in Arabia.  NEITHER are
    poisonous!   Then there is the healing with the fly in one's tea.  One wing will
    heal, the other will not. How do you know which wing will heal you of an

    I could go on and on.  These are just a few of the things that make no sense
    whatsoever, or information I really don't want to know about.  

    When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.
    Helen Keller
  • Re: just wondering..
     Reply #38 - September 04, 2010, 10:39 AM

    i also said that i don't understand the dominance for men over women in islam but i'm gonna look it up and fina an answer

    cool, when you eventually get round to it, answer these questions from my blog will y'a Wink

    According to the Quran, Hadith and Sharia Law,

    i)   (Quran 2:228 - Pickthall translation ) "and the men are a degree above them (women)"
    ii)   (Quran 4:34 - Pickthall translation )  “Men are in charge of women”

    iii)   Women have to follow a modest dress code and “should cast their outer garments over their persons’ Quran 33:59, yet men do not have to. 
    iv)   A woman according to Quran 43:18 ‘is a creature who in dispute cannot make herself clear ‘

    Prophet Mohamed felt women are lacking in brains, and the majority of Hell's residents are women  (Sahih Bukhari 1:301 and also 2:541).

    v)   When it comes to testimony in courts, women testify in pairs, as one man testimony is equivalent to 2 women in Islamic courts (Sahih Bukhari 1:301) 

    vi)   Also women inherit half as much as their male counterparts. (Quran 4:11-12)

    vii)   They are not allowed to travel without a male companion (Bukhari:1763)

    viii)   Women can only marry muslims and have a single partner (Quran 4:22 to 24), men on the other hand don’t have to marry muslims and can marry up to 4 women (Quran 4:3)

    ix)   A woman should not fast without the permission of her husband nor can she marry someone without the permission of her father, brother or male guardian. (Sahih Bukhari 5192)

    x)   A nation headed by a woman will never succeed, and the worst sin and distraction from virtue is by women (Sahih Bukhari 4425)

    xi)    According to the Quran in certain circumstances it is ok to beat your wife.  Quran 4:34: Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in their sleeping places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is great.   

       "Hang your whip where your wife can see it." (Hadith Musannaf, Abdul Razzaq)

     In Quran  38:15 ‘Thy wife; - on whom he had sworn that he would inflict an hundred blows, because she had absented herself from him when in need of her assistance, or for her words. The oath was kept, we are told, by his giving her one blow with a rod of a hundred.’

    Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 7, #132 The prophet said, "None of you should flog his wife as he flogs a slave and then have sexual intercourse with her in the last part of the day."

    And sadly even the prophet is claimed to have hit his wife.  When sleeping with Aisha, Muhammad surreptitiously left his bed and went to the graveyard at Baqi. 

    Aisha followed and watched what the prophet doing; when the prophet found out, according to Sahih Muslim Book 4:2127, ‘He struck me on the chest which caused me pain’

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  • Re: just wondering..
     Reply #39 - September 04, 2010, 10:41 AM

    I’m not sure I understand. If you think the Quran is the infallible wisdom of Allah revealed, and that Muslims shouldn’t be choosing between laws or rejecting some… why do you go ahead and do so? And why, then, do you call yourself a good Muslim? Do you see the contradiction here?
    You ‘find them’ very effective? Well, that’s cute, but the statistics prove otherwise.
    Well sure! It’s all about the riches, after all. I mean, a healthy relationship between a man and his four whores wives is all about the material things. We shouldn’t be concerned about how a mere woman might feel being one of four, as long as the man has the means to support all of them, right? Who cares about her worth as a human and her silly emotional needs.
    It’s spelled out pretty clearly in the Quran. On almost every page. You already must have at least a general idea about it. Be honest.
    The answer is: Allah said so, and he is most wise, great. Allahu Akbar! And all that bollocks.

    Not much of an answer, I agree. But that’s about the best you’ll get from such an arrogant and misogynistic men’s club.

     I mean falling in love. Young lovers who complete one another. Discovering new flesh. Isn’t this a natural, beautiful thing? To be so caught up in someone, to find true love, that the universe is realigned?

    What would you say if I told you I have never been married, and that I have had numerous sexual partners? Under Sharia Law that you support, what would you have done to me? But more importantly, do you think I’d deserve it? I’m interested in your own opinion, not regurgitations from scripture.
    I have homosexual friends. But I’m an art student, in a free country, so I’m not gonna have the same understanding  of how gays are viewed in your ideal society, though I can probably make a good guess.

    So tell me, what do you think of this: To me, in my sphere of existence, gays are just gays, not anything strange or special, just sorta as average as any straight person. Hell, I can even make jokes about them, to them, and they laugh and give me it right back. Its not a character flaw, nor is it a free pass to whine. Its no big deal either way. And then you step out of that world and its suddenly an issue. I read words like ‘homosexuals should try very hard to get all the psychological and medical help needed, and if that didn't work, they should be patient but never practice homosexuality’ as you so eloquently put it, and I just think what fucking century are those words dragged from? Am I on the right planet? It takes a while to process. The fucking audacity of it. Its absurd and insane. People should have already grown out of that kind of thinking and I wonder why they haven't.

    It’s 2010 already. Even the year sounds like its from the future. Lets get past the dark ages already. The Mohammedists and Christfuckers and all the other religious deadheads who think sexuality is a sin and same sex relationships are an abomination of nature have no place in the modern world and no respect from me. Their time is long past. They are fucking relics. They should be mocked and shunned, and their primitive ideas should left to rot in the intellectual graveyard of human failures. Right in between Nazi eugenics and the flat earth theory.
    Oh wow! I mean, how very generous! We can… we can live there, as long as we pay Jizya? Fucking fantastic! Sign me up! I’d love to be a minion, a lower class.
    I’ve committed a huge sin, then? What does that even mean to you? Do you think I am your lesser or your equal because of this? Do you think I am flawed or wrong? Do you just throw out the word 'sin' without even thinking about what it is as a concept, and do you understand how another person might see this as no more than an insult?
    They are different things -  massively contrasting ways of life, people walking on entirely different paths. How can they both be on the True Path™? It doesn’t make sense.
    What if people understand it, but they just don’t like it? What if part of the understanding, is understanding the vile and oppressive ideology that it is, and rejecting it because of that? What if they don’t even consider it a religion, more of a political and militant ponzie scheme?
    I wasn’t as concerned about the actual marriage, so much as I was concerned about the Prophet sticking his adult penis in her 9 year old vagina. Do you think this is a good example?

    no i don't see any contradictions, i'm not the best of muslims but am sure a good one, i do what i do because i don't have enough faith.

    what statistics? these laws are either not applied or not applied correctly.

    at one point, you say we should care for women's feelings, but then u go ahead and say adultery doesn't deserve pumishment!! and sure materialism is very important we can't disapporve that. from what i see, civilisation doesn't condemn adultery as it does to polygamy, why is that? polygamy is better than adultery in so many ways, as for me i will never approve that my husband marries someone else but many women will.

    love isn't prohibited in islam, as long as it's a pure relationship. if you have had sex with a person other than your husband, you would be whipped 100 times in islam, or as i said you can never confess and sincerely repent to Allah. it's not a correct thing to do and we don't need religion to tell us that.

    homosexuals are mere humans, they shouldn't be treated badly, but i won't approve the act, they brought us AIDS for God's sake that's how bad homosexuality is. principles have nothing to do with civilisation, i can't believe what you're saying, some people have sex with animals is that also correct?

    about jizya, why do u pay taxes to whatever government in whatever country u live in? or is that okay to you? for me they're pretty much the same principle.

    we all sin, even i do, i won't even have the right to look down on you, we're all humans.

    u said moderates and purists, that means both aren't commiting major sins, or maybe they are, they may be on the right path or they may not be. i don't even understand what's the poin behind this question

    she didn't get hurt did she? it was okay at that time, even girls grew faster that they do in this lifetime, or else, the non-believers at that time would have rejected it and rejected islam for such act, but they didn't!!

    at last, u said earlier that u left islam to become a better person, i don't see any good or civilisation in you, all i did is ask and answer with all respect and what you did was the contrary. insulting the prophet and Allah and christ and islam all leads to insulting me and my views. something that i never did to you or anyone else on here, i can if i want to but my RELIGION and MORALS stop me from doing so. so now i'm gonna ask you with all respect to please stop  Smiley
  • Re: just wondering..
     Reply #40 - September 04, 2010, 10:48 AM

    Bleh... what a fucking waste of time. I can't believe I actually spent time writing that shit for you to just scim over and dismiss. Typical Muslim robot.

    I'm not in the habit of repeating myself. Good luck guys and gals.

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
  • Re: just wondering..
     Reply #41 - September 04, 2010, 11:12 AM

    This is obviously gonna be like talking to a brick wall, you are worse than Nahda (some achivement). So again, just give us some proof that the qur'an is the word of god. We can discuss everything else after that.
  • Re: just wondering..
     Reply #42 - September 04, 2010, 11:37 AM

    Yes, good point as she does not seem to have any problems with Islam's morality  mysmilie_977

    Even if Islam does prescribe a good sense of morality, it still by no means makes it the words of God.  Otherwise tbh I would be worshipping Jesus or even Gandhi as a prophet .

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  • Re: just wondering..
     Reply #43 - September 04, 2010, 12:28 PM

    first you should believe that there is a god. if you don't believe that despite everything around you, allah has sealed your heart.
    quran is the word of god, and you should understand that when you read the quran. if you didn't understand that, allah has sealed your heart.
    I feel as if quran is the word of god, therefore it has to be the word of god.


    on a sidenote, my brother who is actually a very smart guy, but still a muslim, said to me:
    "maybe all these unbelievers are like npc characters in the games. you know, just there for the purposes of this test, and not actual humans." to compensate for the difference between his modern & merciful values with the quran he has to believe in.

  • Re: just wondering..
     Reply #44 - September 04, 2010, 12:37 PM

    homosexuals are mere humans, they shouldn't be treated badly, but i won't approve the act, they brought us AIDS for God's sake that's how bad homosexuality is. principles have nothing to do with civilisation, i can't believe what you're saying, some people have sex with animals is that also correct?

     Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

    19:46   <zizo>: hugs could pimp u into sex

    Quote from: yeezevee
    well I am neither ex-Muslim nor absolute 100% Non-Muslim.. I am fucking Zebra

  • Re: just wondering..
     Reply #45 - September 04, 2010, 01:05 PM

    To proof that god exist or not; it is a question of belief and this issue will never end.

    A question to Luna; when it comes to the question of Aisha, the scholars and Muslims in general (like you here) say that it was a custom from another day and age. So, they agree on that point and admit that the situation now is different; so why do they still allow these type of  marriage (like in Iran for example) if they we are in another day and age?

    You said polygamy is better than to have an illegal relation with another woman. But look in Saudi Arabia for example even those who have four wife, they divorce one than marry a new one and it doesn't stop. What's this? is it better? And all these bastards who go to Yemen and some other poor countries offering money to marry young girls and than leave them; and you know what it's mean in such conservative countries to be a young divorced girl. For some other Muslims living in the West (and I used to know some), they go in their country in villages to chose the most beautiful one just because they live here and have money. For me marriage means love and not doing as I would go in supermarket looking for buying a nice doll. Muslims did disgust me from Islam and made my belief weak. I just try since sometimes to separate the religion and the actions of the Muslims. Would be nice to see the scholars clean in their own house before wanting to clean elsewhere and that they stop to see every critics and question as a plot from the west or the Zionists.
  • Re: just wondering..
     Reply #46 - September 05, 2010, 03:45 AM

    Luna... you came here to understand why many of us left Islam, and then
    feel as though we have insulted you.  Just because some disagree with Islam
    doesn't constitute "insulting" it. I no longer believe god even exists, he was
    created by man because man wanted/needed to worship something, for things
    they had/have no control over, like the weather, and illness, barrenness, etc. 

    However, beating someone half to death doesn't necessarily make them repentant.
    You either are, or you aren't, whether you are found out and beaten, or not. 

    If you are suggesting that being beaten is incentive for repenting, then your
    walk in Islam is based on fear, not worship of god.  Does your god want us to
    love him for fear of the consequences if we don't? 

    Islame said: "Hang your whip where your wife can see it."
    (Hadith Musannaf, Abdul Razzaq)

    Oh yeah, marriage is based on love in Islam with a whip hanging on the wall. 
    Under shariah, how would you feel walking into your new husband's home
    with a whip hanging on the wall?   And this is dictated by Mohammad, as he
    "KNOWS" these things from god?

    I have also heard the statement "girls got married young in those days, that was
    the norm".  But isn't it true that they should not have sex until they have started
    their menses?  Then why did Aisha bring her dolls with her to Mohammad's house
    when they married?  Isn't it also true that once a girl reaches her menses, she is
    no longer allowed to play with dolls? (Idolatry).  Yet the "mother of Islam" openly
    played with them, with Mohammad's approval.

    When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.
    Helen Keller
  • Re: just wondering..
     Reply #47 - September 05, 2010, 06:03 AM

    I’ll never go back. Never. I would be a fool to. I’ve shed my skin already. My journey has only just begun, my journey of life, with new blood running through me, new verve, new growth, new days, and new hope for the first time - true, tangible hope and possibilities. And with Islam in my rear-view mirror, I have no regrets. This journey of life I am forever grateful for, and I can’t begin to describe how excited I am. I can only show those close to me, making the journey with me. And to those who accept me for who I am, and what I am, I will share myself, naked, unashamed, with arms wide open.

    Brilliant post Ishina, it was a pleasure to read! Nice to see you on the forum.  Smiley
  • Re: just wondering..
     Reply #48 - September 05, 2010, 07:13 AM

    no i don't see any contradictions, i'm not the best of muslims but am sure a good one, i do what i do because i don't have enough faith.

    what statistics? these laws are either not applied or not applied correctly.

    at one point, you say we should care for women's feelings, but then u go ahead and say adultery doesn't deserve pumishment!! and sure materialism is very important we can't disapporve that. from what i see, civilisation doesn't condemn adultery as it does to polygamy, why is that? polygamy is better than adultery in so many ways, as for me i will never approve that my husband marries someone else but many women will.

    love isn't prohibited in islam, as long as it's a pure relationship. if you have had sex with a person other than your husband, you would be whipped 100 times in islam, or as i said you can never confess and sincerely repent to Allah. it's not a correct thing to do and we don't need religion to tell us that.

    homosexuals are mere humans, they shouldn't be treated badly, but i won't approve the act, they brought us AIDS for God's sake that's how bad homosexuality is. principles have nothing to do with civilisation, i can't believe what you're saying, some people have sex with animals is that also correct?

    about jizya, why do u pay taxes to whatever government in whatever country u live in? or is that okay to you? for me they're pretty much the same principle.

    we all sin, even i do, i won't even have the right to look down on you, we're all humans.

    u said moderates and purists, that means both aren't commiting major sins, or maybe they are, they may be on the right path or they may not be. i don't even understand what's the poin behind this question

    she didn't get hurt did she? it was okay at that time, even girls grew faster that they do in this lifetime, or else, the non-believers at that time would have rejected it and rejected islam for such act, but they didn't!!

    at last, u said earlier that u left islam to become a better person, i don't see any good or civilisation in you, all i did is ask and answer with all respect and what you did was the contrary. insulting the prophet and Allah and christ and islam all leads to insulting me and my views. something that i never did to you or anyone else on here, i can if i want to but my RELIGION and MORALS stop me from doing so. so now i'm gonna ask you with all respect to please stop  Smiley

    AIDS came from African Bushmeat (Simian Monkeys) which had it in their blood stream, the people had open wounds and then they got infected with it, nothing to do with Homosexuals.
  • Re: just wondering..
     Reply #49 - September 05, 2010, 08:35 AM

    Oh boy. Welcome, I guess. Something struck me about one of your posts, luna.

    she didn't get hurt did she?

    Now how the hell would you know that?

    He's no friend to the friendless
    And he's the mother of grief
    There's only sorrow for tomorrow
    Surely life is too brief
  • Re: just wondering..
     Reply #50 - September 05, 2010, 10:25 AM

    And just cos somebody didn't get hurt doesn't necessarily mean that the action was okay, ya dig it?
  • Re: just wondering..
     Reply #51 - September 06, 2010, 10:51 AM

    I noticed this in Musilms(and me)

    They want Islam to be the truth, and when there's something that doesn't make sense in it, they say that there must be a reason behind the nonsense.

    Seriously.  banghead

    "Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well."
    - Robert Louis Stevenson
  • Re: just wondering..
     Reply #52 - September 06, 2010, 11:51 AM

    Then there is the question of Mohammad receiving the revelations from an angel
    in a cave (sounds similar to Moses receiving the ten commandments, doesn't it)
    Muslims say Aisha was a witness to this, but there are two things wrong with this

    1.  She did NOT witness this, it was TOLD to her by Mohammad.  She never saw
    or heard any angel. It was second hand information.

    2.  Her witness is invalid because according to Mohammad, it takes TWO women
    to have a valid testimony, and there was only Aisha.  

    When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.
    Helen Keller
  • Re: just wondering..
     Reply #53 - September 06, 2010, 07:45 PM

    I love the famous quote ''girls matured quicker in those days''

    In the 19th century, girls matured at 15. Today they mature at the age of 9 years and 10 months. He stuck his 40+ year old penis into a most likely undeveloped 9 year old. Even if she was physically able to withstand such abuse, what kind of knock on psychological effects would result? I assume you think its safe and practical for 9 year olds to become pregnant? :') Oh dear.

    Whether everybody else at the time did it is IRRELEVANT. Whether he instigated laws which gave women more rights is IRRELEVANT. The prophet, sending the LAST MESSAGE and setting an example for the rest of HUMANITY decides to RAPE a 9 year old.

    So, a pious muslim, follows the teachings of the prophet by sticking his cock into a 9 year old *as long as she and her father concent* YAY.

    If you STILL think it's okay, please GTFO, we don't talk to brick walls and we don't appreciate being told that paedophilia is justifiable


    Be yourself.
  • Re: just wondering..
     Reply #54 - September 07, 2010, 08:59 AM

    I don't have to try hard at all.  Matter of fact, I really didn't have to try AT ALL.  

    1.  My first language is English.  You say you don't trust to read the Quran in
    english, and yet, I speak VERY little arabic.  How am I supposed to understand
    the quran fully?  Learn arabic?  Unless I am raised in a culture with Arabic, I
    am screwed?  Of course, I memorized surrahs in Arabic, but had no clue what
    they meant.  How is that going to help me if I am just mumbling sounds and
    all the while I am wondering what it is I am saying!  

    2.  The chapter about Mary, the mother of Jesus.  As an ex christian, this
    chapter made no sense at all!  What did Aaron's and Moses' sister have to
    do with the mother of Jesus?  Both were named Maryam.  The chapter makes
    no sense whatsoever, and as muslims, noone would be the wiser since they
    never studied the bible.  Then it brings up Martha, Mary's cousin, and there
    it makes no sense either.  The stories are are all mixed up, and just randomly
    put together.  If you are going to study anything, please study that chapter.

    3.  There are ahadiths that discuss things that noone wants to hear about.
    Like Aisha scraping dried semen off of clothes, or how many women Mohammad
    slept with in one night.  How are things like this considered holy and sacred?
    The killing of geckos (or salamanders)!! You get jannah points for killing God's
    creatures?  There are only two species of salamanders in Arabia.  NEITHER are
    poisonous!   Then there is the healing with the fly in one's tea.  One wing will
    heal, the other will not. How do you know which wing will heal you of an

    I could go on and on.  These are just a few of the things that make no sense
    whatsoever, or information I really don't want to know about.  

    if you are willing to ignore true knowledge about your religion just because you are lazy or you think you are incapable then that's your fault. besides, you don't have to learn arabic, there are some pretty good translations out there, find them along with their tafsir (which is very important). i compare the translations u give me with te arabic text and i find huge differences.

    about mary, there are two different mary's in the koran, one is the sister of moses and aaron who is called myriam, and the other is maryam the mother of jesus. both had brothers with the name of aaron. but that's it they're not the same.

    at last, if you feel like you don't need to know some stuff, other people do, you can't judge like that. there are a lot of scholars who need that information to base their answers to people on. and the hadith about the fly in the tea, it means that one wing has a disease and the other has the cure for it, so you don't have to remove it from your pot becasue it will cause you no harm.
  • Re: just wondering..
     Reply #55 - September 07, 2010, 09:05 AM

    So you are are happy to believe that I should be stoned to death, even if I think this is my only chance at life, just because you think I will have a better life afterwards?

    i'm not happy for anything, when you are a muslim, then you u must follow it's rulings, Allah gave you the punishment for adultery and for everything else, so if you committed adultery, then it's your own responsibility that you did it.
    besides, Allah said that he's willing to forgive anything but infidelity, so if you repent sincerely He may accept it, and God knows better.
  • Re: just wondering..
     Reply #56 - September 07, 2010, 11:46 AM

    cool, when you eventually get round to it, answer these questions from my blog will y'a Wink

    According to the Quran, Hadith and Sharia Law,

    i)   (Quran 2:228 - Pickthall translation ) "and the men are a degree above them (women)"
    ii)   (Quran 4:34 - Pickthall translation )  “Men are in charge of women”

    iii)   Women have to follow a modest dress code and “should cast their outer garments over their persons’ Quran 33:59, yet men do not have to. 
    iv)   A woman according to Quran 43:18 ‘is a creature who in dispute cannot make herself clear ‘

    Prophet Mohamed felt women are lacking in brains, and the majority of Hell's residents are women  (Sahih Bukhari 1:301 and also 2:541).

    v)   When it comes to testimony in courts, women testify in pairs, as one man testimony is equivalent to 2 women in Islamic courts (Sahih Bukhari 1:301) 

    vi)   Also women inherit half as much as their male counterparts. (Quran 4:11-12)

    vii)   They are not allowed to travel without a male companion (Bukhari:1763)

    viii)   Women can only marry muslims and have a single partner (Quran 4:22 to 24), men on the other hand don’t have to marry muslims and can marry up to 4 women (Quran 4:3)

    ix)   A woman should not fast without the permission of her husband nor can she marry someone without the permission of her father, brother or male guardian. (Sahih Bukhari 5192)

    x)   A nation headed by a woman will never succeed, and the worst sin and distraction from virtue is by women (Sahih Bukhari 4425)

    xi)    According to the Quran in certain circumstances it is ok to beat your wife.  Quran 4:34: Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in their sleeping places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is great.   

       "Hang your whip where your wife can see it." (Hadith Musannaf, Abdul Razzaq)

     In Quran  38:15 ‘Thy wife; - on whom he had sworn that he would inflict an hundred blows, because she had absented herself from him when in need of her assistance, or for her words. The oath was kept, we are told, by his giving her one blow with a rod of a hundred.’

    Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 7, #132 The prophet said, "None of you should flog his wife as he flogs a slave and then have sexual intercourse with her in the last part of the day."

    And sadly even the prophet is claimed to have hit his wife.  When sleeping with Aisha, Muhammad surreptitiously left his bed and went to the graveyard at Baqi. 

    Aisha followed and watched what the prophet doing; when the prophet found out, according to Sahih Muslim Book 4:2127, ‘He struck me on the chest which caused me pain’

    "and the men are a degree above them (women)"

    He gave the men a greater degree of responsibility over the women than that of women over men. It follows that the rights owned to the wife are unnegotiable, whereas the husband has to give up certain rights. This is the actual explanation of Ibn `Abbas (companion of the prophet) according to al-Tabari in his Tafsir.

    “Men are in charge of women”

    'Allah Almighty means by the verse 34 of surat An-Nisa' that 'men are caretakers of women' in the sense that they are in charge of their womenfolk, in disciplining and guidance, respecting the rights that they [women] owe Allah and to them.

    This due to the difference in nature of men and women, not to oppress women, there's a really amazing video for abdur raheem green about this subject, it's called does islam oppress women, it's really amazing and realistic, watch it if you have time

    Women have to follow a modest dress code and “should cast their outer garments over their persons’ Quran 33:59, yet men do not have to.

    Of course they do, it is not so widely publicized as the women's dress code. Men must at least be covered from the navel to the knees with loose fitting clothing.

     A woman according to Quran 43:18 ‘is a creature who in dispute cannot make herself clear ‘

    Here Allah is talking about the claims of non-believers, their story how when they give birth to a girl, they get sad and kill her, they thought that girls are useless and can't defend themselves, and yet they related them to Allah, they're insulting Him in their own way of thinking. But this is never what Allah said.

    Prophet Mohamed felt women are lacking in brains, and the majority of Hell's residents are women

    The prophet explained the issue of lacking brains, it refers to the testimony of women in som cases, not that they're stupid or something.
    About the second statement, it's not an insult, the prophet said it to encourage us to do more charity, because women disobey Allah more than men do in this lifetime.

  • Re: just wondering..
     Reply #57 - September 07, 2010, 11:49 AM

    cool, when you eventually get round to it, answer these questions from my blog will y'a Wink

    According to the Quran, Hadith and Sharia Law,

    i)   (Quran 2:228 - Pickthall translation ) "and the men are a degree above them (women)"
    ii)   (Quran 4:34 - Pickthall translation )  &#8220;Men are in charge of women&#8221;

    iii)   Women have to follow a modest dress code and &#8220;should cast their outer garments over their persons&#8217; Quran 33:59, yet men do not have to. 
    iv)   A woman according to Quran 43:18 &#8216;is a creature who in dispute cannot make herself clear &#8216;

    Prophet Mohamed felt women are lacking in brains, and the majority of Hell's residents are women  (Sahih Bukhari 1:301 and also 2:541).

    v)   When it comes to testimony in courts, women testify in pairs, as one man testimony is equivalent to 2 women in Islamic courts (Sahih Bukhari 1:301) 

    vi)   Also women inherit half as much as their male counterparts. (Quran 4:11-12)

    vii)   They are not allowed to travel without a male companion (Bukhari:1763)

    viii)   Women can only marry muslims and have a single partner (Quran 4:22 to 24), men on the other hand don&#8217;t have to marry muslims and can marry up to 4 women (Quran 4:3)

    ix)   A woman should not fast without the permission of her husband nor can she marry someone without the permission of her father, brother or male guardian. (Sahih Bukhari 5192)

    x)   A nation headed by a woman will never succeed, and the worst sin and distraction from virtue is by women (Sahih Bukhari 4425)

    xi)    According to the Quran in certain circumstances it is ok to beat your wife.  Quran 4:34: Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in their sleeping places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is great.   

       "Hang your whip where your wife can see it." (Hadith Musannaf, Abdul Razzaq)

     In Quran  38:15 &#8216;Thy wife; - on whom he had sworn that he would inflict an hundred blows, because she had absented herself from him when in need of her assistance, or for her words. The oath was kept, we are told, by his giving her one blow with a rod of a hundred.&#8217;

    Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 7, #132 The prophet said, "None of you should flog his wife as he flogs a slave and then have sexual intercourse with her in the last part of the day."

    And sadly even the prophet is claimed to have hit his wife.  When sleeping with Aisha, Muhammad surreptitiously left his bed and went to the graveyard at Baqi. 

    Aisha followed and watched what the prophet doing; when the prophet found out, according to Sahih Muslim Book 4:2127, &#8216;He struck me on the chest which caused me pain&#8217;

    When it comes to testimony in courts, women testify in pairs, as one man testimony is equivalent to 2 women in Islamic courts

    As for woman&#8217;s competence to give testimony, it depends on the nature of a given case. If the subject-matter relates to transactions, then for the testimony to be admissible, it must be given by two women in addition to one man. The is based on the Qur&#8217;anic verse: 'And call to witness, from among your men, two witnesses. And if two men be not (at hand) then a man and two women, of such as you approve as witnesses, so that if the one errs (through forgetfulness), the other will remember.' (Al-Baqarah: 282)

    The significance of stipulating two women here in the above-mentioned verse, instead of one, is due to the nature of the case, which is somehow complicated and requires a certain kind of accuracy. Thus, for their testimony to be admissible, there must be two females so that if one of them forgets, the other can remind her. This is not the case for men. Should there be any loss of memory from one of them, the other cannot be a substitute; rather, the testimony will be straightaway rejected. This also shows the great respect Islam has for women.

    In case of crimes like murder and adultery, Islam makes it clear that, in principle, a woman should be kept safe from all these fields that may hurt her feelings. However, if no other one is there to witness except a woman, her testimony may be accepted in such cases in order to preserve the course of justice. In issues relating to women affairs, women testimony is accepted even if it&#8217;s given by only one woman.&#8221;

    It would be unreasonable to interpret this requirement as a reflection on the worth of women's testimony, as it is the only exception discerned from the text of the Qur'an. This may be one reason why a great scholar like At-Tabari could not find any evidence from any primary text (Qur'an or hadith) to exclude women from something more important than testimony: being herself a judge who hears and evaluates the testimony of others.

    Also women inherit half as much as their male counterparts.

    In Islam, there are three other cases regarding inheritance:
       1. Women inherit as much as men.
       2. Women inherit more than men.
       3. Women inherit while men don't.
    A Case Study
    As for the first case, when women inherit less than men, it may sound unfair to you, but let me explain the responsibility of men and women in Islam through the following example.
    If a person dies leaving 150,000 dollars and a son and a daughter, the son gets 100,000 and the daughter only 50,000. There are two scenarios that may happen after this inheritance is distributed.One is that both of them may get married. In Islam, the man pays the bridal money or dower gift to the bride. So the son will spend about 25,000 and the daughter will receive the same amount. Now both of them have 75,000.Then after marriage the husband is responsible for the household expenses, while the wife keeps her money.The husband is solely responsible for everything, while the wife is not required to pay a single penny. However, if she decides to help her husband, this will be considered as an act of charity.
    The second scenario is that they don't get married, or the son marries and the daughter does not. Even if the daughter in the above example remains unmarried, her brother is obligated by Islam to be financially responsible for her.If the woman is not married, still her male relatives have the responsibility to spend on her. If she is a mother, it is her son's responsibility; if she is a daughter, it is her father's responsibility; if she is a sister, it is her brother's responsibility.Even if she has no male relatives, according to Islamic teachings, the society as a whole has the responsibility to provide for such a woman.
    Islam is about perfect justice for both the man and the woman. If the son and the daughter get equal shares, this will be really unjust to the son.

    They are not allowed to travel without a male companion (Bukhari:1763)

    This is primarily unlawful according to the hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him): &#8220;A woman who believes in Allah and the Hereafter shall not travel for (a period of) a day and a night unless accompanied by a mahram of hers.&#8221; (Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim)
    Depending on this general text, some scholars are of the opinion that a woman should not travel by herself. Other scholars stipulate that her travel is permissible in the company of a trustworthy group of men or men and women. The prohibition conveyed by the hadith is justified by fearing that the woman may be exposed to mischief or temptation if she travels alone, bearing in mind that the dangers of travel were numerous in the past. Caliph `Umar ibn al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) allowed the Prophet&#8217;s wives (Mothers of the Believers) to travel for Hajj with a group of believers and sent with them `Uthman ibn `Affan and `Abdul-Rahman ibn `Auf.

    In the hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) to `Adiy ibn Hatim we read: &#8220;If you live long, you will see the woman travel from Hirah (a city in Iraq) to circumambulate the Ka`bah fearing none but Allah.&#8221; (Reported by al-Bukhari)

    This confirms that the cause (of the prohibition) is fear (of insecurity). If security is guaranteed and fear is no more present, a woman may travel, particularly nowadays when travel has become easy, whether by air, train or coach. In all these means of transportation, company is available and security is realized for the Muslim woman.
    This is in respect of the woman&#8217;s travel from one town to another or from one country to another and her arrival on the same day of her travel, whereupon she finds company providing security. If the journey requires staying overnight in a hotel on the way, or the journey is intended to perform a certain task that requires residence for a certain period, the woman, in this case, is supposed primarily to travel with a mahram of hers, or reside for the required period with a Muslim family in that country to avoid the likelihood of temptation or mischief the woman may face.

  • Re: just wondering..
     Reply #58 - September 07, 2010, 11:51 AM

    cool, when you eventually get round to it, answer these questions from my blog will y'a Wink

    According to the Quran, Hadith and Sharia Law,

    i)   (Quran 2:228 - Pickthall translation ) "and the men are a degree above them (women)"
    ii)   (Quran 4:34 - Pickthall translation )  “Men are in charge of women”

    iii)   Women have to follow a modest dress code and “should cast their outer garments over their persons’ Quran 33:59, yet men do not have to. 
    iv)   A woman according to Quran 43:18 ‘is a creature who in dispute cannot make herself clear ‘

    Prophet Mohamed felt women are lacking in brains, and the majority of Hell's residents are women  (Sahih Bukhari 1:301 and also 2:541).

    v)   When it comes to testimony in courts, women testify in pairs, as one man testimony is equivalent to 2 women in Islamic courts (Sahih Bukhari 1:301) 

    vi)   Also women inherit half as much as their male counterparts. (Quran 4:11-12)

    vii)   They are not allowed to travel without a male companion (Bukhari:1763)

    viii)   Women can only marry muslims and have a single partner (Quran 4:22 to 24), men on the other hand don’t have to marry muslims and can marry up to 4 women (Quran 4:3)

    ix)   A woman should not fast without the permission of her husband nor can she marry someone without the permission of her father, brother or male guardian. (Sahih Bukhari 5192)

    x)   A nation headed by a woman will never succeed, and the worst sin and distraction from virtue is by women (Sahih Bukhari 4425)

    xi)    According to the Quran in certain circumstances it is ok to beat your wife.  Quran 4:34: Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in their sleeping places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is great.   

       "Hang your whip where your wife can see it." (Hadith Musannaf, Abdul Razzaq)

     In Quran  38:15 ‘Thy wife; - on whom he had sworn that he would inflict an hundred blows, because she had absented herself from him when in need of her assistance, or for her words. The oath was kept, we are told, by his giving her one blow with a rod of a hundred.’

    Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 7, #132 The prophet said, "None of you should flog his wife as he flogs a slave and then have sexual intercourse with her in the last part of the day."

    And sadly even the prophet is claimed to have hit his wife.  When sleeping with Aisha, Muhammad surreptitiously left his bed and went to the graveyard at Baqi. 

    Aisha followed and watched what the prophet doing; when the prophet found out, according to Sahih Muslim Book 4:2127, ‘He struck me on the chest which caused me pain’

    Women can only marry muslims and have a single partner (Quran 4:22 to 24), men on the other hand don’t have to marry muslims and can marry up to 4 women (Quran 4:3)

    As a first wife, Under Islam, you have free choice and you are not required to do anything against your will. Consequently, you are not obliged to accept being a co-wife if it is impossible for you to tolerate. Many scholars affirm that you can state it as a condition in your wedding contract.

    As for men, it was biologically proven that are Not Monogamous by Nature.
    so Which is more bearable and respectable from a wife's perspective: to know that her husband is having a secret affair with a questionable woman (or women), or to recognize his lawful, public marriage with a respectable woman?

    As for polyandry, Since, in Muslim family, husbands takes the horn of leadership, if a wife has more than one husband, she would be placed under the authority of many husbands at the same time. This of course would only hasten to tear apart the fabric of a family unit. Furthermore, the lineage of the child borne by a woman having more than one husband cannot be ascertained. How would the father be ascertained?

    A woman should not fast without the permission of her husband nor can she marry someone without the permission of her father, brother or male guardian.

    In the video I told you about, he will explain why a woman should obey her husband, if it were within her capacity of course

    As for marriage, scholars differ in opinion, some say that the consent of the guardian is not a condition and some say it is, in either cases It is the job of the wali to marry the woman under his charge to the best possible marriage candidate. He must not be guided by his own desires nor by her own desires. If the person is acceptable in both his religion and his character and appropriate to her in some other way discussed by the scholars, then he must facilitate the marriage and not refuse it for his own desires or biases. If the conditions are not right, then he must refuse the marriage, even if both the woman under his charge and the man desire it. This is a grave trust and he must do his best to fulfill it properly and not bring harm to the woman and/or to society. Almighty Allah says: "O, you who believe, do not commit treachery against Allah and against the Prophet nor betray your trusts though you know." (Al-Anfal: 27)

    What about the case where the wali refuses someone on a non-Islamic basis? As was stated earlier, it is the job of the wali to act in the best interest of the woman according to the standards established by Islam. If a qualified person asks to marry the woman and he turns him down, then he is not doing his job. In such a case, the woman can complain to the judge or ruler and have her wali "fired" (removed). 
    Finally, a girl can never be forced to marry anyone she doesn't want.

    A nation headed by a woman will never succeed, and the worst sin and distraction from virtue is by women

    I looked for the explanation for this hadith and this is what I found:

    First, should the hadith be generalized or restricted to the occasion on which it was said—that is, that the “people” meant in the hadith are the Persians whose hereditary rule forced them to crown a woman as their ruler although there could be much better qualified men among them to assume power? For example, it is narrated that Ibn `Abbas, Ibn `Umar and other Companions stressed the significance of considering the occasions of revelation. Otherwise, there might be misconception.  This shows that the occasion of the revelation of a certain verse, or the occasion on which a certain hadith was said, should be considered to fully understand the text, and that the generalization of the text should not be taken for granted.
    This is confirmed with regard to the hadith in question, for if it is generalized, it contradicts the apparent meaning of some Qur’anic verses. To illustrate, the Qur’an narrates the story of a woman who led her people perfectly, ruled them justly, and managed their affairs so wisely that she spared them engagement in a hopeless war in which their men would be killed, their belongings would be looted, and they would get nothing. That woman was Balqis, queen of Sheba, whose story with Prophet Sulayman was mentioned in the Qur’an in Surat An-Naml (Surah 27), and who finally said, as stated in the Qur’an, (My Lord! Lo! I have wronged myself, and I surrender with Solomon unto Allah, the Lord of the Worlds) (An-Naml 27:44).
    Another confirmation that the hadith in question should not be generalized is the real fact witnessed today, namely that a lot of women have been much better and more useful for their nations than many men, and that some of those women are more efficient with regard to political and administrative ability than many of today’s Arab and Muslim leaders, who are mere males rather than “men.”
    The main objective in all cases is to work on fulfilling the common interest, regardless of gender. In addition, the interest of the Muslim Ummah does not depend on the gender of the ruler but on his ability to achieve justice, which is the main objective of Shari`ah-based policies. Where justice exists is where Allah's Law is found.

    As for the second statement, I can't see anything insulting about it.
  • Re: just wondering..
     Reply #59 - September 07, 2010, 11:52 AM

    cool, when you eventually get round to it, answer these questions from my blog will y'a Wink

    According to the Quran, Hadith and Sharia Law,

    i)   (Quran 2:228 - Pickthall translation ) "and the men are a degree above them (women)"
    ii)   (Quran 4:34 - Pickthall translation )  “Men are in charge of women”

    iii)   Women have to follow a modest dress code and “should cast their outer garments over their persons’ Quran 33:59, yet men do not have to. 
    iv)   A woman according to Quran 43:18 ‘is a creature who in dispute cannot make herself clear ‘

    Prophet Mohamed felt women are lacking in brains, and the majority of Hell's residents are women  (Sahih Bukhari 1:301 and also 2:541).

    v)   When it comes to testimony in courts, women testify in pairs, as one man testimony is equivalent to 2 women in Islamic courts (Sahih Bukhari 1:301) 

    vi)   Also women inherit half as much as their male counterparts. (Quran 4:11-12)

    vii)   They are not allowed to travel without a male companion (Bukhari:1763)

    viii)   Women can only marry muslims and have a single partner (Quran 4:22 to 24), men on the other hand don’t have to marry muslims and can marry up to 4 women (Quran 4:3)

    ix)   A woman should not fast without the permission of her husband nor can she marry someone without the permission of her father, brother or male guardian. (Sahih Bukhari 5192)

    x)   A nation headed by a woman will never succeed, and the worst sin and distraction from virtue is by women (Sahih Bukhari 4425)

    xi)    According to the Quran in certain circumstances it is ok to beat your wife.  Quran 4:34: Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in their sleeping places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is great.   

       "Hang your whip where your wife can see it." (Hadith Musannaf, Abdul Razzaq)

     In Quran  38:15 ‘Thy wife; - on whom he had sworn that he would inflict an hundred blows, because she had absented herself from him when in need of her assistance, or for her words. The oath was kept, we are told, by his giving her one blow with a rod of a hundred.’

    Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 7, #132 The prophet said, "None of you should flog his wife as he flogs a slave and then have sexual intercourse with her in the last part of the day."

    And sadly even the prophet is claimed to have hit his wife.  When sleeping with Aisha, Muhammad surreptitiously left his bed and went to the graveyard at Baqi. 

    Aisha followed and watched what the prophet doing; when the prophet found out, according to Sahih Muslim Book 4:2127, ‘He struck me on the chest which caused me pain’

    And finally about wife beating, also watch a video for abdur raheem green "what islam says about wife beating"

    "Hang your whip where your wife can see it." (Hadith Musannaf, Abdul Razzaq)
    This hadeeth doesn't exist, I can't find it anywhere.

     In Quran  38:15 ‘Thy wife; - on whom he had sworn that he would inflict an hundred blows, because she had absented herself from him when in need of her assistance, or for her words. The oath was kept, we are told, by his giving her one blow with a rod of a hundred.’
    This is a verse? I also can't find it, can you please make sure of the number of the verse?

    None of you should flog his wife as he flogs a slave and then have sexual intercourse with her in the last part of the day." 
    What's wrong with this one? The prophet is telling these people off, saying 'how can you hit your wife then sleep with her?'

    About hitting Aisha, you said it, Claims, the prophet has never hit a wife, in fact Aisha said " "The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) has never beaten a wife or a servant, and he has never hit anything with his hand except when fighting in the cause of Allah."

    There are many verses hadiths telling a man how to treat his wife with all respect and kindness

    "O ye who believe! Ye are forbidden to inherit women against their will. Nor should ye treat them with harshness, that ye may take away part of the dower [money given by the husband to the wife for the marriage contract] ye have given them, except where they have been guilty of open lewdness; on the contrary live with them on a footing of kindness and equity. If ye take a dislike to them it may be that ye dislike a thing, and God brings about through it a great deal of good. (The Noble Quran, 4:19)"

    The prophet said that the best of males is the best to his wife, and many more.

    About the story you included in which Aisha was hit, she wasn't beaten, the prophet pushed her from the chest to knock away the shaytan whispering to her, the prophet did so with many companions of his.

    I like you, you seem the kind of guy who knows what he's talking about, but yet you're spreading many wrong translations which cause huge misconception, and u have a complete blog for that, do u want to hold responsibility for this? Just make sure of what u r posting before u post anything

    All these information are from muslim scholars, I wrote nothing or made anything up.
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