Your post is complicated and you stray into geopolitical territory so I'll concede the point. Essentially, ideally I agree with you but there are issues of semantics that I don't wish to delve into here.
And no, why would you be mean. It would seem that people haven't realised that my posts are not to be taken literally; I endeavour to entertain the fantasy that I'm a provocateur of some sorts.

In how my post is complicated? XD
I just said I don't choose names for origins, or cultures, but simply because I like how the name sounds to my ears. It's very subjective and simple.
I understand your point at preserving cultures and stuff, but like I said, I don't belong to any. I just replied to you that some people want to keep their cultures with them even though they aren't religious, but you also have to understand that some people do not desire to keep any relationship between cultures and religions when they choose names. I think people are too sneaky and curious for no reasons when they ask questions about my own name. " Where do you come from? " " Canada" " No, but I mean...where do you essentially come from? " " Canada, but my parents origins are from Algeria. " It's annoying as fuck...because we could go on and on and I could say oh my grandgrandgrandma is French and this grandfather is blablabla. But that doesn't mean, just because we're from the same family, that we have the same cultures.

So huum...sorry I got carried away, but all what I wanted to say is that you also have to respect that some people don't care about their own cultures, their parents cultures and they do not wish to perpetuate those origins on names or on anything other things to their kids. It's a choice just like some people want to do so.