Ok, I am sick to death of ramadan already.
Know why?
because my bro who is living with me is fasting. Wow how that killed the mood in my house, he is sooooooo fucking miserable. Won't talk all day, sleeps in the day when he can, and walks around just generally pissing me off with all this islamic bullshit that is entering my house.
Asking me to help him figure out which way to pray
I mean he is a miserable boring fucker anyway....but add fasting and I hate the atmosphere in my house.
This is what i remember ramadan being like. Not all about how great it was breaking your fast with your family around, but the fucking misery of people during the day just because they can't eat or smoke.
Grrrr I swear, if it wasn't for my other douche brother living at my parents, I would send this brother back to my parents for the ramadan month just to keep this moodiness away from me. But nooooo, oh no, this year I have to suffer through watching it.
I know I am going to explode soon. This is bullshit man.