... you also support Gaddafi, don't you? Without a hint of irony?
I love Gaddafi, but Gaddafi didn't oppress the people of Libya when I was in Libya and when my family lived in Libya. Out of the 2 years I spent in Libya (I went many times where I stayed for months at a time in Sirte and Tripoli). I never ever saw any woman, man or child dragged into a police car for saying Gaddafi was a bad leader. During debates in coffee shops which my mother had with fellow Libyans. The amount of times I heard 'you like and support this pig, because he's your tribe elder and your from the same city as him'. None of these people got arrested or anything happened to this people Libya was free when he was around and getting better when the terrorists struck with the help of Arab nations and the imperialists. But Tommy isn't any thing like Gaddafi he runs a store in Luton and is a son from Irish parents who came to England for a better life, how can this man tell people "don't come to my country"? Tommy's group are a bunch of football hooligans, drug dealers, sex offenders, uneducated and racists looking for a punch up. The EDL have opressed the voice of allot of Muslim's who tell Tommy. Anjem Choudary get's all the attention from your favourite paper The Sun while people like me are telling you not all Muslims are like this. To be honest if I'd buy every one of the guys who beat him up a drink if I ever run into them. I support freedom of speech, the fact he's saying Islam is scum doesn't bother me. All religions are scum in my eyes, but his group of criminals and racist football hooligans are the real oppressers in my eyes.