To be honest, there’s no correct answer at the moment (since I don’t have access to deep computer analysis programmes). It’s simply a puzzle I made myself from a variant position in one of my own games.
ah Ha! that is how some of you guys winning the game against Chick peas. Clearly white with its extra Bishop & knight is in a very powerful position., if some one looses white game means he/she never played a chess game but learned it first time. .
I like the Bh6 move, because the pawn on g7 cannot take the bishop as it would put the king in check from the queen on g6. Unfortunately, it would go like this:
2. B×h6 Q×h6
3. Q×h6 g×h6
White still has the upper hand, but the winning advantage has been ruined. In retrospect, I don’t think it’s a particularly good puzzle, because I’ve tried a few moves, and get up to move 11 with no mate at the moment. Hmmm…
No.. that is not right move., better move for white is as musivore said
white : Q-g6 (threatening mate on Q-h7)
Black: forced to go to K-g8
white: Q-h7 check
black: forced to K-f7
white: B-g6 check
black: forced to K-e7
And from that onwards White Q, B, K, R will start killing every black piece on its way..........