A few days ago, I was having an altogether bad day. My car broke down, trouble at work, trouble at home. Just your average not good, very bad day.
I was walking home when the skies opened up. Great, just great. Still have a good half a mile to go and I'll be soaked along with all of my important documents. Would've called a cab but my cell phone was out of juice. I sought refuge from the rain at a nearby construction site. Knowing the showers in my area, once it starts it tends to go on for hours. I had two choices: walk and get soaked the bone. or stay put for hours. Neither option was desirable.
I was totally disheartened, totally worn, totally spent. Then, a idea popped into my head. What if I prayed for God to stop the rain so that I can get home after this long rough day? For the record, at this point, while still nominally a Muslim, I was entertaining atheist thoughts for most of the past few weeks, was spending most of my free time laughing at ridiculous 'muslamic' beliefs and practices like the saudi fool who was counting how many 'hand-maidens' each muslim would get in Jannah, and I haven't prayed for months(years, if it means regular prayers), and was just very disillusioned with religion(all religion) in general.
Still, at this moment of need, whilst defeated and depressed and sad and miserable, I got into the ruko3 prayer position and prayed. "Please, Lord. I need to get home. Please, Lord. Find me a way. Please, Lord, stop this rain"
Then, I blurted out, almost instinctively, "Please, Lord, give me a sign". What did I mean by that? I don't know. But I was just sick and tired of this meandering meaningless neigh-atheistic non-living. I guess I was hoping for some dramatic "sign from the heavens" that God exists. It was a plea. A prayer. Give me a sign. Show me you are there. That you are listening to me.
I was hoping that when I lifted my head from ruko3, the rain would stop.
I lifted my head up, stood up, but no, the rain didn't stop. Just kept on raining. And I became even more depressed.
A few minutes after that, while stuck inside the construction, I see a dude walking by with a huge umbrella. Aha! Even though I'm a very proud(not in the arrogant sense, but in the not-asking-for-help sense) person, I hailed him: "Yo, buddy"
He stopped. I said, " Are you going that-a-way(where I lived)? I was hoping I could walk with you." (the umbrella was huge, easily fit 2 people).
He said: "No, I'm going that-a-way(another direction)
My heart fell like a plunging elevator. Damn, I'm stuck. The no good, very bad bad day continues.
Then, he says: "I'll sell it to you for 5 dollars"
Great! I look at my cash and I have a 10 dollar bill. I give it to him and say keep the change. He thanks me profusely. Turns out, he's a transient worker(odd jobs), he's been out working all day and wasn't able to find any work which means he won't have enough for the bunk bed he rents by the night. Cost of bunk bed? $9/night. I gave him $10.
I offer to walk him to his destination with recently acquired umbrella, but he refuses. I insist, he refuses again, says he'll dry off when he arrives. I start walking under the protection of the umbrella. Not a drop of water comes through. For the first time in a long time, I'm
happy, like, natural-happy. Not alcohol-induced happy. Not just-fapped-to-porn happy, not party till the sun comes out happy. No, it was a happiness that can only be described as organic and inward springing.
Ladies and gents, there was my sign. Delivered to me by a hard-working workman who didn't know how he was going to come up with the 9 dollars for rent until he was guided my way. Guided? By what force? Those of you who are adamant atheists will scoff and chalk it up to coincidence. You know, the same coincidence that caused the Big Bang
I got home. The first thing I did was make wudu(ablution done before prayer) and pray Salatul Isha and Maghrib. Then I thanked God. Then I cried. Then I asked for His help. Then I deleted my multi-gigabyte porn collection. Some of the most clips to be found on the interwebz, guaranteed for a most-excellent fap. But I deleted them, without hesitation. Not out of any puritanical impluse or even moralizing, but out of a desire for a new life and a new leaf.
The not-good, very bad day had a happy ending. A long-lost Muslim just rediscovered his faith and the power of prayer.
I was home. I am home.
I wish each and every one of you the same happiness and tranquility in whatever way of life and whatever belief-system you choose. But please be humble and beware of the pitfalls of falling in love with your own intellect: herp derp burp