I am a fan of (as well as - slashes/dashes/brackets) of hyphens and apostrophes in exotic names i.e foreign. So goray can pronounce them properly. Like maddiyah could be better spelt M'Dia - which gets correct prounounciation and looks way cooler. Real name is it?Guess I am basically asking about your origins.
Rule #5: Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. Devour old films, new films, music, books, paintings, photographs, poems, dreams, random conversations, architecture, bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light and shadows. Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul. If you do this, your work (and theft) will be authentic. Authenticity is invaluable; originality is nonexistent. And don't bother concealing your thievery—celebrate it if you feel like it. In any case, always remember what Jean-Luc Godard said: "It's not where you take things from—it's where you take them to."
– Jim Jarmusch, The Golden Rules of Filming
It is late, got a bit else to write, want to answer fully, could knock up 2,000 words, I will try to do it justice im 350-500. Next time.
Meanwhile I will say I never come across the rules, never read any literature on film writing, only book I bought was to enable me to structure the layout on a script page. You may think is this guy being serious, yes I am. I entered the 'film world' because I had read in the short strips of the local paper that the regional film body was inviting people to send in a couple of short works, if successful they would be chosen to script a short movie - they teamed you up with a director towards the end. I only sent in a piece (which I thought was the best murder/mystery in 5 mins, like what would take 60/120 mins to do real justice, by including just the necessary scenes, even if it involved cctv at the supermarket, a real Tales of the Unexpected) and I only had written that because my sister told me Orange were looking for a script for a short movie and they would pay 10,000 pounds, I wrote it but found out I missed the deadline. So I had a piece to send in.
About 200 people turned up at the lecture theatre, there was nine short movies to be made, one female and I were the only new people, this is when you find out that the film world is incestuous, the same writers keep getting the freebies, I suppose the leaders(doing funded jobs) can't be asked to find real talent.
I remember the second meeting of the nine, each of us, had the previous week submitted three short pieces of ideas for the digital short. No one liked my murder idea, everyone liked the missing pens/underground bunker/bugs getting high on ink - mystery solved idea. My third piece was entitled three(should have been six lol) short shit stories and it was three stories about shit or associated with.
Out of the nine, the guy who I rated the most said - when evaluating me and my writing - well you can write.
I pissed off my director because I would not re-write for Johnny Vegas to play real life acting part.
Out of the nine, I was the only one chosen to participate in this further ting, where for free (well it was for me) directors/producers/one young dude were being taught how to write.
I remember the first meeting you had to go round naming three favourite movies. Everyone else comes with some foreign stuff, I remember saying Aliens and Highlander lol.
I got kicked off - three strikes/misdemeanours and you are out. One of those strikes was a little movie in itself. But I know for a fact, the team 'leader' was having his ear bent by his girlfriend who also had a wage at this film council typa ting. I never play the race card for personal use, but that bitch...