Your grasp of Islamic history is very poor. I will link you up with documentaries/articles by credible western and Jewish scholars and historians soon... Not saying it was perfect, but far better than has been credited.
Uri Avnery is a Atheist Jew: (read the full article)
For many centuries, the Muslims ruled Greece. Did the Greeks become Muslims? Did anyone even try to Islamize them? On the contrary, Christian Greeks held the highest positions in the Ottoman administration. The Bulgarians, Serbs, Romanians, Hungarians and other European nations lived at one time or another under Ottoman rule and clung to their Christian faith. Nobody compelled them to become Muslims and all of them remained devoutly Christian.
I really begin to doubt your grasp of Islamic history and history in general.
I'm just continuing with what both Quod and Zeca said.
Let me give you some statistics. Around year 1000 AD, the Byzantines made a census and the population was around 16 millions, around 10-11 millions Greeks. Now the ethnic Greeks are around 15-16 millions worldwide. The historians estimates that there were less than 6 millions Germans around 1000 AD. Now ethnic Germans make up around 150 millions despite the fact Germany has been through some terrible wars. You do now understand how terrible has been the Ottoman occupation for the Greek people? And even worse for Armenians, Assyrians, Yazidis, etc...
In Hungary where fortunately The Ottoman occupation lasted only 150 years, it's estimated that half of population has been enslaved, massacred and deported to the other Ottoman territories , and large areas depopulated.
That's how bad it was under the Ottoman rule for non-Muslims.