I’ll admit I don’t have the mental energy to go back and forth with you on this issue. If it weren’t for the fact that writing my thoughts out actually allows me to move beyond them, I wouldn’t spend my time on it right now.
Everything on this forum is for the sake of discussion and trying to invalidate or silence anothers voice since it doesn't fit your world view is disingenuous. You don't know the story or history of those offering their opinion - which is what these forums are for - just as those offering the critiques don't fully know the story and history of those being critiqued.
I have no intention of silencing your voice. You are more than welcome to post here, provided you follow the forum rules.
In full transparency, though, the seeming lack of regard that I sensed from your OP led me to simply put you on ignore. I realize I’m emotionally vested in this topic. Seeing it reduced to an abstract intellectual discussion on semantics, for me, is frustrating and adds nothing of value for me or people like me on the ground.
If your intended “aha moment” in the discussion is that while raising awareness, activists should not
inconvenience others, then I fail to see the value add and would assert that the history of civil rights activism is actually what “invalidates” your point.
Real allies does not been people that just nod their heads at everything you do. Challenge everything. Question everything. Acknowledge the progress that's been made and work rationally to make further progress.
Again, nothing of any real value or substance here. Questioning tactics in order to assess their effectiveness towards a goal is, of course, a wise thing. But what are you actually questioning here? Look at your OP. A neutral observer would be reasonable to consider it mocking and condescending at best. From my vantage point, it really does look like nitpicking - or worse,
picking on - just for the sake of it.
The idiots are those that state 'there is no racism in America' or try to downplay or excuse instances of police brutality. On the other hand, there have been activists that have behaved in the most disrespectful manner and come across as childish to the point were some people question the meaning/intention of 'black lives matter'.
Do you have anything specific you are referring to here? Were they actual representatives of BLM? How were they affiliated with the group? What did they do and what happened because of it? Was their behavior approved of or condoned?
There's a reason why people have stated 'blue lives matter' or 'all lives matter' in reaction to some of the incidents, which is were much of the discussion stems.
From three, alayhaa as-Salaam.
I am not going to throw the movement out because of some who went too far. I have too much hope for it. I am not going to drown out their voices with an insistence that so and so be included, because there is a specific issue here that needs to be heard. I will only benefit from a good hard look at policies and attitudes that discriminate.