I can relate to you, Iggy. I've lived in Michigan my entire life and every year I see the first snow come with a little delight, and a few months in to winter and I really start getting sick of it.
As for the Brits, I listened to the BBC today and it was a hoot. They said this is the most snow they've had in a few decades, and then had a few guests on to lament how horrible it is that the government hasn't allocated the resources so that England can handle the snow like other northern European countries. I kept thinking "why should they when this is something they only have to deal with every few decades?"
I went on Drudgereport and read an article and then the comment section and it was the same thing. As well as people saying the snow shouldn't keep them home from work, by golly!
We see the same thing here in the States when it snows down south. Everything comes to a screeching halt. To be honest, we in the north sort of laugh at them, but at the same time, if you're not used to driving in the snow, stay home! Hell, I wish some people here would stay the hell home given the way they drive in this stuff

Enjoy the snow, Brits!