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 Topic: Ban Hussein Ye

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  • Ban Hussein Ye
     OP - June 08, 2009, 02:31 AM

    Later this month a "dawah" (propagation) campaign will get underway in the UK. It is the first big venture of a new outfit, the Islamic Education and Research Academy, or IERA. Events are scheduled in Brighton, Bristol, Manchester and London.

    Have a look at one of the speakers - Malaysian cleric Hussein Ye (sometimes spelled Yee). He was trained at the Islamic University of Medina in Saudi Arabia and is considered a Wahhabi in Malaysia. This clip opens with an invocation:

        "May Allah help all the mujahideen, especially in Palestine, especially in Iraq, and wherever they are, who fight to protect human rights."

    Ye goes on to claim - in a speech delivered in 2006 - that America has "no hot proof" of who carried out the 9/11 atrocities. Then he slips in this little observation:

        "So, don't worry about the twin towers. We have nothing to do with it. The Muslims must not get into an area that you do not know. Do you understand that? I know, sometimes you feel, you know who was very happy when the twin towers have been attacked? A group of Jews was so happy in America, they were having a party when the twin towers had been burned. They had a celebration, they had a party going on. Why did they do that? We don't know."

    Here is some more general hate preaching against Jews and Christians. Two snippets:

        "Because the Jews, they have gone so far against Allah's commands. They like to do a lot of things that are very extreme. The most extremist nation in this world is the Jews. So if they used "extremists", it doesn?t apply to Muslims. It applies to the Jews. They are the extremists in the world."

        "If they want to kill, they kill, because they believe that they are the chosen people. They are children of God. The blood that flows in the body of the Jew is the blood of God. It is holy. And the blood that is not Jewish, they are all like animals, you can kill them and they don?t feel that it is a sin."

    In addition to participation in this dawah tour, Hussein Ye has another interesting UK connection: he hosted Yvonne Ridley as a "specially invited guest"  at his "charity centre" in Malaysia. Yes, this Yvonne Ridley:
  • Re: Ban Hussein Ye
     Reply #1 - June 08, 2009, 05:40 AM

    They should've banned Malaysian PM Mahathir first, he made many notoriously anti Semitic statements.

    The Muslims will forever be oppressed and dominated by the Europeans and the Jews.

    It cannot be that there is no other way. 1.3 billion Muslims cannot be defeated by a few million Jews. There must be a way.

    We are actually very strong. 1.3 billion people cannot be simply wiped out. The Europeans killed 6 million Jews out of 12 million. But today the Jews rule this world by proxy. They get others to fight and die for them.

    They survived 2000 years of pogroms not by hitting back, but by thinking. They invented and successfully promoted Socialism, Communism, human rights and democracy so that persecuting them would appear to be wrong, so they may enjoy equal rights with others. With these they have now gained control of the most powerful countries and they, this tiny community, have become a world power.

    Of late because of their power and their apparent success they have become arrogant. And arrogant people, like angry people will make mistakes, will forget to think.

    The West wouldn't allow any of its leaders to get away with such statements, yet it allowed Mahathir, this is  mental dhimmitude.

    Ironically, Malaysia which is only 60% Muslim, has pretty discriminatory laws against its non Muslim citizens, anyone marrying a Muslim is obliged to convert to Islam & apostasy is practically impossible-yet they feel its perfectly moral to criticize Israel, just like Pakistani terrorists in the Mumbai Massacre felt it was perfectly right to slaughter a Jewish family, it never struck them that they've created their Islamic nation by driving out far more non Muslims!

    Look at these pathetic stories of Lina Joy & especially Revathi Masoosai!

    Well, after all Muslims are the best of peoples(Quran 3:110) while non Muslims are the vilest of creatures(98:6), Hamas or Iran winning back Israel will only increase this conviction & these double standards! finmad

    World renowned historian Will Durant"...the Islamic conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. It is a discouraging tale, for its evident moral is that civilization is a precious good, whose delicate complex order and freedom can at any moment be overthrown..."
  • Re: Ban Hussein Ye
     Reply #2 - June 08, 2009, 08:03 AM

    "The West wouldn't allow any of its leaders to get away with such statements, yet it allowed Mahathir, this is mental dhimmitude"

    This is not Dhimmitude.

    In this instance Western intellectuals and leaders were not afraid of upsetting Muslims or Islamists they were afraid of upsetting white middle class liberals who are actually the most intolerant of all when it comes to political views.

    "Liberal" journalists at the Guardian or the BBC and any number of loud mouth political activists from Ken Livingston to Jeremy Corbyn and Jenny Tonge to the goons of the SWP and those who run our higher education establishments would of had their proverbial knives out.

    In the West there is a certain kind of intellectual totalitarianism which has crept up on us whereby certain liberal dogmas have been assumed as scientific fact. Any disagreement with these dogmas makes one a bad person.

    If you disagree with the feminist dogma that gender is a concept imposed on us by a patriarchal society then you are a misogynist. If you disagree with the liberal dogma that an open door policy on immigration is a good thing then you are a racist etc etc etc

    These terms are used like a battering ram to shut down debate and ensure that these dogmas go unchallenged. Very similar to using the accusation of Islamophobia to shield Islam from criticism.  

    Accusing someone of racism in print or screaming "racist neocon" at someone through a bull horn has a definite affect. Some mud sticks and no one wants to walk around knowing people will be whispering "racist" or even "neocon" behind their back.

    So if you disagree with the prevailing liberal view keep your mouth shut or else.

    To criticise Mahathir's speech would have been to openly demonise Muslims, pour scorn on a disadvantaged minority and it would have been playing pocket imperialist. Westerners reprimanding Muslim heads of state would be patronising and racist not to mention the support it would be giving to George Bush and the hated Israelis.

    Just as it is impossible to be openly pro Israel on most university campuses in the UK and America without being accused of racism, bigotry and fascism.

    To criticise Mahathir would have opened them up to any number of accusations.

    Mahathir was in an incoherent and scatter gun way attacking Israel which has become something of a 'must' in the liberal mainstream. So even though they might not agree with the wording, he was using their language.

    "oppression" that word will always get the anti imperialist leaning towards you with a sympathetic ear, he referenced the "Jewish Lobby" when he spoke about proxies and he reinforced the liberal dogma about white skinned "oppressors" and brown skinned "victims"

    OK maybe he should have said Zionists not Jews and he lost the plot when he criticised Socialism and Communism but Mahathir was on the right track comrade. We have to understand it is Zionist oppression that is the root cause of antisemitism so it really isn't his fault.

    "Mahathir is cool, move along, move along, nothing to see here"

    To criticise this would have angered some people and all it takes is for a handful of people to accuse you of racism or (shudder) agreeing with George Bush and suddenly you are at best off a lot of Christmas card lists and at worst shouted down whenever you open your mouth by righteous "anti war" rabble or physically attacked by people who sincerely believe you are racist.

    Best to keep quiet on these matters.
  • Re: Ban Hussein Ye
     Reply #3 - June 08, 2009, 08:10 AM

    This is a problem, & its a problem affecting not just the West, but other non Muslims in the world as well, especially in relation to Islam.

    World renowned historian Will Durant"...the Islamic conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. It is a discouraging tale, for its evident moral is that civilization is a precious good, whose delicate complex order and freedom can at any moment be overthrown..."
  • Re: Ban Hussein Ye
     Reply #4 - June 08, 2009, 08:36 AM

    Ironically, Malaysia which is only 60% Muslim, has pretty discriminatory laws against its non Muslim citizens, anyone marrying a Muslim is obliged to convert to Islam & apostasy is practically impossible

    The percentage will have been lower before, and will continue to rise in the future, the net effect making it harder and harder to change them back.  By this marriage law alone, this meme will grow from strength to strength in that society.

    My Book     news002       
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  • Re: Ban Hussein Ye
     Reply #5 - June 08, 2009, 08:46 AM

    The percentage will have been lower before, and will continue to rise in the future, the net effect making it harder and harder to change them back.  By this marriage law alone, this meme will grow from strength to strength in that society.

    It was 50% at the time of independence, marriage laws & other discriminatory laws have also made many Chinese & Indians flee to neighbouring Singapore, which is majority Chinese & has full religious freedom, including freedom for Malay Muslims, this didn't stop Malay Muslims from attempting a terrorist attack in Singapore, which was fortunately thwarted by the authorities.

    World renowned historian Will Durant"...the Islamic conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. It is a discouraging tale, for its evident moral is that civilization is a precious good, whose delicate complex order and freedom can at any moment be overthrown..."
  • Re: Ban Hussein Ye
     Reply #6 - June 08, 2009, 10:22 PM

    do you want to ban free speech?

    please read my blog, read how islam will win
    the clash of civilization.
  • Re: Ban Hussein Ye
     Reply #7 - June 08, 2009, 10:24 PM

    do you want to ban free speech?

    If they can ban Geert Wilders why cant they ban this scum.

    I hear what you're saying. You're spinning my head around.
  • Re: Ban Hussein Ye
     Reply #8 - June 08, 2009, 10:36 PM

    If they can ban Geert Wilders why cant they ban this scum.

    you agree  Geert Wilders  should be ban?

    please read my blog, read how islam will win
    the clash of civilization.
  • Re: Ban Hussein Ye
     Reply #9 - June 08, 2009, 10:41 PM

    you agree  Geert Wilders  should be ban?

    I dont care. But you cant ban him and not ban this guy.

    If they want to ban Geet and Mike Savage and other controversial idiots they have to ban this hate monger.

    I hear what you're saying. You're spinning my head around.
  • Re: Ban Hussein Ye
     Reply #10 - June 08, 2009, 10:44 PM

    I dont care. But you cant ban him and not ban this guy.

    If they want to ban Geet and Mike Savage and other controversial idiots they have to ban this hate monger.

    if you want to ban all i am with you

    please read my blog, read how islam will win
    the clash of civilization.
  • Re: Ban Hussein Ye
     Reply #11 - June 08, 2009, 10:47 PM

    if you want to ban all i am with you

    Well personally Im for free speech, but as I said if they ban wilders they ban this guy. They cant disallow right wing pundits and allow islamofascists.

    I hear what you're saying. You're spinning my head around.
  • Re: Ban Hussein Ye
     Reply #12 - June 08, 2009, 10:54 PM

    Well personally Im for free speech, but as I said if they ban wilders they ban this guy. They cant disallow right wing pundits and allow islamofascists.

    you dont want free speech for islamofascists?

    please read my blog, read how islam will win
    the clash of civilization.
  • Re: Ban Hussein Ye
     Reply #13 - June 08, 2009, 10:57 PM

    you dont want free speech for islamofascists?

    Why do we have to go round in circles

    I want free speech


    if right wing pundits cant have free speech, NEITHER can Islamofascists. If they can, so can Islamofascists. Since the govt has already banned Geert Wilders and Michael Savage, then they should keep up consistency and ban this guy

    Do you want me to say it in Swahili?

    I hear what you're saying. You're spinning my head around.
  • Re: Ban Hussein Ye
     Reply #14 - June 08, 2009, 11:27 PM

    Why do we have to go round in circles

    I want free speech


    if right wing pundits cant have free speech, NEITHER can Islamofascists. If they can, so can Islamofascists. Since the govt has already banned Geert Wilders and Michael Savage, then they should keep up consistency and ban this guy

    Do you want me to say it in Swahili?

    if you want free speech let every body have it free speech

    please read my blog, read how islam will win
    the clash of civilization.
  • Re: Ban Hussein Ye
     Reply #15 - June 09, 2009, 12:39 AM

    Why do we have to go round in circles

    I want free speech


    if right wing pundits cant have free speech, NEITHER can Islamofascists. If they can, so can Islamofascists. Since the govt has already banned Geert Wilders and Michael Savage, then they should keep up consistency and ban this guy

    Do you want me to say it in Swahili?

    What if it were the other way round? What if the UK had first banned Hussein Ye-- would you then support banning Geert Wilders and Michael Savage?

    fuck you
  • Re: Ban Hussein Ye
     Reply #16 - June 09, 2009, 01:07 AM

    The law is simple. It is illegal to insight violence. This is where is gets blurred. Is it inciting violence to demonise a group of people?

    Is demonisation the same as inciting violence. I say yes.

    Geert Wilders is smart enough to say that he is not talking about 'all' Muslims just Islam as an ideology.

    This guy is without a doubt talking about "The Jews"

    Michael Savage spews bile about "The Muslims"

    Jamaican dancehall star Bounty Killa openly calls for homosexuals to be beaten, stabbed and shot.

    In my view Geert Wilders should have been allowed in, the ban on Michael Savage was right and Bounty Killa should have been banned (he wasn't) etc etc
  • Re: Ban Hussein Ye
     Reply #17 - June 09, 2009, 01:23 AM

    This guy is without a doubt talking about "The Jews"

    what did he say about the jews?

    please read my blog, read how islam will win
    the clash of civilization.
  • Re: Ban Hussein Ye
     Reply #18 - June 09, 2009, 02:25 AM

    The law is simple. It is illegal to insight violence. This is where is gets blurred. Is it inciting violence to demonise a group of people?

    Is demonisation the same as inciting violence. I say yes.

    Geert Wilders is smart enough to say that he is not talking about 'all' Muslims just Islam as an ideology.

    This guy is without a doubt talking about "The Jews"

    Michael Savage spews bile about "The Muslims"

    Jamaican dancehall star Bounty Killa openly calls for homosexuals to be beaten, stabbed and shot.

    In my view Geert Wilders should have been allowed in, the ban on Michael Savage was right and Bounty Killa should have been banned (he wasn't) etc etc

    I wouldn't support a ban on any of them. Then again, I'm one of those irresponsible Americans who think people should be able to say whatever they please, short of immediate incitement to illegal activity, such as, "Lets go beat up some Jews right now", without the state imposing any restrictions on them. So I'm all for fascist thugs, racists, bigots, etc. spewing whatever vile hate they want without the state stepping in, but if they happen to catch a beat-down outside of one of their meetings...oh well. I say let them say whatever they like but remove the cordons of police protecting them.

    fuck you
  • Re: Ban Hussein Ye
     Reply #19 - June 09, 2009, 05:59 AM

    That's a valid position Q and one that I'm sympathetic with but my Britishness says that we need to stop people from demonising whole groups of people. Under your idea of total free speech would Bounty Killa be banned. He is a man who openly says gays should be shot, drowned, tortured and killed. Is that not overstepping the mark a tad?
  • Re: Ban Hussein Ye
     Reply #20 - June 09, 2009, 08:40 AM

    That's a valid position Q and one that I'm sympathetic with but my Britishness says that we need to stop people from demonising whole groups of people. Under your idea of total free speech would Bounty Killa be banned. He is a man who openly says gays should be shot, drowned, tortured and killed. Is that not overstepping the mark a tad?

    You damn Brits with your order and such *shakes fist* That's why we had to kick your God Save the Queen, tea drinkin and biscuit that isn't really a biscuit-eatin asses outta here.

    --Excuse me but I've been on a very weird schedule lately which involves leaving my hotel room at intervals for a few hours then returning to use it as an office. Right now it's 3:30 am and I just woke up because I have to leave for a meeting in a half hour. So kindly indulge my smartass anti-British rants and any other bizarre statements that may emerge from my keyboard--

    No, Bounty Killa should not be banned as it is not immediate incitement to violence, and, in any event, especially wide latitude should be given to art/music. Eminem has some very violent, misogynistic and homophobic lyrics, but banning him would have resulted in losing an incredibly talented artist.

    fuck you
  • Re: Ban Hussein Ye
     Reply #21 - June 09, 2009, 09:42 AM

    That's a valid position Q and one that I'm sympathetic with but my Britishness says that we need to stop people from demonising whole groups of people. Under your idea of total free speech would Bounty Killa be banned. He is a man who openly says gays should be shot, drowned, tortured and killed. Is that not overstepping the mark a tad?

    Wait, how is this "Britishness"?
  • Re: Ban Hussein Ye
     Reply #22 - June 09, 2009, 10:51 AM

    You damn Brits with your order and such *shakes fist* That's why we had to kick your God Save the Queen, tea drinkin and biscuit that isn't really a biscuit-eatin asses outta here.

    --Excuse me but I've been on a very weird schedule lately which involves leaving my hotel room at intervals for a few hours then returning to use it as an office. Right now it's 3:30 am and I just woke up because I have to leave for a meeting in a half hour. So kindly indulge my smartass anti-British rants and any other bizarre statements that may emerge from my keyboard--

    No, Bounty Killa should not be banned as it is not immediate incitement to violence, and, in any event, especially wide latitude should be given to art/music. Eminem has some very violent, misogynistic and homophobic lyrics, but banning him would have resulted in losing an incredibly talented artist.

    When I say my Britishness I don't mean that defending minorities from verbal demonisation is an exclusively British thing I just mean it's the British law as opposed to American law. I didn't articulate myself very well.

    Sorry about that Afro

    A lot of rappers have homophobic misogynistic lyrics and I love hip hop but Jamaican murder music is different.

    There is a big difference between a rapper calling his rival a "faggot"  or even saying "smack my bitch up" in his lyrics and real murder music. These are the kind of lyrics these Jamaican thugs chant.

    "Rude bwoays don't promote no batty men dem ave to die, Send for the automatic and the Uzi instead, Shoot them, don't come if we shot them. If a guy comes near me then his skin must peel Burn him up badly, like an old tire wheel. "

    "Burn chi-chi man let me see the hands go up. Let me see the hands go up, let me see the hands go up. Hang lesbians with a long piece of rope"

    "I'm thinking of a new Jamaica. To come that executes all gays!"

    "All faggots must die! If you fuck bottom then it's copper* and lead* No man should have another man in his bed"

    I could go on.

    Yes it's all very sick and tedious stuff but it's clear and direct incitement to violence and after 20 years of murder music in Jamaica gay lynching has become a common practice.

    When dancehall acts like this perform it is not uncommon for a mob to form and for people to be attacked for not looking heterosexual enough. You don't even have to be gay, if these mobs think you look at one of them inappropriately you could be kicked to death on the spot.

    I actually think Jamaican murder music is much more dangerous and spiteful than a lot of what the nutty Imams and right wing talk show hosts say.

    I have to say that this little debate stoked unwittingly by the shambolic Kope has really got me thinking.

    I'm starting to agree with both Q and Kope.

    Maybe Michael Savage and Hussein Ye should be welcomed to spout their garbage and we can defeat them in debate or have them arrested if they do what the Jamaican acts do and openly incite violence. Why Geert Widers was banned and Bounty Killa wasn't I shall never know. The mind boggles.
  • Re: Ban Hussein Ye
     Reply #23 - June 09, 2009, 11:15 AM

    Quote from: brucepig
    "I'm thinking of a new Jamaica. To come that executes all gays!"

    Wow. This is clearly beyond the limits of artistic latitude, I think.

    Islam: where idiots meet terrorists.
  • Re: Ban Hussein Ye
     Reply #24 - June 09, 2009, 11:25 AM

    Wow. This is clearly beyond the limits of artistic latitude, I think.

    Welcome to the world of Bounty killa.  Cheesy

    My current artist I thoroughly dislike, is one called Bashy who my brother listens to lol I could stab him myself.  Tongue

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Ban Hussein Ye
     Reply #25 - June 09, 2009, 11:53 AM

    Welcome to the world of Bounty killa.  Cheesy

    My current artist I thoroughly dislike, is one called Bashy who my brother listens to lol I could stab him myself.  Tongue

    Tsk tsk. No stabbing. I think these people must be rehabilitated instead. You know, tucking them into a prison full of horny neo-Nazis, for example.


    Islam: where idiots meet terrorists.
  • Re: Ban Hussein Ye
     Reply #26 - June 09, 2009, 12:33 PM

    I recently found these vids and I realise they are very pertinent to this free speech debate. It seems that in America you have equal opportunity intellectual intolerance.

    In America both sides seem to play the "discredit your opponent by branding them as something unthinkable" game.

    You have right wing teabaggers and Fox News accusing Obama of being a Commie and you have shrill over privileged leftists on campuses across America screaming "racist" at pro Israeli scholars like Daniel Pipes.

    Republicans brand anti war activists as un-American pinko's and liberals call those who agree with Bush or disagree with affirmative action bigots and fascists etc.

    Now as childish and retarded as this behavior is, in the free market of ideas you are free to call each other commies and fascists if you must, it's unproductive and snide but I can accept it.

    Sheesh I go in for it myself sometimes Q-Man you "anti imperialist goon" you  Wink

    It's the anti free speech act of forming a group and descending on a lecture and shouting the speaker down with childish accusations or the university administrators who decide that Ward Churchill or George Galloway are suitable but ban or fail to approve the likes of Douglas Murray or Ward Connerly.

    This happens on both sides of the pond as the left nearly has an intellectual monopoly on our educations systems.

    In the UK we have right wing papers like The Sun and The Daily Mail plus we have a few right wing shock jocks like Jon Gaunt but on the whole conservative thinkers and those that agree with them will not use bully boy tactics to close down debate.

    The left do it all the time and it pisses me off. Not only does it retard debate and drive floating voters towards the right it makes the left look shitty.

    The free speech and right to dissent that was fought for so heroically by the left in the 60's and 70's has to be fought for all over again accept this time it is against those very leftists who fought the original battles.

    Have a look at these video's and discuss.

    Bill Maher a liberal and Dennis Miller a conservative both commenting on this phenomenon.

    A genuinely thought provoking movie. There are 10 parts to it that can be found on youtube. I will post three. If you want to see the rest find em yourself Wink

    They are so righteous, so middle class, so fragile, so pampered, so offended and sure that they hold the moral high ground I just want to slap them.

    Not to mention that theorising white professor who thinks whiteness doesn't exist accept as a tool of oppression.  What a wanker. He needs a big fat slap across the chops

    Sorry dance

  • Re: Ban Hussein Ye
     Reply #27 - June 09, 2009, 12:41 PM

    Yeah, i agree with Nick Cohen, the left has lost it's way.
  • Re: Ban Hussein Ye
     Reply #28 - June 09, 2009, 01:34 PM

    Yeah, i agree with Nick Cohen, the left has lost it's way.

    Careful Frollo you may be branded a neocon and your reputation will not survive Wink
  • Re: Ban Hussein Ye
     Reply #29 - June 09, 2009, 01:52 PM

    Careful Frollo you may be branded a neocon and your reputation will not survive Wink

    I don't see how anyone can come to that conclusion. I'm a liberal in the classical sence of the word.
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