You damn Brits with your order and such *shakes fist* That's why we had to kick your God Save the Queen, tea drinkin and biscuit that isn't really a biscuit-eatin asses outta here.
--Excuse me but I've been on a very weird schedule lately which involves leaving my hotel room at intervals for a few hours then returning to use it as an office. Right now it's 3:30 am and I just woke up because I have to leave for a meeting in a half hour. So kindly indulge my smartass anti-British rants and any other bizarre statements that may emerge from my keyboard--
No, Bounty Killa should not be banned as it is not immediate incitement to violence, and, in any event, especially wide latitude should be given to art/music. Eminem has some very violent, misogynistic and homophobic lyrics, but banning him would have resulted in losing an incredibly talented artist.
When I say my Britishness I don't mean that defending minorities from verbal demonisation is an exclusively British thing I just mean it's the British law as opposed to American law. I didn't articulate myself very well.
Sorry about that

A lot of rappers have homophobic misogynistic lyrics and I love hip hop but Jamaican murder music is different.
There is a big difference between a rapper calling his rival a "faggot" or even saying "smack my bitch up" in his lyrics and real murder music. These are the kind of lyrics these Jamaican thugs chant.
"Rude bwoays don't promote no batty men dem ave to die, Send for the automatic and the Uzi instead, Shoot them, don't come if we shot them. If a guy comes near me then his skin must peel Burn him up badly, like an old tire wheel. "
"Burn chi-chi man let me see the hands go up. Let me see the hands go up, let me see the hands go up. Hang lesbians with a long piece of rope"
"I'm thinking of a new Jamaica. To come that executes all gays!"
"All faggots must die! If you fuck bottom then it's copper* and lead* No man should have another man in his bed"
I could go on.
Yes it's all very sick and tedious stuff but it's clear and direct incitement to violence and after 20 years of murder music in Jamaica gay lynching has become a common practice.
When dancehall acts like this perform it is not uncommon for a mob to form and for people to be attacked for not looking heterosexual enough. You don't even have to be gay, if these mobs think you look at one of them inappropriately you could be kicked to death on the spot.
I actually think Jamaican murder music is much more dangerous and spiteful than a lot of what the nutty Imams and right wing talk show hosts say.
I have to say that this little debate stoked unwittingly by the shambolic Kope has really got me thinking.
I'm starting to agree with both Q and Kope.
Maybe Michael Savage and Hussein Ye should be welcomed to spout their garbage and we can defeat them in debate or have them arrested if they do what the Jamaican acts do and openly incite violence. Why Geert Widers was banned and Bounty Killa wasn't I shall never know. The mind boggles.