That's my biggest concern, I worry about long term damage, maybe early sexual development because of this kind of exposure?
Then I worry that it's the repressed part of me making me worry about that in the first place.
This is what my head looks like most of the time >>

I think you shouldn't worry! I know what you mean about the repressed side taking over a little, but I did pretty much the same thing. As a kid I found the whole sex, kissing ..etc something special that grown ups did and children weren't allowed to see. So when I got the chance I would watch them scenes, and I even experimented with other children, which as a grew up I felt bad even thinking about and thought there was something wrong with me! I've talked to other people about these things and one guy told me that he used to have sex when he was a kid. But they didn't know it was sex, it was just a game...Oh btw he was from Pakistan. I founf that extremely wierd, as he admitted that he lived in a repressed society.