Well I shall reserve my complete judgment about him until I have explored him more thoroughly, but the lectures have said many times that Nietzsche is grossly misunderstood and misused and he cited the idea of the superman as being a case in point.
Besides - unlike religion where one has to defend the shitty bits - Nietzsche is not a Prophet of God nor a religion - so I can take what I want and reject what I want.
All the philosophers, from Plato to Aristotle, Omar Khayyam, Lao Tzu, Gautama Siddharta, Confucious, to Kant, Wittgentstein, Sartre, Camus and Neitzsche and all the rest living or dead, were full of many insights and questions and even some answers about life, the universe, and the human condition. None of them, and especially not the allegedly "divinely inspired" philosophers (Jesus, Mohammed etc.) need to be taken as 100% right, or considered "infallible". That's where the danger lies, to start considering a human being as somehow perfect and incapable of mistakes or "purified" of the human qualities of greed, narcissism, selfishness, power-mongering and insecurity.
That doesn't mean we can't learn what we need to learn to expand our own understanding of the riddle of existence, as long as we don't get caught in the trap of expecting any 1 person to become our "salvation" or for any 1 person to have "all the answers". If there is any "truth", it is not concentrated in any 1 individual but accessible to most of us inside our own consciousness. A wise person learns from everyone but doesn't blindly follow anyone. I think we are not here in this life to follow anyone, we're here to gather wisdom from every experience and from each other, and try to synthesize it as best as we ourselves can understand and articulate it if we want, to others, without becoming lords and masters over others. But ultimately, we are all human, and so were the greatest minds that ever lived, not to mention, they were *ALL* products of their own times. They made mistakes, but we can learn from their mistakes as well as from their achievements and their insightful words. It's just crucial to never become a worshipper of another human, whether dead or alive.