Re: Eugenics - What level of selective human breeding would you accept?
Reply #31 - February 16, 2010, 01:46 AM
(In response to Tut) your behaivour, it shows that coming from an upper-status family doesn't mean shit. So your class prejudice against others also doesn't reflect behaivour and ethics, I live right now in a very white working class area, I feel safe going out at night and never hear a peep from the streets, I haven't been robbed or even worried once. Last year I rented a house in an uptown area, upper-middle class, I was beaten up 3 times, I witnessed about 7 drug deals in a period of 3 weeks (happening right outside my house) and joy riders would blare music (rich guys) at all hours of the night, I also had a brick thrown through the window for arguing with my neighbour about garbage
Again, it doesn't reflect on shit, sure, crime can be caused by socio-economic reasons, but also, people are often either good or rotten-regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, culture or wealth.
I hear what you're saying. You're spinning my head around.