Good idea Charles... here's a good example on the difference between members here and at FFI.
Cassie said:'s what I call a rabid dog barking... She basically is repeating the fucking neocon crap that Muslim countries like oil-rich *Iraq* should be bombed, anyway, lest Muslims dare committ terrorist acts in the West... they're ignoring the fact that the West can deport all Muslims or at the very least ban Muslim immigration/visits to get rid of terrorism on their soil... but no, the pigs prefer to terrorize whole countries like they did to Iraq. And when was Iraq plagued with terrorism, anyway? After the filthy US army invaded Iraq.
PS. I don't mind the war in Afghanistan, because 9/11 was the responsibility of the Taliban government.
It is up to the Muslims who are there to take up the issue with her, and they HAVE been countering her. The Muslims or ex-Muslims who did not challenge her on her views do not necessarily agree with her.
The deportation of Muslims is not easy to accomplish; they did not steal their way in to those countries. A country will have to modify its constitution with retrospective effect. Then there is the question of appearing (for the damn politicians) just and non-xenophobic. But the way right wing parties are gaining ascendancy, deportation, and eventual barring, of Muslims is not ruled out completely. Muslims in the west must have a rethink on their behavior, but I know that you already agree with me here.
The question, as far as the forum of FFI is concerned, to be asked is that why Muslims like you shy away from countering her? She is not having her finger on the nuclear button, does she? MBL did answer your questions regarding Iraq invasion, and you left that discussion apparently satisfied or answerless.
Does FFI have any ex-Muslims? It has. Why they don't object to those posts? Is it because they are cowed down? I don't think so simply because a person who has the courage to denounce the cultic influence of Islam, can't be cowed down by some anonymous person posting on the internet.
It is easy to criticize a forum, any forum, by cherry picking certain posts. One could point out to Q-Man's post referring to SNB's mother. That kind of comment is not tolerated at FFI no matter what.