Re: Ex-Muslim voices
Reply #33 - March 22, 2010, 01:47 PM
maybe 'not interesting' isnt quite the reason, could it simply be that screaming Islamoheads,raging Englunders and outraged priests ( yes we buggered thousands of kids ,but that is no reason to be impolite about my religion !! ) get more ratings and are then deemed more interesting?.
It could also be the 2 dimensional political mindset of broadcasters ,where they feel they have to show 'both' sides of an argument,as if each arguement can only have two sides instead of the myriad of positions between or beyond the two put forward.
I think though that to get your own points of view out there these days its not just about the importance or strength of what you have to say but also how media savvy you can be. Its pile of steaming shite of a media we have,howver you can stand at the sidelines indignant or use their own methods against them and do your shouting from within.
According to the polls only 1.6 % of Americans are athiests. So what gives you the right to call the other 80% morons?'