Your tone towards another member in that post, which was quite uncalled for I might add, is what started this latest bunfight.
I've seen others use this kind of tone countless times or I won't have done it myself. If I point out others who've done similar things, will they also be punished, if I was/am to be punished for this?
Also this was directed at the guy who called Bill Maher a closet jew, not at Q, so I don't see how it means I started a fight with Q?
And for your information, Jewishness is traditionally traced through the female line, not the male. Q is quite right that it is Maher's mother that makes him Jewish, and also quite right that Maher does not identify as a Jew in religious terms but only in ethnic terms. Now you know.
Ok, thanks for explaining this, if Q had done it in the same way without calling me an idiot then there'd be none of me retaliating.