Hey Jinn

What do you think of marriage?
If you could, which part of your body would you change?
Is there anything -body, character, talent etc-- you really feel insecure about despite that people say, think otherwise? --sorry couldn't phrase it better, excuse my poor English

Would you consider yourself having a certain preferable type for men?
Do you think I should consider having kids? I cant decide , lol
I am jealous that you traveled so much. What are you usually jealous about ? Dont tell me you are never jealous, I dont mean jealous as in a bad way

What's your favorite perfume ? I have got quiet a collection

Which actor you find hottest?
Do you also -like many others -think Rihanna's ass is hot?
What do you think about all that bashing about skinny people on forums, blogs etc? Do you think some big/fat people are just overreacting, by going all like ewww etc even for naturally skinny people who are completely healthy and not anorexic? Do you think it is unfair to them?
Lol I should probably stop before I look retarded any further ahahhaha

hey sweetie! wow.. let me try to answer all these lol
Marriage: I think it can be wonderful but takes much work on both
people to make it worthwhile. I am a hopeless romantic, so I always
HOPE people's marriages work out

If I could change a part of my body, it would be my entire head and neck, except
for my eyes. I LIKE my eyes hehe. Because of some pretty severe injuries
over the years, my neck has tried to compensate for broken bones, and the
muscles grew bigger than normal, so it looks liI ke i have a footballer's neck

Yes, I have insecurities about how I look. I also tend to be taken advantage of
very easily, and its frustrating.
Type of men... woo! I like men with some meat on them! LOL Like healthy,
and muscular, but not like body builders. I also like taller men, although I
have dated guys shorter than me, but it made me feel awkward.
Should YOU have kids? Oh my! that is totally up to you! LOL I wanted lots
of children but never had any. *I did have two when i was really young, but
lost them both while pregnant...i was devistated!*
Jealousy. Yikes! I can get fiercely jealous when folks try to get in between
me and my man! I would do everything not to let on to him, I am jealous
though LOL. Not that it ever worked hahahaha
Perfume... I collect perfume, too! It has varied over the years. I went thru
phases. Normally, I am drawn to oriental and spicy perfumes, like Ralph Lauren,
Opium, Cinnabar, sandalwood, patchouli, but also like Angel, Pheremone,
Lalique, etc. I adore OLD perfume, because most of the good ones had a real
ambergris base, and they last forever. I also like oud! But it has to be a high
quality oud for me to wear it. I have some loose oud that I burn, and it smells
sooooo good!
The hottest actor, if I had to name one, would be Johnnie Depp. Especially
in "Chocolat" omg.. he was sooo hawt in that movie lol! He is too slight of
build for my taste, but I still think he is nice eye candy and sexy as hell!

Rhianna's ass.... well, honestly, i never really looked at it LOL. But I do
like her voice!
Skinny People. I try not to judge anyone by outward appearance. I think
its wrong to "bash" anyone, skinny or not. My dad instilled this in us at
a very young age, to respect every individual until they PROVE otherwise.
Do I ever stray from that? I have, yes lol. But I still try my best to live
by that.