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 Topic: Your bucket list

 (Read 7372 times)
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  • Your bucket list
     Reply #30 - April 27, 2013, 04:05 AM

    2. Paint a masterpiece ^.^

    "Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." - Viktor E. Frankl

    'Life is just the extreme expression of complex chemistry' - Neil deGrasse Tyson
  • Your bucket list
     Reply #31 - September 20, 2013, 10:27 AM

    Lets see:
    Dye my hair egyptian plum
    Get black eye contacts
    Get a treehouse
    Travel to every continent.
    Trying to taste some pork
    Eating some KFC.

  • Your bucket list
     Reply #32 - September 20, 2013, 10:32 AM

    My Bucket list

    1) Organize some photographic safaris in Kenya
    2) Do a horseback safari in Africa
    3) Buy and train my own Harris hawk and get into falconry
    4) Enter an equestrian competition
    5) Participate in an endurance race on horseback in Dubai
    6) Get a hard flat stomach with somewhat of a six pack on it (move this to the top of the list)
    7) Get involved in conservation work again in India or anywhere in east asia
    Cool Go hunting with golden eagles with the Kazakh horsemen

    Ill probably add to this list. It seems never ending Smiley

    Your utter coolness and ambition makes me want to be a better man. Think I’d better go and revise my list!
  • Your bucket list
     Reply #33 - September 20, 2013, 11:15 AM

    Win lottery--> record a really bad song and album called "Dog Fucker"--> use my wealth to self-promote a tour of small clubs and folk societies billing myself as a feminist folk band--> go lots of drugs before the performance--> offend audience--> go home, do more drugs

    fuck you
  • Your bucket list
     Reply #34 - September 20, 2013, 01:31 PM

    Love more..> be loved more..> use my brain better..> continue to avoid gainful employment..> become the Colonel's dealer.
  • Your bucket list
     Reply #35 - September 20, 2013, 05:38 PM

    1. Meeting fellow CEMBers
    2. Holiday in Bali ( Honeymoon as I never had one )
    3. Take part in the World Series of Poker tour in Las Vegas
    4. Learn to dance with my wife ( I have no rhythm )
    5. Skydive
    6. Swim in the Great Barrier Reef
    7. Rio Carnival
    8. Island hopping in the gulf of Thailand

    The list is ongoing ........

    Going to Mauritius for my 11th anniversary tomorrow, so that will replace number 2 on my list Smiley
  • Your bucket list
     Reply #36 - September 20, 2013, 06:41 PM

    1. To Love
    2. To be Loved
    3. To have Children
    4. To find Her
    5. To be Accepted
    6. To provide as best as I can for my Loved Ones

     If I achieve all of the above I will die contented, even if ignorant of what the heck this life business was about. Smiley

    No free mixing of the sexes is permitted on these forums or via PM or the various chat groups that are operating.

    Women must write modestly and all men must lower their case.!
  • Your bucket list
     Reply #37 - September 20, 2013, 06:59 PM

    Aww Jedi  far away hug come here
    I must of been thinking of the wrong person, I thought you were married Jedi

    I've already done a skydive, but I've love to do it again.

    1: To live or work abroad Middle East (for the tax free money, and some of the experience)
    2: To live or work abroad Far East Asia (Just because I want to)
    3: See Northern lights
    4: Go to Rio de Janeiro Carnival (so those that put that take me with you)
    5: Find the one lol

    I could go on forever of things I'd like to do... Oh lemme just chuck in

    6: Ride a milk float and help the milk man

    "Make anyone believe their own knowledge and logic is insufficient and you'll have a puppet susceptible to manipulation."
  • Your bucket list
     Reply #38 - September 20, 2013, 07:32 PM

    Aww Jedi  far away hug come here
    I must of been thinking of the wrong person, I thought you were married Jedi

    What gave you that impression blud?

    I iz 2 hot 2 handle innit?

    Not.  Roll Eyes

    No free mixing of the sexes is permitted on these forums or via PM or the various chat groups that are operating.

    Women must write modestly and all men must lower their case.!
  • Your bucket list
     Reply #39 - September 20, 2013, 07:37 PM

    I don't know I just thought I remembered reading something where you made reference to your wife.

    "Make anyone believe their own knowledge and logic is insufficient and you'll have a puppet susceptible to manipulation."
  • Your bucket list
     Reply #40 - September 20, 2013, 07:40 PM

    Maybe once upon a dream....  Cry

    No free mixing of the sexes is permitted on these forums or via PM or the various chat groups that are operating.

    Women must write modestly and all men must lower their case.!
  • Your bucket list
     Reply #41 - September 20, 2013, 08:01 PM

    I dont really have a bucket list because I don't believe in lists no offence just saying
  • Your bucket list
     Reply #42 - September 20, 2013, 10:44 PM

    Going to Mauritius for my 11th anniversary tomorrow, so that will replace number 2 on my list Smiley

    Congrats, Dr. Z!

    Also skydiving is overrated and you might wanna keep that no dancing/rhythm card in your back pocket just in case Apartheid returns Tongue

    Love more..> be loved more..> use my brain better..> continue to avoid gainful employment..> become the Colonel's dealer.

    Ambitious man.

    fuck you
  • Your bucket list
     Reply #43 - April 17, 2014, 02:47 PM

    Yes!! Great thread! So, my bucket list is divided into two sections: long term and short term goals. The short term goals should all be experienced within the next year and are as follows:

    1. Seeing the West Coast of my own country (including surfing in the Pacific Ocean)

    2. Sky diving

    3. Water Jet flying

    Number 2 is check. Number 1 is essentially a check, though I didn't get to surf. I forgot about the water jet thing. I'll have to do that this year.
  • Your bucket list
     Reply #44 - April 17, 2014, 03:45 PM

    Going from most to least likely:

    1)A research trip to the LHC
    2)Visit the South Pole or the vicinity, eg. BICEP
    3)Develop an awesome equation, possibly win a Nobel Prize?
    4)Visit ISS
    5)Become the first man on Mars or Europa

    4 & 5 are highly unlikely. Hopefully I can do 1-3 within my lifetime.
  • Your bucket list
     Reply #45 - April 22, 2014, 08:11 PM

    My Quarter life Crisis bucket list, a lotta sheet, suggestions still welcome Smiley , save the miserable advice for contentment and happiness. Afro

    "Make anyone believe their own knowledge and logic is insufficient and you'll have a puppet susceptible to manipulation."
  • Your bucket list
     Reply #46 - April 22, 2014, 11:31 PM

    1-4 are in order of importance and the rest are just whatever I think of:

    1. Get out of my parents's house unscatheled by their prejudice claws.
    2. Leave the New World and go BACK to the Old Word... Everyday I feel like I hate living here because it's just so deattached ugh.
    3. Afford all the bills Universities will give me.
    4. Find a decent job.
    5. Get over opening height for once in pole vault. I feel like I'm so bad at it even for a beginner.
    6. That kid James. Or Dominic. Or Nick...
    7. See northern lights.
    8. Drag race.
    9. Have a closet with too many things to wear because wuddup.
    10. Own a Mini Cooper.

    Just like Johnny Flynn said, the breath I've taken and the one I must to go on.
  • Your bucket list
     Reply #47 - April 22, 2014, 11:46 PM

    This is my Bucket List and also yours:
  • Your bucket list
     Reply #48 - April 22, 2014, 11:56 PM

    More additions I just thought of:
    11. Get bunch of tattoo. I already have one that was a stick and poke but the two I've been thinking of are a huge map of Iraq with lion mixed in (I'd have to draw it up though) and a tattoo on my left hand in honour of quite possibly my favourite person in the world. He's my history teacher and probably the person who has had the most influence on me. But oh it's just a small Egyptian symbol he had gotten in the army.
    12. Go skydiving.
    13. Go cliff diving.
    14. Run a marathon (that might possibly happen in the next two years...)

    Just like Johnny Flynn said, the breath I've taken and the one I must to go on.
  • Your bucket list
     Reply #49 - April 23, 2014, 12:36 AM

    In no particular order.

    -See Iron maiden live
    -Go to the louvre
    -To marry someone I've fallen in love with and who is also my best friend
    -Raise a child and show him/her all the wonders our world has to offer (a daughter if I had the choice but not necessarily)
    -Visit St Petersburg
    -Jump and fall into snow
    -See earth from orbit (more of a fantasy but you never know)
    -Get enough money to buy a 71' black dodge charger R/T and have it modernised with disc breaks/power steering/state of the art sound system etc while keeping the interior looking the same
    -Learn to fix/work on above car
    -Enough years to pass so I can visit mecca and medina and observe without resentment
    -Get 20% of my body covered in art (work in progress)
    -get into a nuclear reactor (even managed to get them to pulse dance)
    -get into a submarine (Did not dive  Cry)
    -get to scotland by car via north africa ---> spain and through france

    I'll stop at this, list is getting a bit long and a bit daunting  wacko

    "Ours is the age which is proud of machines that think and suspicious of men who try to."
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