Was Muhammad an Atheist?
Reply #45 - September 27, 2014, 05:38 PM
I'd like to see evidence of him not even existing. That would be interesting...
Likewise, it just being a master-plan, and him being a manipulative atheist. What evidence do we have from his words or behaviour that this may have been the case? I'd be interested in any research done by modern psychologists that supports this.
All we do know is, he believed he was a Prophet. Which leads to two conclusions. Either he was. Or he wasn't. It's clear he wasn't when you analyse the religion. So the logical conclusion is he was deluded. In other words, he truly believed it even though it obviously isn't true.
I think it was a combination of things...there's a lot of factors involved, before a person can not only start a religion, but make it the most successful one in history!
Muhammad was obviously an extreme alpha male. Men like this are not born often. He had tremendous self-belief and confidence. He was a leader. Think of all the greatest emperors and warriors throughout history...yep they're alpha males, not sheep.
Oh the irony! Now we have sheep throughout the world following his religion. But had Muhammad been born in this era and come across a religion like this, my guess is he would denounce it! Just like he was against the backwards idol worshipping at the time. By all accounts, he was a progressive in that particular era. A revolutionary.
He was also very intelligent. And extremely spiritual. He had come across Christinary and Judaism throughout his travels, and they struck a chord. They must have fascinated him. Deep down inside, he probably wanted to be Prophet too!
Then there's the other factors. The abysmal state of the Arabs at the time. I'm guessing he saw what was going on with his people, and didn't like it! He probably wanted a revolution...
So let's add these up
- Natural alpha male
- Spiritual and deep thinker
- Fascinated by other religions throughout his travels
- Wannabe revolutionary who was annoyed with his people
- Wannabe prophet too
- Probably a narcissist too
- A control freak
All of these thoughts and experiences combined can in the right person, turn them into someone special. Someone who can alter history.
So I believe he was almost "seeking" for a calling. He wanted to do something. And so when the first supposed revelation came, I believe it did appear real to him.
Your subconscious mind is powerful. Whatever you think about and desire, can often come true - as your mind will want to make it come true.
And belief is a powerful thing. I think from then on, it became a self-fulfilling prophecy. The more he believed in himself, and the more others believed in him, the more he believed he was a Prophet.
There are people out there who believe they are abducted by aliens. There are conspiracy theory nuts, who genuinely believe a one-eyed organisation controls the world. They propagate it like it's God's truth. People believe crazy shit in the world!
You can believe anything! If you truly believe it - your mind will start looking for so-called evidence too...
So in short, I think it was a combination of the right person, in the right circumstances, with the right opportunity - that created Islam. But I do think he believed in his message, and believed he was someone special - a Prophet.
Occurrences like this do not happen often, which is why most of the World only follows 4-5 religions. Everything has to be right for a belief system like this to start and then to dominate the world.
That's my view anyway.