Hello Yeezeevee,
I know I'm generally confused
you mean you are confused with my words? well that is very common., lots of folks get confused with what I say. May be it is my language
but where do you stand on this issue of Islam being a false religion?
well by definition ..
Faith is faith and All faiths are false. To start with Islam was faith. It became religion when its followers number went up form one person to 4 people to 1 million to 1 billion. After all Islam was started by one man, a unknown character "Muhammad" and no one knows who the guy was.. By the way same thing fits to all so-called religions..
You seem to be very supportive of Muslims and their faith one minute, and then you can also be very down on Islam - are you a Muslim or an ex Muslim? Where do you stand?
well I am generally supportive of people .. the individuals and their freedom to choose/to believe in whatever faith they like. But some time I do rain Insults on faith preachers., faith enforcers and their religious books. And I am neither Muslim nor ex-Muslim.. by birth I am a Zebra w.r.t religion.