1. No, anyone who recited the qalma is a muslim, whether good or evil, he is a part of the muslim ummah. And everyone from the muslim ummah is going to heaven after serving up their time in hell. A person who never recited the qalma will never ever be a muslim in allah's eyes because he never believed in allah, so no matter how good he is, he is still going to be bar b qued in hell for eternity.
2. Yeah right. Serving up 72 virgins to shaheed men is respect. Its objectifying women. Especially when god does that, its a major insult.
3. It rains in makkah. And because mohammad was alive we can be sure that he was getting water as well. No surprise here.
4. Exactly. Then why talk about honey and milk, does the soul even need to eat or drink? Gold and pearls, does the soul need the riches of the world? I think the show Supernatural has a better version of heaven than quran. I want the supernatural heaven.
5. And he did travel the lands. And killed alot of people while doing so. But he never knew whats on the other side of the ocean. Nor quran mentioned it. So i am guessing nope, the quran is concerned with the desert only.
6. Yeah thats exactly what noah did. Lifted the butt of every elephant and giraffe and lion and put it in the window so the poop fell out. Brilliant. Not at all hard to believe. And noah prayed that dont leave any unbeliever alive on the land. Which means everyone who didnt believe was drowned. Which means the flood was global. They are only now saying that it was local because they know how stupid their story sounds. Noah was 900 years old too

7. Shirk is not being evil. Shirk means joining partners with allah. And dont even start me on the whole iblees thing. Why did god create him with fire when all other angels were created from light? He changed the recipe because he wanted the devil to disobey and then he banished him for doing exactly what he wanted. Ajeeb nafsiyaati.
8. Okay then... why have i never been affected by kaala jaadu? I have enemies, I have aunts who go to mullahs and also want to harm me but i am fine. Why does it only affect people who believe in magic? Why do these so called aalims themselves live on the street if they have magical powers?