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 Topic: Best argument to refute Islam ?

 (Read 10084 times)
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  • Best argument to refute Islam ?
     OP - June 30, 2015, 01:29 PM

    What do yout think is the best arguement against Islam?

    I myself think it's the idea of a supposed omniscient Allah telling people when to pray/fast depending on when the sun sets/rises when some parts of the world have 24 hours of darkness/daylight. This is a big indicator that Islam was created by people who only knew about a certain radius area from the vicinity of Arabia.

    The absence of any evidence for anything paranormal such as Jinns and Angels which Islam talks about and how we now know that people who see such paranormal entities are normally scizophrenic is not is Islams favour

    Also how there is nothing contemporaneously written about Islam or the Mohammed makes the historicity of even the natural events(ie battles won) very shaky. The historic evidence for an Arab imperialist empire existing long before the presence of something known as Islam shows that Islam was very probably a later product of the Arab Empire to give all the people in the areas they had annexed a common identity.

    There's also the moral arguments, ie how good a good god condone patriarchy, slavery, paedophilia etc but I don't personally prefer these arguments.


  • Best argument to refute Islam ?
     Reply #1 - June 30, 2015, 01:36 PM

    There's no evidence for any of Islam's claims about the supernatural. For me that's the best argument against it.

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • Best argument to refute Islam ?
     Reply #2 - June 30, 2015, 03:28 PM

    Allah being omniscient, yet not being able to unequivocally state his instructions. The ambiguity of the Quran, which leads to so much suffering for so many people. Take 4:34 for example, some will say hit, others will say hit but "lightly", yet again some will say don't hit, because even if it says hit that's not what Allah really means.

    Result, some men hit, some men hit lightly, and some men beat the living daylight out of their spouse, all claiming they are just adhering to the infallible words of Allah. Omniscient Allah could not foresee this problem while he was providing these instructions to Mohammed?
  • Best argument to refute Islam ?
     Reply #3 - June 30, 2015, 04:26 PM

    Muhammad was supposedly one guy that heard gods voice when no one was around. This puts him in the same league with Joseph Smith, Ron L Hubbard, guru Nanak, all the oracles of the other pagan gods in Ancient Rome and Egypt, among countless others who have claimed to receive revelation that you will you find if you walk down the new age aisle at your local bookstore. They all make mutually exclusive claims so if you are a Muslim you are basically saying that pretty much everyone is lying about their revelations except for Muhammad. What makes Muhammad's revelation special?

    Absolutely nothing.

    "I moreover believe that any religion that has anything in it that shocks the mind of a child, cannot be a true system."
    -Thomas Paine
  • Best argument to refute Islam ?
     Reply #4 - June 30, 2015, 04:42 PM

    There's no evidence for any of Islam's claims about the supernatural. For me that's the best argument against it.

     asbie that doesn't work with me.. because there are dumbos that will argue with that "Islam's claims about the supernatural."

    Life is super natural.,  So the product of life "the shit" must be super natural,  hence the product of human life Islam or for that matter any religion is super natural"

    but this will work with some Islamic intellectuals like Zakir naik or that Hamza Tortilla..

    "Islam is super natural because Quran Says So"   and if you want to refute that you have to refute Quran..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Best argument to refute Islam ?
     Reply #5 - July 01, 2015, 12:43 AM

    Well there's no evidence for any of the Quran's claims either. We keep running in circles here my friend, and evidence is the missing ingredient.

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • Best argument to refute Islam ?
     Reply #6 - July 01, 2015, 02:56 AM

    The fact it says things which are wrong.

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • Best argument to refute Islam ?
     Reply #7 - July 01, 2015, 02:59 AM

    Fresh water and salt water mix while the Quran says otherwise. A 5 year old can prove this with 3 glasses, 1 salt water, 1 fresh and 1 for mixing
  • Best argument to refute Islam ?
     Reply #8 - July 01, 2015, 07:41 AM

    The best argument to refute The Quran is to refer to how ambiguous and vague it is in its descriptions of just about everything. Really the best an omniscient god could do? Then they will say its a book of signs, not science.

    Yet those "signs" are mostly only convincing those who were subjected to islamic indoctrination in their childhood. What great "signs".  Roll Eyes
  • Best argument to refute Islam ?
     Reply #9 - July 01, 2015, 05:55 PM

    Fresh water and salt water mix while the Quran says otherwise. A 5 year old can prove this with 3 glasses, 1 salt water, 1 fresh and 1 for mixing

    And a fourth one filled with water. To combat dehydration during this meticulous experiment.

    One only acquires wisdom when one sets the heart and mind open to new ideas.

  • Best argument to refute Islam ?
     Reply #10 - July 01, 2015, 06:06 PM

    There are so so many. The very fact that it reeks of sexist mentality (two testimonies of women = one of men => women are more prone to err, men beat women, women inherit half of men, women have to wait post-divorce, only male prophets, women treated as the "tilth", women being objectified in heaven [some modernists say that "hoor" means something else though]), the barbaric teachings for "adulterers" (50/100 lashes), the brutal chopping off of hands punishment, the unscientific explanation of the sun orbit, the lack of realisation that not every "spiritual" practise will help everyone (e.g. fasting, prayer) so no leniency given, the desert Arab influence by incorporating "rivers of honey and milk" as components in heaven which would be desirable for them, the lack of ban for keeping slaves, the rape of slaves, the general lack of a degree of flexibility in teachings, people being encouraged to leave their practises to pray but no real push to IMPROVE society (why is there no obligatory meeting (even annually) where people discuss world issues and how to address them?).

    One only acquires wisdom when one sets the heart and mind open to new ideas.

  • Best argument to refute Islam ?
     Reply #11 - July 01, 2015, 07:41 PM

    Thomas Paine noted in The Age Of Reason - Part I

    As it is necessary to affix right ideas to words, I will, before I proceed further into the subject, offer some observations on the word 'revelation.' Revelation when applied to religion, means something communicated immediately from God to man.

    No one will deny or dispute the power of the Almighty to make such a communication if he pleases. But admitting, for the sake of a case, that something has been revealed to a certain person, and not revealed to any other person, it is revelation to that person only.

    When he tells it to a second person, a second to a third, a third to a fourth, and so on, it ceases to be a revelation to all those persons. It is revelation to the first person only, and hearsay to every other, and, consequently, they are not obliged to believe it.

    It is a contradiction in terms and ideas to call anything a revelation that comes to us at second hand, either verbally or in writing. Revelation is necessarily limited to the first communication. After this, it is only an account of something which that person says was a revelation made to him; and though he may find himself obliged to believe it, it cannot be incumbent on me to believe it in the same manner, for it was not a revelation made to me, and I have only his word for it that it was made to him.

    When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.

    A.A. Milne,

    "We cannot slaughter each other out of the human impasse"
  • Best argument to refute Islam ?
     Reply #12 - July 01, 2015, 09:01 PM

    Some good arguments were already said.
    I always consider:

    Why am I was I a Muslim? Why a Sunni Muslim?
    Because my parents were Sunni Muslims and I was indoctrinated with the religion.
    If I would have been born in another family, I would have another religion. And I would be certain about that only my religion is the truth and all the others got it wrong.

    So a Muslim comes to heaven, only because he/she was born in the right family. A Hindu comes to hell, because he/she was born in the wrong family.

  • Best argument to refute Islam ?
     Reply #13 - July 01, 2015, 09:17 PM

    ^ Yes, the mere fact that God leaves it to (childhood) indoctrination for man to salvage his soul from eternal torment, pretty much cements that there is no omniscient or omnibenevolent god behind this religion. An omnibenevolent would want to save as many people as possible, and an omniscient god would know how to do just that.
  • Best argument to refute Islam ?
     Reply #14 - July 07, 2015, 10:56 PM

    asbie that doesn't work with me.. because there are dumbos that will argue with that "Islam's claims about the supernatural."

    Life is super natural.,  So the product of life "the shit" must be super natural,  hence the product of human life Islam or for that matter any religion is super natural"

    but this will work with some Islamic intellectuals like Zakir naik or that Hamza Tortilla..

    "Islam is super natural because Quran Says So"   and if you want to refute that you have to refute Quran..

    Well there's no evidence for any of the Quran's claims either. We keep running in circles here my friend, and evidence is the missing ingredient.

    The fact it says things which are wrong.

    YOU  GUYS ARE VERY ARROGANT..   finmad finmad

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Best argument to refute Islam ?
     Reply #15 - July 08, 2015, 07:19 PM

    The fact that a person can hurt as many people he wants all his life but accepts islam at the end of his life and he'll fuck off straight to paradise.
    The fact that readung quran really makes you feel like it was written by a man for a man.
    the fact that quran doesnt mention 'snow' even once, prolly because there was no snow in the desert and mohommad couldnt imagine there would be something like it so he didnt write about it. Or maybe god forgot.
    The fact that the description of heaven is quran looks like the imagination of a human. Everything in heaven is so human. Honey and milk and pearls and virgins and gold. We only desire gold because its expensive and makes us rich. Why would we want gold in heaven? We wont be selling it or anything. We might as well have buckets of sand.
    The fact that every story in quran happened in that small region of desert. Quran doesnt even seem to know about other countries.
    Noah's ark? Why didnt the lion eat the zebras and how did the polar bears survive in hot weather and where did the poop go?
    Ar rahman ar raheem. Yet he's going to torture a wide majority of humans in hell forever. Not kill. Torture. How rahman of him.
    Talks about black magic when there is no evidence that something like this exists.
    i have never seen a jinn either. Looks like only those who believe in jinns and magic can see and feel them. When it shouldve been the other way around.
  • Best argument to refute Islam ?
     Reply #16 - July 08, 2015, 07:27 PM

    The fact that a person can hurt as many people he wants all his life but accepts islam at the end of his life and he'll fuck off straight to paradise.
    Not true. Still subject to Allah's allowance to get in.

    The fact that readung quran really makes you feel like it was written by a man for a man.
    How so?

    the fact that quran doesnt mention 'snow' even once, prolly because there was no snow in the desert and mohommad couldnt imagine there would be something like it so he didnt write about it. Or maybe god forgot.
    Sand isn't mentioned either. Can't expect every element of the universe to be mentioned in there!

    The fact that the description of heaven is quran looks like the imagination of a human. Everything in heaven is so human. Honey and milk and pearls and virgins and gold. We only desire gold because its expensive and makes us rich. Why would we want gold in heaven? We wont be selling it or anything. We might as well have buckets of sand.
    Well that's because it's meant to be relatable by humans. If it said "You'll get glog" does that mean anything to anyone!?

    The fact that every story in quran happened in that small region of desert. Quran doesnt even seem to know about other countries.
    It does, tells you to wander the lands and look for signs.

    Noah's ark? Why didnt the lion eat the zebras and how did the polar bears survive in hot weather and where did the poop go?
    Different compartments. The flood was local, so polar bears!? Poop in such a short time period wouldn't be an issue.

    Ar rahman ar raheem. Yet he's going to torture a wide majority of humans in hell forever. Not kill. Torture. How rahman of him.
    Would you want the evil in the world to go unaccounted for!?

    Talks about black magic when there is no evidence that something like this exists. i have never seen a jinn either. Looks like only those who believe in jinns and magic can see and feel them. When it shouldve been the other way around.
    Just because it hasn't been observed doesn't mean it doesn't exist!

    Enjoy refuting! Always wanted to do that.  cool2 whistling2

    One only acquires wisdom when one sets the heart and mind open to new ideas.

  • Best argument to refute Islam ?
     Reply #17 - July 08, 2015, 08:08 PM


    Happy to do so.

    1. All muslims are going to heaven. Even if you go to hell it will only be for a short period of time and then mohommad will come and bail you out. We all have heard this story. Stop being a child.

    2. Umm it hardly addresses a woman directly? Is that enough?

    3. Actually sand is mentioned in the Quran. Yeah it doesnt mention every element like lithium or oxygen or hydrogen but that just proves my point. Wink

    4. I am sure allah wouldve made sure mohammed understood what glog is, probably by showing him a picture in his head. He's omniscient, he wont lwave any loopholes. And the point stands, what are we going to do with gold if we cant sell it? Its not special anymore.

    5. Didnt tell us to cross the ocean though.  Tongue

    6. The flood was global. Every soul on the planet was drowned. Except two of each animal and Noah's family. 99.9% of animal species are now extinct. Only one percent are left. And even that 1% comprises of around 8 million species. Now if we take a pair from each species that is 16 million animals in a fucking boat. and I have 4 cats and if i dont clean their litter box everyday, the house smells like a garbage can. Now imagine 16 million animals pooping in a boat For 40 days and 40 nights. i think poop is your biggest issue.

    7. Ofcourse not. But evil muslims will get out, remember? Only atheists and hindus and christians and other non muslims will be stuck there. No matter how pious they were in their life. Evil will not be punished, disbelief in allah and shirk will be punished. His priorities are subhanallah.

    8. I have a pink unicorn living in my wardrobe. I havent seen it. Nor has anyone else. But I know its there. Just because it hasnt been observed doesnt mean it doesnt exist. #burn
  • Best argument to refute Islam ?
     Reply #18 - July 08, 2015, 09:16 PM


    Happy to do so.

    1. All muslims are going to heaven. Even if you go to hell it will only be for a short period of time and then mohommad will come and bail you out. We all have heard this story. Stop being a child.

    2. Umm it hardly addresses a woman directly? Is that enough?

    3. Actually sand is mentioned in the Quran. Yeah it doesnt mention every element like lithium or oxygen or hydrogen but that just proves my point. Wink

    4. I am sure allah wouldve made sure mohammed understood what glog is, probably by showing him a picture in his head. He's omniscient, he wont lwave any loopholes. And the point stands, what are we going to do with gold if we cant sell it? Its not special anymore.

    5. Didnt tell us to cross the ocean though.  Tongue

    6. The flood was global. Every soul on the planet was drowned. Except two of each animal and Noah's family. 99.9% of animal species are now extinct. Only one percent are left. And even that 1% comprises of around 8 million species. Now if we take a pair from each species that is 16 million animals in a fucking boat. and I have 4 cats and if i dont clean their litter box everyday, the house smells like a garbage can. Now imagine 16 million animals pooping in a boat For 40 days and 40 nights. i think poop is your biggest issue.

    7. Ofcourse not. But evil muslims will get out, remember? Only atheists and hindus and christians and other non muslims will be stuck there. No matter how pious they were in their life. Evil will not be punished, disbelief in allah and shirk will be punished. His priorities are subhanallah.

    8. I have a pink unicorn living in my wardrobe. I havent seen it. Nor has anyone else. But I know its there. Just because it hasnt been observed doesnt mean it doesnt exist. #burn

    I'd carry on but tbh I didn't believe my own arguments, I was just being a douche because I like doing that  dance dance dance dance

    Except 8 is a category error. But we'll overlook that  whistling2

    One only acquires wisdom when one sets the heart and mind open to new ideas.

  • Best argument to refute Islam ?
     Reply #19 - July 08, 2015, 11:01 PM

    Your douchery has been counter-douched my friend. Its okay. Its done. Hush now  Roll Eyes
  • Best argument to refute Islam ?
     Reply #20 - July 09, 2015, 01:03 PM


    Happy to do so.

    1. All muslims are going to heaven. Even if you go to hell it will only be for a short period of time and then mohommad will come and bail you out. We all have heard this story. Stop being a child.
    Well, "Muslim" is loosely defined. Nobody knows who a "true Muslim" is. It could be someone "less pious" in the eyes of Allah. Also, the criteria for entering heaven is simple in the Quran; "Allah let's in whom he wills". So as the saying goes, Allahualim.

    2. Umm it hardly addresses a woman directly? Is that enough?
    Less addressal => less responsibilities => more respect! Wink

    3. Actually sand is mentioned in the Quran. Yeah it doesnt mention every element like lithium or oxygen or hydrogen but that just proves my point. Wink
    So is water. And we know how scarce that resource is in deserts. It talks about the rain cycle even!

    4. I am sure allah wouldve made sure mohammed understood what glog is, probably by showing him a picture in his head. He's omniscient, he wont lwave any loopholes. And the point stands, what are we going to do with gold if we cant sell it? Its not special anymore.
    It's still pretty. Heaven isn't just about the materialistic aspect.

    5. Didnt tell us to cross the ocean though.  Tongue
    It's implied by saying travel the lands Tongue

    6. The flood was global. Every soul on the planet was drowned. Except two of each animal and Noah's family. 99.9% of animal species are now extinct. Only one percent are left. And even that 1% comprises of around 8 million species. Now if we take a pair from each species that is 16 million animals in a fucking boat. and I have 4 cats and if i dont clean their litter box everyday, the house smells like a garbage can. Now imagine 16 million animals pooping in a boat For 40 days and 40 nights. i think poop is your biggest issue.
    Poop out of the window into the everlasting sea Smiley It wasn't global, it was local according to accounts.

    7. Ofcourse not. But evil muslims will get out, remember? Only atheists and hindus and christians and other non muslims will be stuck there. No matter how pious they were in their life. Evil will not be punished, disbelief in allah and shirk will be punished. His priorities are subhanallah.
    It's subjective, and what constitutes shirk? It could even be disobeying Allah's commands => being evil (case in point, Iblis banished for disobeying one command).

    8. I have a pink unicorn living in my wardrobe. I havent seen it. Nor has anyone else. But I know its there. Just because it hasnt been observed doesnt mean it doesnt exist. #burn
    That's a category error. The properties must be identical for comparison's sake. But the moment they are, they're logically equivalent.

    One only acquires wisdom when one sets the heart and mind open to new ideas.

  • Best argument to refute Islam ?
     Reply #21 - July 09, 2015, 06:42 PM

    1. No, anyone who recited the qalma is a muslim, whether good or evil, he is a part of the muslim ummah. And everyone from the muslim ummah is going to heaven after serving up their time in hell. A person who never recited the qalma will never ever be a muslim in allah's eyes because he never believed in allah, so no matter how good he is, he is still going to be bar b qued in hell for eternity.

    2. Yeah right. Serving up 72 virgins to shaheed men is respect. Its objectifying women. Especially when god does that, its a major insult.

    3. It rains in makkah. And because mohammad was alive we can be sure that he was getting water as well. No surprise here.

    4. Exactly. Then why talk about honey and milk, does the soul even need to eat or drink? Gold and pearls, does the soul need the riches of the world? I think the show Supernatural has a better version of heaven than quran. I want the supernatural heaven.

    5. And he did travel the lands. And killed alot of people while doing so. But he never knew whats on the other side of the ocean. Nor quran mentioned it. So i am guessing nope, the quran is concerned with the desert only.

    6. Yeah thats exactly what noah did. Lifted the butt of every elephant and giraffe and lion and put it in the window so the poop fell out. Brilliant. Not at all hard to believe. And noah prayed that dont leave any unbeliever alive on the land. Which means everyone who didnt believe was drowned. Which means the flood was global. They are only now saying that it was local because they know how stupid their story sounds. Noah was 900 years old too  Cheesy

    7. Shirk is not being evil. Shirk means joining partners with allah. And dont even start me on the whole iblees thing. Why did god create him with fire when all other angels were created from light? He changed the recipe because he wanted the devil to disobey and then he banished him for doing exactly what he wanted. Ajeeb nafsiyaati.

    8. Okay then... why have i never been affected by kaala jaadu? I have enemies, I have aunts who go to mullahs and also want to harm me but i am fine. Why does it only affect people who believe in magic? Why do these so called aalims themselves live on the street if they have magical powers?
  • Best argument to refute Islam ?
     Reply #22 - July 09, 2015, 07:05 PM

    1. No, anyone who recited the qalma is a muslim, whether good or evil, he is a part of the muslim ummah. And everyone from the muslim ummah is going to heaven after serving up their time in hell. A person who never recited the qalma will never ever be a muslim in allah's eyes because he never believed in allah, so no matter how good he is, he is still going to be bar b qued in hell for eternity.
    Depends how you define "Muslim", that was my last point really.

    2. Yeah right. Serving up 72 virgins to shaheed men is respect. Its objectifying women. Especially when god does that, its a major insult.
    There are arguments that hoor al ayn does not mean virgins. It can mean flowers!

    3. It rains in makkah. And because mohammad was alive we can be sure that he was getting water as well. No surprise here.
    Not when it is emphasised. It barely rains!

    4. Exactly. Then why talk about honey and milk, does the soul even need to eat or drink? Gold and pearls, does the soul need the riches of the world? I think the show Supernatural has a better version of heaven than quran. I want the supernatural heaven.
    Metaphor to say you get your heart's desire.

    5. And he did travel the lands. And killed alot of people while doing so. But he never knew whats on the other side of the ocean. Nor quran mentioned it. So i am guessing nope, the quran is concerned with the desert only.
    Hard to say really. As far as I'm concerned, crossing lands does not define boundaries.

    6. Yeah thats exactly what noah did. Lifted the butt of every elephant and giraffe and lion and put it in the window so the poop fell out. Brilliant. Not at all hard to believe. And noah prayed that dont leave any unbeliever alive on the land. Which means everyone who didnt believe was drowned. Which means the flood was global. They are only now saying that it was local because they know how stupid their story sounds. Noah was 900 years old too  Cheesy

    It's a miracle! Allah is capable of all things.

    7. Shirk is not being evil. Shirk means joining partners with allah. And dont even start me on the whole iblees thing. Why did god create him with fire when all other angels were created from light? He changed the recipe because he wanted the devil to disobey and then he banished him for doing exactly what he wanted. Ajeeb nafsiyaati.
    Evil acts are contrary with Allah's will! So you are partnering your nafs with Allah.

    8. Okay then... why have i never been affected by kaala jaadu? I have enemies, I have aunts who go to mullahs and also want to harm me but i am fine. Why does it only affect people who believe in magic? Why do these so called aalims themselves live on the street if they have magical powers?
    Many people are. Statistically significant case that it exists then!

    Can I stop please I can feel my IQ dropping constantly.   Cry

    One only acquires wisdom when one sets the heart and mind open to new ideas.

  • Best argument to refute Islam ?
     Reply #23 - July 09, 2015, 07:19 PM

    LOL who told you to continue? To sum up your points, we have the conclusion that Quran is a book of metaphors. And everything within it doesnt actually mean what it says but means something that it doesnt say. Thus proven its the ultimate word of god because humans cannot undertstand it. SubhanAllah hu taala.
  • Best argument to refute Islam ?
     Reply #24 - July 09, 2015, 08:30 PM

    LOL who told you to continue? To sum up your points, we have the conclusion that Quran is a book of metaphors. And everything within it doesnt actually mean what it says but means something that it doesnt say. Thus proven its the ultimate word of god because humans cannot undertstand it. SubhanAllah hu taala.

    Absolutely. Don't know the answer? It's metaphor. It's a miracle. Allah willed it. Allah is capable of all things. Human logic is far inferior. Always the answer!

    One only acquires wisdom when one sets the heart and mind open to new ideas.

  • Best argument to refute Islam ?
     Reply #25 - July 10, 2015, 04:51 PM

    Can I stop please I can feel my IQ dropping constantly.   Cry


    An endangered rational thinker in Pakistan.
  • Best argument to refute Islam ?
     Reply #26 - July 10, 2015, 04:54 PM

    I enjoyed reading you two.

    Do you guys use etc., believers need this sort of stuff there to open their eyes.

    An endangered rational thinker in Pakistan.
  • Best argument to refute Islam ?
     Reply #27 - July 10, 2015, 05:09 PM

    for point one look at this

    This easy is getting to heavens.  dance

    An endangered rational thinker in Pakistan.
  • Best argument to refute Islam ?
     Reply #28 - July 10, 2015, 07:16 PM

    for point one look at this

    (Clicky for piccy!)

    This easy is getting to heavens.  dance

    Perfect  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

    One only acquires wisdom when one sets the heart and mind open to new ideas.

  • Best argument to refute Islam ?
     Reply #29 - July 10, 2015, 09:30 PM

    for point one look at this

    (Clicky for piccy!)

    This easy is getting to heavens.  dance

    Bus boss amaal daalo bhaar me, khoob saray bachay paida kar k mohammad 1, mohammad 2 naam rakhdo hogya kaam  Cheesy

    N believers dont need anything. They are blind. That verse from quran "their hearts have been sealed" that applies to believers. They dont want to reason, even if we do post stuff like this they will call it a yahoodi saazish and ignore it completely. I post stuff on my facebook and none of my friends even want to comment. They would do anything to avoid a discussion that might make them think.
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