Oh... Lol Huh? I thought you drink beer like you drink juice and u see spring break in movies where people chug so I thought to get drunk faster you are supposed to drink faster. I guess if I sipped it then It would not be as bad. But if you are supposed to sip, how on earth are you supposed to finish those 20oz mugs of beer, I mean if you are sipping it will take an hour to finish it? Does it take time to build a tolerance to drink faster to finish one of those?
When I go for a beer among my friends someone can sit with a beer for more than an hour while some will finish theirs in a couple of minutes. Just sipping is a good plan until you know what you like. It takes some practice to get used to. That's all. The most basic error among beginners is they mix drinks that are too strong. Like 50/50 vodka/coke. It tastes like shit so you need to just go 4cl of the vodka and fill up with something else. Some soda or Juice. I don't know, there are recipes out there.
Just start slow and remember to not send text messages or do anything online what-so-ever while drinking. If you incidentally know what 'git push -f' means, then that's now on top of the list of things you're not going to do on alcohol.
I am invited to a wine party soon, Does wine taste better?
No. It's all pretty horrible actually. One warning though. Wine is stronger than beer so just sip slowly.
I'm drunk on vodka shots and cranberry juice. All it did was make me throw crying fits and now I'm miserable
Last time I had vodka with cranberry juice was on a ferry between Finland and Sweden. We were on a cruise listening to Nancy Sinatra and Lee Hazlewood and someone in the company offered me one too many and I just couldn't say no. Back in Stockholm I was the next last off the ship and I almost had to crawl off. Lee Hazlewood was the last one off. I know that because they called for him over the PA system. Then I vomited my way all the way home, one subway station at a time. Interestingly, since that day I just can't drink cranberry juice. But vodka in itself? No problemo. So much for instinct...