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 Topic: Confused Ex-Muslim who needs help

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  • Confused Ex-Muslim who needs help
     OP - June 13, 2016, 05:28 PM

    Hi fellow Ex Muslims!

    I'm a 23 year old Ex-Muslim guy who has apostated quite a long time ago, when I was roughly 17/18. Though I've been living my life bereft of any spirituality after I left Islam, I continued to be friends with my mostly Muslim friends. Throughout the following years, this didn't really change anything with regards to myself and I mostly kept my apostasy to myself, with most of my friends not being aware of it. This has been the case for my sexuality as well (I'm gay). I have no idea why I didn't bother making friends with more like minded people but its really my own fault. My mostly solitary lifestyle (my friends were very few) and my reserved personality means that it was also hard for me to open up with people face-to-face . It might seem hard to believe from the way I am online lol As time went on, most of those friends started to drift away, some married, others started working in places quite far from where I live and so on. Meanwhile I also started being in a relationship with a guy who is a fellow Ex-Muslim. Things were going quite well for me.

    Then bang, in early 2016 I started questioning my Atheism bit by bit and things I stopped thinking about a long ago started to creep up on me. 'What if your view of the world is wrong', 'think of the consequences of being wrong'  and arguments that could best be described as recycled Pascal's wager arguments. I also started to look again at the Quran and its errors.

    I realised that though human evolution conflicts with Islam, its not so clear in the Quran. The Quran merely talks about Adam being sent down from Heaven to earth after him and Eve (not named) ate out of the forbidden plant. You need Hadith in order to know how humanity was propagated on earth (the famous incest story). This means that the Quran doesn't necessarily conflict with evolution in a clear cut way, leaving enough room for doubt.

    Then there is the story of Earth & Heaven's creation which I've always relied upon as proof that the Quran is not true, how the Earth was created before the so called seven "Heavens". This could be seen twice in the Quran (2:29 & 41:11) but then there is a third Ayah (79:27) which talks about how the earth was spread out or made AFTER the creation of the Heavens. Its all a bit confusing.

    Then there is the numerous Ayahs on how everything were created in Pairs. I always thought they were clearly false and I still think so obviously but there is only but one Ayah which isn't vague on this issue (on what exactly all those pairs refer to) and it says that we created all "fruit producing" plants in pairs and I don't think that is far from being inaccurate. There are some asexual plants which produce fruits but I think most if not all are asexual because of humans and are not naturally so.

    The Ayahs on how shooting stars are missiles use to deflect devils back to earth is clearly absurd but the word used to refer to stars in almost all those ayas is Kawkab ( In modern Arabic this means Planet but in classical Arabic it refer to all celestial objects/stars visible to us with the exception of the moon and Sun) and not Nojoom. In other instances the word used for the stars being pelted at devils is "Lamps" (Misba7).  Again, use of Najm or Nojoom is avoided.

    A solution to this might be that Najm or Nojoob only use to refer to Stationary Stars whilst Kawkab referred to both "stationary stars" and "moving stars" (The planets and shooting stars, both of which aren't fixed looking) and so Kawkab was a more inclusive term use to refer to all bright objects (or "stars" at the time, moving or fixed) in the night sky.

    The thing is most of those errors were some of the biggest I had as proof of how wrong Islam is and the fact that they are not clear cut in terms of how erroneous they are scares me to no end. The end result is that I'm worried about being wrong, about my judgement being wrong and Hellfire in general. Fear of Hell drives the doubts I have. At times it seems really silly to me but I can't seem to shake it off. I hope the people in here can help me. Perhaps by simple dialogue with other Ex-Muslims in here I can shake off my fears about hell.

    There are numerous other errors in the Quran that seem more clear to me but they do little to quell my fear. The numerous Ayahs which say the Mountains are what hold the earth together and stop it from shaking (Mountains as pegs) are very clearly wrong. As is the reference to the existence of Si7ir or Black magic in the Quran as well as other superstitions like the "Evil eye".
    The story of Dhul Qarnayn (taken from the Alexander romance myths) and how he conquered both the eastern and western end of the world, how he saw the Sun setting in a muddy spring and built a great wall (Donald Trump?) to keep Gog and Magoog locked away is another clear bullocks. Where are they? We have literally mapped the whole world.

    How the people of Lut were the first to supposedly practise homosexuality, how there is no archaeological proof for most of the stuff in the Quran be it Moses and the exodus, Suleiman's silly supernatural kingdom, Mo splitting the Moon into two and so on. How Noah's story is just a retelling of the Epic of Gilgamesh. Noah's people worshipping Wadd, Suwa, Yaghuth, Ya'uq and Nasr which are all south Arabian Yemenite Gods (Mai'n, Himyar, Sabba etc) is also problematic. If Noah is as ancient as a prophet as we know him to be, how did his people worship fairly recent Gods of Yemenite Origins? He also lived for like a thousand years, another nonsense.

    How seven earths, seven heavens & a seven day creation (six but God rested on the sixth day as per the Bible which I think mo found blasphemous and so didn't include) goes back to old Mesopotamian religions and their fascination with the number seven.

    How the Sun has a "resting place"; how the Sky is a canopy above us which if God wanted could fall on us; how its held above us without any pillars which we can see, how we are told to marvel at the dome (heaven/sky) above us and see if we can see any breaks/holes in it as sort of a proof that God's creation is absolute perfection; how the heavens shall be rolled up on Judgement day like a scroll, how we are told about the motion of the sun and moon which is obvious but the most important (earth's) is weirdly not mentioned; how the moon and sun were created for us for the prupose time keeping.

    How God has a throne which he created first (other Ayahs say a Pen which wrote down our destiny was the first thing created by God). The throne is supposedly above a sea bizarrely enough which make one question when this sea was in itself created if there was nothing before the throne.

    How the Quran is said to be the unchanged word of God but we know from Islamic sources that it isn't even composed in the right order, was compiled long after Mohammed's death, didn't have Arabic vowels like the modern Quran does and had multiple versions before Uthman decided to make one the standard and burn all the others. The Saan'a manuscript which itself might be post-Uthmanic contains lots of differences from the modern Quran. There are lots of other proofs on how the Quran is just another man made religion but these are the ones which came to my head currently.  You might think that this is plenty but my fear doesn't seem to be going away no matter what. Idk, I feel quite desperate and depressed.   


  • Confused Ex-Muslim who needs help
     Reply #1 - June 13, 2016, 05:50 PM

    ^Quran says Adam was made from Clay (WRONG), that is origin of humans and Eve was from the rib. That is WRONG, humans are not new or distinct, we fit perfectly in the Evolutionary Phylogeny of apes. There was NO FIRST HUMAN, that is completely against evolution. There are gene clusters in the same order, same function and same location the DNA of humans, and other species all the way back to BACTERIA, there is proof we evolved, there was no first human either.

    Also Quran says Earth was made in 6 days. This is copying from Christianity. When there is a test and two students sitting side by side both get a question so so so wrong, and make the exact same mistake, it becomes pretty obvious they cheated, and neither knew the answer.

    These "holy books" are written by a bunch of donkey riders, and I have to say it because they make primitive mistakes. This is what you expect from people, and  all knowing god can NOT make ANY MISTAKES (NONE), there are countless mistakes in the quran and bible and all the holy books.

    To make matters worse they do not meet their burden of proof of proving divnity. they pigeon holed themselves because we can never know what divinity looks like. The common watch maker argument does not work because there are FLAWS in the universe and biology, even if there were no flaws we can not say it proves divinity, we do not know what divinity is, therefore we have no idea what to look for. Unless you are taken out of this universe and somehow already could recognize divinity you could NEVER prove Godly intervention.

    We can say a watch is designed, because WE HAVE EXPERIENCE DESIGNING THINGS, we know it was done because we have seen humans make similar things. We have no experience of nothing so the whole something can not come from nothing is bull shit, you have no knowledge of nothing, how can you make an assumption that something CAN NOT COME FROM NOTHING. The honest position is we do not know! Also quantum mechanics takes care of that and says something CAN COME FROM NOTHING, it happens all the time, look up virtual particles, it HAPPENS ALL THE TIME.

    There, there are mistakes in religion, which proves fallibility of the author, it is the common mistakes people at the time held proving it was copied back when people didnt know anything about the natural world, and if we disregarded this, we still do not know what to look for so we could never establish divinity, therefore a God may exist, but we have no evidence of such an entity, therefore atheism is more reasonable, saying it probably doesn't exist, but we do not know for sure; religious people say they know for sure he exists yet no one has evidence.

    When you understand the burden of proof is on the person making the claim (ie, God exists), that person must supply the evidence, and when they bring only emotions which all the other religions have too and no empirical evidence, we have no good reason to believe them and therefore we are in disbelief.

    And if god does exist, he can not punish us because we used the brains he gave us, and purposefully kept us dumb or made the universe seem too improbable to be from god. If he punishes us anyway then he is a sick immoral dick head

    As a scientist I can see farther than any human before me by standing on the shoulders of giants (previous scientists); As a religious follower I can not see what is right in-front of me, even when others INDEPENDENTLY see the same thing!
  • Confused Ex-Muslim who needs help
     Reply #2 - June 13, 2016, 06:55 PM

    ^Quran says Adam was made from Clay (WRONG), that is origin of humans and Eve was from the rib. That is WRONG, humans are not new or distinct, we fit perfectly in the Evolutionary Phylogeny of apes. There was NO FIRST HUMAN, that is completely against evolution. There are gene clusters in the same order, same function and same location the DNA of humans, and other species all the way back to BACTERIA, there is proof we evolved, there was no first human either.

    Yes, clearly Evolution is true but few corrections here, its actually from the Hadith that we get Eve being made from Adam's ribs. I'm not denying that what the Quran says appears to be wrong but I'm looking for things we can out hand prove are wrong with zero room for even the slightest of anything else.
    One could for example come up with a theory that says Evolution is true, we did evolve but that Adam was created by God directly along with his soul as a sort of blessing to humanity (distinct to humans). In this model there are evolved Homo sapiens and other evolved Animals but Adam is created. Adam's children then go on to marry into the evolved homo sapiens existing at the time and that's how humanity is propagated. Obviously there is no need for Adam to be created at all which means that we are interjecting superstition or God where he isn't needed at all but we still can't decisively disprove it. Yes, its sort of like the great Bertrand Russell's "teapot orbiting the sun" theory in that the burden of proof is on the person making the claim rather than us Ex-Muslims and along with Occam's razor we can dismiss it (using Occam's razor, one can dismiss it for a normal naturist human evolution without Adam as its the one with the fewest assumptions) but its still something we can't decisively disapprove. Now if the incest story was in the Quran, we could say directly that Adam was created along with eve and his descendants married each other, leaving zero room for ANY sort of human evolution interjection.

    Also Quran says Earth was made in 6 days. This is copying from Christianity. When there is a test and two students sitting side by side both get a question so so so wrong, and make the exact same mistake, it becomes pretty obvious they cheated, and neither knew the answer.

    Yes, I'm well aware of that and Iv'e explained how the 6 day creation came to be but the common argument against this is that Yom doesn't just mean day but could also mean ages/epoch. An Ayah which says that the day of judgement is a day which lasts the equivalent of a thousand years is used as some sort of proof even though it actually ironically contradicts that Yom is ages/epoch. The fact that the Quran makes the distinction to tell us that Judgement "day" though a day lasts as long as a thousand years tells us that the common understanding of a day was 24 hours at the time of Mo. The author of the Quran doesn't bother to make the same distinction when it comes to the 6 day creation as he does for how long Judgement day lasts.

    More over, the Earth is said to be created in 4 days whilst the rest of the crazily vast universe takes just 2 days to be created. Seems a bit weird that Earth, this small speck of a sand grain in a vast expanding universe takes longer to create than everything else. Btw, is creation still in progress since the universe is ever so expanding? loool

    We can say a watch is designed, because WE HAVE EXPERIENCE DESIGNING THINGS, we know it was done because we have seen humans make similar things. We have no experience of nothing so the whole something can not come from nothing is bull shit, you have no knowledge of nothing, how can you make an assumption that something CAN NOT COME FROM NOTHING. The honest position is we do not know! Also quantum mechanics takes care of that and says something CAN COME FROM NOTHING, it happens all the time, look up virtual particles, it HAPPENS ALL THE TIME.

    Yes, I'm familiar with how matter can pop up from "nothing" in the quantum world which means things can come from nothing, seems Allah was confused when he said that its not possible lol.

    There, there are mistakes in religion, which proves fallibility of the author, it is the common mistakes people at the time held proving it was copied back when people didn't know anything about the natural world, and if we disregarded this, we still do not know what to look for so we could never establish divinity, therefore a God may exist, but we have no evidence of such an entity, therefore atheism is more reasonable, saying it probably doesn't exist, but we do not know for sure; religious people say they know for sure he exists yet no one has evidence. And if god does exist, he can not punish us because we used the brains he gave us, and purposefully kept us dumb or made the universe seem too improbable to be from god. If he punishes us anyway then he is a sick immoral dick head.

    Completely Agree here. You're absolutely right. Thanks so much for the response Afghan Hassan. I really appreciate it  cheers
  • Confused Ex-Muslim who needs help
     Reply #3 - June 13, 2016, 07:57 PM

    No problem bro.

    But going off of what you said, even if we let the muslims now change their views and say Adam was created, the issue is eve, if eve is created from Adam's rib and say they had no genetic linked diseases so their kids could theoretically inbreed and not be affected by ilnesses. There is a HUGE problem once again showing they have no idea about genetics. If Eve is made from Adam's rib, she will get the Y chromosome present in all the cells of Adam's rib that makes her, that would mean you would get another Adam, you can't get Eve from it, and I agree with Occam's razor that the more parsimonious explanation is the one closer to truth, it is more likely that it was written by people of the 7th century who did not know genetics to say something as dumb as female made from male cells and male chromosome lol.

    Not to mention, if we put all that aside and God made Adam, why the hell would he leave mistakes in it, look up the recursive laryngeal nerve, it should go from the central nervous system straight to the larynx but instead it goes down to the heart and back up to the larynx, while it works, if you develop a tumor in the region you are much more likely to get the tumor to hit this nerve inhibiting function. it is unnecessarily long, giraffes have the same mistake in their laryngeal nerve but for them it goes from their head down their long neck to their heart then back up to the larynx, for them it is about 6 meters long instead of a few centimeters, so why would God put the same mistake in both species if we did not have a common ancestor with them millions of years ago, if we humans are the best of creation as he says in the quran why all this insane errors. Or the appendix which caused the death of millions of people in the past, appendicitis is the most common surgery, and it saves countless lives, until the surgery people would die from inflamed appendices.
    And the best for last, why used DNA, DNA is an ok copying system at best, it makes mistakes and that is why we develop cancer, not to mention all other life on earth uses DNA, so it seems like all life is using the same crappy basis of life, and we all share common mistakes. He could have used any other copying system to transfer biological data but instead chooses one that isn't even that great and then tells us in the quran "if you find any errors in your bodies, look again for it is perfect", um no it is shit, it just scrapes by, that's it
    IF Allah exists, he is trying really hard to deceive us and he is doing a damn good job at it too, he made it look like it is impossible to be designed by even a half witted engineer who barely passed engineering would not be this bad and then follow it up by gloating how good it is lol.

    Any time brother, Looking back 6 months ago approx I was a muslim and now I can not believe how I used to shut my brain off when science didn't work with Islam, shows how powerful young indoctrination is   cheers When you take God out of the picture, the natural world makes SO MUCH SENSE cool2

    As a scientist I can see farther than any human before me by standing on the shoulders of giants (previous scientists); As a religious follower I can not see what is right in-front of me, even when others INDEPENDENTLY see the same thing!
  • Confused Ex-Muslim who needs help
     Reply #4 - June 13, 2016, 08:08 PM

    Re reading what you said, if you want something that is out right wrong without even appealing to Occam's razor: The quran says that shooting stars are missles used to drive away devils. Now that is a great mistake because "shooting stars", are just tiny peices of dust in the upper atmosphere burning up as they enter the atmosphere.
    The only way around this is by saying devil is tiny as hell.

    -Also says earth is spread out like a carpet and mountains are used to peg it down (sounds awfully lot like flat earth)
    -Says mountains prevent earth quakes (Wrong you find most fault lines near mountains where most earth quakes happen)
    -Describes the motion of the sun and moon by saying something like they are competing with one another (thinks earth is center of universe, makes sense because Copernicus who figured out sun is in the middle wasn't born for another 700 years)
          - Also says earth and moon will crash into each other on day of judgement (Moon would melt as it approached sun, and sun is a giant gas cloud, can not crash into gas lol, just proves ignorance of what we see, makes sense thinking sun is same size as moon as both look the same from here, doesn't know sun is BIG AS SHIT like)
    -Says on day of Judgement stars will fall down crashing onto earth (Wrong again, stars are really far away and they aren't like little lamps, they are HUGE BALLS OF FIRE, really gas and plasma, and there is no falling in space, up and down doesn't exist, that is what you expect from someone who lives on earth who has not read Newton's paper on motion because he isn't born for like 800 years. This is what you expect from someone on earth who does not know about gravitational attraction; not to mention earth would melt as stars approached us).

    Funny how Quran talks about shit going crazy on earth and not mentioning other stars, or maybe supernovas or hyper-novas or anything else, as if they didnt know they existed and he was just a man who really liked to think he was special

    As a scientist I can see farther than any human before me by standing on the shoulders of giants (previous scientists); As a religious follower I can not see what is right in-front of me, even when others INDEPENDENTLY see the same thing!
  • Confused Ex-Muslim who needs help
     Reply #5 - June 14, 2016, 06:18 AM

    Welcome. parrot

    You may be interested in looking up agnostic muslims.

    What is an Agnostic Muslim?

    Agnostic Muslims FAQs

    Agnostic Muslim Rambling

    And a rather interesting sermon on Adam and Eve.

    (Al-Baqara 30-39 & al-A'raaf 11-25)

    Muslim scholars down the ages have taught that the story of Adam and Eve literally happened just as described in the Qur'an. That Adam and Eve were real individuals and were the first human beings. Many Muslims use this literal understanding to reject the theory of evolution. But should we really take this story literally? I believe that to take it literally diminishes its underlying lesson and misses the point. It confines it to a simplistic story of two individuals. Whereas this story is actually an allegory of the evolution of human consciousness. It is a representation of the period in human evolution when we became self-aware, developed language & began think ahead & articulate abstract ideas. A time when our mind had developed the ability to represent concrete phenomena using sounds that represented ideas. We developed the ability to plan and organise ourselves on a scale that led to the human revolution. We evolved the abilities that set us aside from the rest of the animal kingdom. It triggered the rapid evolution of the human line of hominids that had until recently been no more significant than similar apes and creatures in the ancient forests and plains of Africa where we eventually set off to conquer the world.

    In short, the story of Adam and Eve is about human evolution. It's about gaining the ability to visualise possible scenarios and prepare for them. This put us at a huge advantage over other animals who may have had greater strength and natural abilities than us. But we had evolved mental abilities they had not, and the mind proved to be the most powerful weapon of all.

    This is what the story of Adam and Eve in the Qur'an symbolises when it relates how they were able to name phenomena in the physical world, while the rest of creation could not and the angels were astonished. Here we see a representation of how human's developed language and the ability to communicate complex ideas. Humanity had developed a special ability that set it apart from the rest of creation.

    Humans became more than just conscious - since most animals are conscious to a certain extent - but we are also self-aware - as the story of how Adam and Eve symbolises when they became aware of their nakedness - something animals to not possess. Self-awareness is not only consciousness of your body and your environment, but it is recognition of that consciousness—not only understanding that you exist but further comprehending that you are aware of your existence. To be self-aware is to realise that you are a thinking being and to think about your thoughts, examine and analyse them. To conceptualise ideas and be motivated and driven by transcendental beliefs and ideals and concepts that can bind and direct humans on a larger scale than just family or family grouping.

    When we think about when Adam & Eve were in the innocent state in paradise - there were animals in that state too. It was a time before we were self-aware. We were one with nature, with God - just as the animals, trees, flowers mountains and rivers are, in harmony with nature and the world around us.

    But then as the story Adam & Eve progresses humanity begins to enter into a new state of being. Adam and Eve represent the waking conscious mind of mankind. When the conscious and subconscious become distinct, where inner joy and innocence and peace can no longer be maintained because now the ego starts to grow and take control. We become separate from the natural course, we "fall" or we become separated from God. The story represents this as expulsion from the paradise - the symbolic state we were in. It represents our move to a new consciousness. We are now more acutely aware of the pain and hardship of the world around us. Where we struggle to find sense and meaning and ask; Why? Who? What?

    As the story goes on Adam & Eve are tempted by Satan who is simply a metaphor for man's own "Ego". The Nasf al Amaara bisoo' ("The self that makes us err" النفس الأمارة بالسوء ), and because the Ego now takes over the driver’s seat of man’s soul, Paradise becomes lost.

    Our new reality is one of constant battle with our Ego. We are thrust into an ongoing struggle to find our place in the world, to reach out to the the ethereal and the numinous mystery beyond our material existence, to find the inner peace and joy that our previous state of innocence and unity with the natural world gave us, while at the same time mastering the special gifts and position of Khalifa (caretaker) that we have been given, to care for the environment around us.

    Understanding that stories like Adam & Eve are symbolic metaphors for our human journey helps us realise that it is part of the wider human narrative that takes place in all cultures and religions. The narrative we use to understand and make sense of our place in this world. It should help us see that we are all "One Human Race." That although we interpret this journey in different ways depending on our cultures and environments there is nevertheless a thread of unity of our human experience that runs through all religions, beliefs, myths and philosophies. That differences are skin deep and superficial. That petty squabbling and fighting over such differences is senseless and short-sighted. We are like the blind wise-men who each described the elephant based on the only part they had access to, then argued fiercely that the others were wrong. If we can appreciate this, then perhaps we can one day take another evolutionary leap forward and start to build a better more peaceful and loving world for us all.

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • Confused Ex-Muslim who needs help
     Reply #6 - June 14, 2016, 12:23 PM

    "The Abrahamic religions" are based on the knowledge, moral values and ideas of people living in the bronze age or iron age.
    The world moved on, but the books didn't change that much. Christianity went through the Nicean Council (officially to settle disputes regarding what the messy text really meant, but just as importantly, to make the text fit the liking of the rulers). Then came the reformation and more fun ensued. But again. It was not so much about adjusting to society and the state of knowledge, as to maintaining what the religious leaders considered the true way.

    Islam spend something like 20 years of careful editing after Mo had his last revelation, and then it was made very clear, that the text was not open to discussion or change.

    That is where we stand today.

    In orienteering some of the first you learn is: "If your map says one thing, and reality something else, you should assume that reality is correct".

    If you insist on a omniscient god and a holy un-alterable text that 100% CORRECT, you have a problem.
    Simply because it is blatantly obvious, that knowledge and society has moved on a couple of thousand years, and the teachings have not.

    What to do:
    - Fundamentalism/literalism: Deny, deny, deny! Pig headedly insisting that the text is correct, and refusing reality.
    - Reform: Water down the religion (removing all or most of the invocation of magic)  to being "a set of moral instructions". This is the course chosen by modernists and cultural believers. But it kind of takes the coolness of having an invisible powerful magic friend away.
    - Creativity: Try to make "the map" fit, by reading it creatively. It works OK, as long as you stay with the subjects that were pretty well known at the time. Farming, basic anatomy and basic medicine. Hooray The deity is omniscient again! But as soon as you move away from what was well known back in the old days, you start making a fool of yourself.

    The problem when you try to mix natural science with religion is, that you get some really bad science and some even more ridiculous religion.

  • Confused Ex-Muslim who needs help
     Reply #7 - June 15, 2016, 11:27 AM

    Humans are imperfect beings.
    We have evolved imperfectly.
    For example eye infections.

    Not like described in quran.
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