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 Topic: Another ExChristian ;-)

 (Read 8048 times)
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  • Another ExChristian ;-)
     OP - January 13, 2010, 09:58 AM


    some already know me from Youtube (german channel), but maybe i should share my classical deconversation story as well.

    Here in germany, most kids are raised as christians. Its actually quite harmless - no hellfire threats, no hate against "unbelievers" - just a set of fairytales. Still some people like that - either because of the social component (meeting others in the church, teens going to camping vacations with other teenage believers), the singing or the spiritual experience. Also the church here as almost no influence of the personal life of the people: You can have sex before marriage or be gay  and you still get no problems at all.

    However, i was always very interested in science - and for religion science is deadly. There is always a growing trench between the belief and what science tells you. And not just evolution - also the theory of relativity of the theory of quantum physics can hardly be brought together wit religion. Additionally, i learned about many proofs for god - and their rebuttals. And for a rational mind thats the best antidote against religion: To realize that its all about speculation and that all "proofs" can be easily refuted.

    Thats why i became an atheist agnostic. First, i was angry about my parents and some of my teachers; Why did they teach me such fairytales as "facts"? Why did they make it so hard for me to use my rational mind by introducing a set of ancient speculations among with real knowledge? At that time, i was really angry and i debated many christians.

    However, later i realized that for most people in germany christianity is hardly more than singing, meeting friends and some spirituality. I decided that it shouldn`t be my job to bash their beliefs, as long as they like them and don`t harm anyone.

    Later i was involved into discussions with fundamentalist muslims, which made me again criticise religion. Islam, this time. The reason is, that i think that certain teachings (e.g. about unbelievers or apostates) have a severe and bad impact on society.

    Thats it - my story ;-).

  • Re: Another ExChristian ;-)
     Reply #1 - January 13, 2010, 10:16 AM

    Hi and Welcome Smiley

    Great story!
  • Re: Another ExChristian ;-)
     Reply #2 - January 13, 2010, 11:54 AM

    Welcome Ug.  Smiley

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Another ExChristian ;-)
     Reply #3 - January 13, 2010, 12:02 PM

    Its actually a bit late for wellcome.. i joined the forum long ago without writing much.  Wink.

    It wasn't meant to be a "wellcome" thread either - i just thought that it might be intersting how people from other faithts become atheists ;-). Thats why i added the story.


  • Re: Another ExChristian ;-)
     Reply #4 - January 13, 2010, 12:06 PM

    It's never too late for a welcome.  Tongue

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Another ExChristian ;-)
     Reply #5 - January 13, 2010, 12:32 PM

    Hello UG!

    Thanks for your story. It's good to hear that the environment and religion you were raised in was fairly benign.

    I think many people in parts of the world have a similar laid back religious attitude and so when they read about atheists or former religious people criticizing religion, they can't quite understand what is so bad about it.

    Little do they realise though, is that in many parts of the world, religious beliefs are never kept 'personal' and the superior attitude that comes from viewing everyone who doesn't share your faith or moral values as wrong or bad is quite an inherent part of a religious person, even if they are not intentionally judgemental. Needless to say that areas where theocracy is viewed as superior to modern governance and laws contributes greatly to much ignorance and discrimination :(

    Glad to have you on board though Smiley

  • Re: Another ExChristian ;-)
     Reply #6 - January 13, 2010, 12:36 PM


    some already know me from Youtube (german channel), but maybe i should share my classical deconversation story as well.

    Here in germany, most kids are raised as christians. Its actually quite harmless - no hellfire threats, no hate against "unbelievers" - just a set of fairytales. Still some people like that - either because of the social component (meeting others in the church, teens going to camping vacations with other teenage believers), the singing or the spiritual experience. Also the church here as almost no influence of the personal life of the people: You can have sex before marriage or be gay  and you still get no problems at all.

    However, i was always very interested in science - and for religion science is deadly. There is always a growing trench between the belief and what science tells you. And not just evolution - also the theory of relativity of the theory of quantum physics can hardly be brought together wit religion. Additionally, i learned about many proofs for god - and their rebuttals. And for a rational mind thats the best antidote against religion: To realize that its all about speculation and that all "proofs" can be easily refuted.

    Thats why i became an atheist agnostic. First, i was angry about my parents and some of my teachers; Why did they teach me such fairytales as "facts"? Why did they make it so hard for me to use my rational mind by introducing a set of ancient speculations among with real knowledge? At that time, i was really angry and i debated many christians.

    However, later i realized that for most people in germany christianity is hardly more than singing, meeting friends and some spirituality. I decided that it shouldn`t be my job to bash their beliefs, as long as they like them and don`t harm anyone.

    Later i was involved into discussions with fundamentalist muslims, which made me again criticise religion. Islam, this time. The reason is, that i think that certain teachings (e.g. about unbelievers or apostates) have a severe and bad impact on society.

    Thats it - my story ;-).


    Yes my story is something similar...  The Christianity I know is really quite harmless so I was lucky compared to many people over here.

    "Modern man's great illusion has been to convince himself that of all that has gone before he represents the zenith of human accomplishment, but can't summon the mental powers to read anything more demanding than emoticons. Fascinating. "

    One very horny Turk I met on the net.
  • Re: Another ExChristian ;-)
     Reply #7 - January 13, 2010, 01:21 PM

    Willkommen UG  Wink

    "In every time and culture there are pressures to conform to the prevailing prejudices. But there are also, in every place and epoch, those who value the truth; who record the evidence faithfully. Future generations are in their debt." -Carl Sagan

  • Re: Another ExChristian ;-)
     Reply #8 - January 13, 2010, 01:49 PM

    I think many people in parts of the world have a similar laid back religious attitude and so when they read about atheists or former religious people criticizing religion, they can't quite understand what is so bad about it.

    Well, i think that religions can have widely different aspects. They can terrorize people with threats of hell and they can make people superstitious and do awful things. They can also be more cultural - like when people are meeting to sing, pray or make festivals together. It all depends on the religious teachings and how they are being interpreted today.

    But i am also aware that also christianity has some awful teachings that were used for killing many thousands of "witches". Or that in the USA fundamentalists try to change the school curriculum for their personal (christian) belief. Or that the pope condems condom use in africa.I am absolutely against those things!!!

    However, here in germany my experience is, that chrisitanity has become harmless, and its not my intention to go around and tell people who are praying, singing and having fun, that they are all stupid. I have also been in buddhist countries and i really liked the culture and the temples. Also here, i would never go around calling buddhists stupid just because of their religion.

    So i think, that "being against all religion" ist counterproductive. I do not want to mock peacefully singing people. I am just against bad teachings or interpretations of teachings which lead to intollerance, violence or threats. And of course i am against wrong claims regarding science and such stuff ;-).


  • Re: Another ExChristian ;-)
     Reply #9 - January 13, 2010, 02:24 PM

    You are right UG. I agree with you.

    I too don't really have a problem with people having religion in their life if it is harmless and is merely just another way of maintaining social contact and relationships etc.

    I think it's wrong the way some folk want their religious beliefs to have a say in the way a secular country is run etc. I think there are a lot of more negative things about religion and religious organisations that generally give bad press to those who keep their beliefs personal and don't interfere with others. If more people were like that I wouldn't have such a problem.

  • Re: Another ExChristian ;-)
     Reply #10 - January 14, 2010, 06:42 PM

    Welcome Smiley Great story mein friend  Afro
    Just to let you know, one of my best friends is a German of Pakistani descent.

    Dont worry, he is a FULLY INTEGRATED German citizen and is actually a member of the FDP political party.

    Pakistan Zindabad? ya Pakistan sey Zinda bhaag?

    Long Live Pakistan? Or run with your lives from Pakistan?
  • Re: Another ExChristian ;-)
     Reply #11 - January 14, 2010, 06:47 PM

    Hello mate, welcome to the forum  Afro

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: Another ExChristian ;-)
     Reply #12 - January 14, 2010, 07:01 PM

    A belated welcome in that case  Afro

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