......I see you completely dodged addressing the point of how the most capitalist system in the world has 22% children lviing in poverty.
..serpent you do have a point w.r.t economy of the so- called free world-democratic world or right wing Capitalism and what not ..
BUT NO ONE IS DODGING YOUR QUESTION.. it is just people are interested in different subjects and different things..
anyways let me help you with these links..
http://www.aflcio.org/Corporate-Watch/Paywatch-2014/100-Highest-Paid-CEOswealthy will transform into a new type of human within 200 yearsSo the planet is going to have new species on the earth.. But you are such a smart guy you must have realized what you said
here on Decent responses is not right and not necessary to highlight the relation between the Capitalists and Ex-Muslims..
I didn't mention Niall Fergusons religion. PS Niall Ferguson is an atheist not jewish. lol
As for the list you put up, I don't know about the views of those individuals.
Niall Ferguson is an atheist ? not jewish?? . really??
You mean Jewish folks can not be atheist? Well i gave list of ex-Muslims serpent.., If you don't have list of ex-Muslims who are right wingers, then why would you say all/majority of ex-Muslims are right-wingers or supporters of uncontrolled capitalism?