You look very spiritual, i am feeling generous today so lets say i give u the "god exsist" notion.
Now can u pls give me "how would u link that to islam , christianity , judaism and other religions?"
and while you are at it pls define that god of your's (characters would be great) and how u came to guess them?
P.S: Lets be all philosophical, agreed?
And science never said it was devoid of mistakes another great difference between science and religion.
Cause as we know religion is always right cant be wrong nuhh ahh.
Sorry for not getting back to this one for awhile. I actually haven't been on line since writing the post you are replying to.
So for the sake of this conversation you are giving me the "god exists" notion? Okay. Well, thanks.
So your big question is:
Now can u pls give me "how would u link that to islam , christianity , judaism and other religions?"
Kind of vague as questions go. Same god as other religions? General answer "no". More detailed answer of those in pursuit of accurrate knowledge of a true God, people who having conflicting ideas/information about something that is supposed the same thing can not both have the same thing. So for me it is most easily started with other religions that have a non monotheistic god, that includes trinities, those are not the God I strive to maintain a relationship with. That leaves Islam and Judaism. Islam as far as I have come to understand it is full of the traditions of mankind and does little or nothing to expand on God or God's dealing with mankind outside of those traditions. Judaism (leading up to it and at a time) from Adam until the Law was fulfilled, was used by God to reveal his purpose, dispite the doings of imperfect mankind.
and while you are at it pls define that god of your's (characters would be great) and how u came to guess them?
Have You ever read the Bible? That would be the best definition. However I'm guessing you are looking for in brief since this would be a rather stupid place to quote the whole Bible.
Psalms 83:18 That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah,
You alone are the Most High over all the earth.
When a book that makes no claim to being a science book is accurrate about a science fact approximate 2700 years before mankind knows that fact.
Isaiah 40:21 Do YOU people not know? Do YOU not hear? Has it not been told to YOU from the outset? Have YOU not applied understanding from the foundations of the earth? 22 There is One who is dwelling above the circle of the earth, the dwellers in which are as grasshoppers, the One who is stretching out the heavens just as a fine gauze, who spreads them out like a tent in which to dwell, 23 the One who is reducing high officials to nothing, who has made the very judges of the earth as a mere unreality.
Prophecy being fufilled.
Daniel 2:36 “This is the dream, and its interpretation we shall say before the king. 37 You, O king, the king of kings, you to whom the God of heaven has given the kingdom, the might, and the strength and the dignity, 38 and into whose hand he has given, wherever the sons of mankind are dwelling, the beasts of the field and the winged creatures of the heavens, and whom he has made ruler over all of them, you yourself are the head of gold.
39 “And after you there will rise another kingdom inferior to you; and another kingdom, a third one, of copper, that will rule over the whole earth.
40 “And as for the fourth kingdom, it will prove to be strong like iron. Forasmuch as iron is crushing and grinding everything else, so, like iron that shatters, it will crush and shatter even all these.
41 “And whereas you beheld the feet and the toes to be partly of molded clay of a potter and partly of iron, the kingdom itself will prove to be divided, but somewhat of the hardness of iron will prove to be in it, forasmuch as you beheld the iron mixed with moist clay. 42 And as for the toes of the feet being partly of iron and partly of molded clay, the kingdom will partly prove to be strong and will partly prove to be fragile. 43 Whereas you beheld iron mixed with moist clay, they will come to be mixed with the offspring of mankind; but they will not prove to be sticking together, this one to that one, just as iron is not mixing with molded clay.
44 “And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite; 45 forasmuch as you beheld that out of the mountain a stone was cut not by hands, and [that] it crushed the iron, the copper, the molded clay, the silver and the gold. The grand God himself has made known to the king what is to occur after this. And the dream is reliable, and the interpretation of it is trustworthy.”
Cause as we know religion is always right cant be wrong nuhh ahh.
Do you know
religion is always right? Humm... I've never thought of that as a universal truth. Thing is we can look all through history and see all kinds of things that
religion has been
very, very wrong about. In fact most of the wars in the modern history of mankind have been fought in the name of religion, with religious clergy of the same religion blessing troops of opposite sides of the battle. No doubt in my mind this is
WRONG. In fact the Bible says it is wrong (John 18:36). There has been and continues to be be some of the most obnoxious sexual crimes committed and covered up by religious clergy. the Bible says this is wrong (1 Cor 6:18)
People can be wrong. They can lack understanding or be over zealous and over hopeful. People can even be outright self centered and deceptive.
God is the one that is never wrong.
Tius 1:1 Paul, a slave of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ according to the faith of God’s chosen ones and the accurate knowledge of the truth which accords with godly devotion 2 upon the basis of a hope of the everlasting life which God, who cannot lie, promised before times long lasting, 3 whereas in his own due times he made his word manifest in the preaching with which I was entrusted, under command of our Savior, God; 4 to Titus, a genuine child according to a faith shared in common
I don't know if I'm all that good at "all philosophical", but perhaps I have had some success or maybe you will just be generous again.