What a painful read! My blood is boiling. *Enters rant mode*
Neo-Islamic American Imams have been hiding the multi-faceted nature and complexity of DV. Usually they portray it as a sweet religious dutiful wife who is being beaten for no reason by the brute of a husband. Never are triggers discussed. Never is the foul mouth and wagging tongue of the instigator discussed. Never is her rebelliousness mentioned.
We must remember that men are generous and kind by nature..For them to launch into a tirade or a beating their patience must have been worn thin by extreme circumstances.
Unlike us conniving, money-grubbing, honour-less whores who deserve a good whack every now and then.
Neo-American Imams have blasphemously posted on Facebook pages encouraging women to call the police if they are beaten.
I wonder if the same approach is to be taken if a Muslim man steals from another Muslim man or beats another Muslim man. Something tells me the kuffar authorities are to be called in such cases; it's only when women (must-be-concealed-male-possessions who are the bearers of all things disgusting and shameful) are involved that "outsiders" are not to be involved at
any cost. Women's safety and protection is unimportant; they are the possessions (concealed diamonds!) of their men and the latter can do whatever the fuck they want with/to the former! It's all about protecting the bros from the "outsiders". It's basically the ummah's version of "bros before hoes". Islam has quite a bit in common with the "thug life".
Some Imams who haven’t fallen sway to neo-Islam are astute enough to figure out when the woman is a shrewd vixen looking for financial gain and manipulating the system by falsely testifying against the very man she is sworn to protect and honour.
How I wish I could show this motherfucker a "shrewd vixen"
If anybody could deal with a woman patiently it would have been him. Yet even he vowed an oath to beat her. If a man with the extreme patience of Ayyoob (AS) could make an oath to beat his wife then what about regular men who have patience far below the level of perfection attained by Ayyoob (AS)?
Ayoob clearly wasn't all that great as
most filthy kuffar men in the West have the apparently "extreme patience" it takes to never beat their women. Even many Muslim men (like my father) don't beat their women. Srsly, it's not really an achievement to behave like a human being. The author of this article is one deranged puppy who deserves a good beating of his own, preferably at the hands of a "shrewd vixen".
Then how do they explain all the overwhelming hadeeth narrated above where the Prophet (S) did not punish men who went to the extent of beating their wife green with bruises? Let us concede that indeed the only beating allowed is that of a token tap by siwak. That still does not mean that men who overstep that boundary are to be jailed as some very popular neo-Islamic American Imams would have you believe.
Next time Muslim apologists try to blow sunshine up our arses about how Islam "honours women" and DV is haram and un-Muhammadly, throw this screed at them. The shocking thing about Muslims is that they'll see all this sick and clearly wrong shit and identify it as such but the clear, undeniable, un-explain-away-able link this has to Islam (Quranic verses and sahih hadith FFS!) is completely ignored. They shoot the messenger and completely disregard where the message is coming from.
Domestic Violence Awareness Organization. This is not Islam. Did our Prophet (SAW) hit,slap or rape any of his wives. Shame!
Hit: tick. Slap: not sure. Rape: tick. Why oh why don't those fools read their own religious texts?
*Exits rant mode*