These days I describe myself as an
Agnostic Muslim. Partly out of convenience and partly because I accept that Islam has influenced a great deal about my identity, culture, food, outlook etc... I am quite comfortable using Islamic greetings & phrases and other customs.
Of course I don't believe in Islam in the traditional sense and am Agnostic about God. If there is a God, then he... it... is not the very human "Abrahamic God", but perhaps something more like the pantheistic view of God.
I also believe that people throughout the ages have felt inspired by whatever forces have shaped this universe, and that everyone communicates that inspiration in their own way, through their context, time and character. So I'm happy to accept Muhammad was inspired in this sense, just as Michelangelo, Shakespeare, or Jimi Hendrix. But the Qur'an is a very human book and while in places it is quite moving, it is very flawed in other parts and has not stood the test of time well.
Woah! Not sure why I felt moved to write all that lol