Yes I AM a Muslim!!
Reply #150 - June 13, 2015, 04:24 PM
I think Mohammad had eplipsy and probably acromegaly. I do not think we could call him a liar or psychotic. He could not have managed to do what he achieved through mental illness or just by lying. He must have been a clever man. I think he might have had psychiatric manifestations of his medical condition including episodic seizures, delusional states and hallucinations. If we believe the traditional story of Mohammad, and if had written most or oart of Quran, he was definitely poetic. He must have believed in himself being the messenger or prophet, even with a degree of doubt. Nevertheless, he was convinced that there was a God and that even if he lied or manipulated things to favour his personal, financial, political and spiritual ambitions, his Lord would still be very pleased about what he managed to achieve for Him.
Mohammad's physical appearnce, if descriptions are true, would be very overpowering and unique ( acromegalic ) and he would have had the traits of being loyal, honest, industrious, trustworthy, etc. he would have had something very soecial about him. When one is popular,mfamous, respected and feared, one dies develop further belief in himself and even if there were ever doubts in his mind, he was enjoying it. So it would have just boosted his morale. If we look in the history and see grand figures, good or evil, they were eccentric, usual everyday Tom, Harry and Dick never achieved anything big.
Mohammad's profuse sweating brought ablution as a ritual, cleaniness became important. If he did have lack of libido or ED associated with acromegaly, that might explain why he needed to have so many companions, to avoid monotony and may be boost libido. He did not father many despite so many women, relative infertility associated with acromegaly could have been the cause.
At the end, high temperature, headache, drowsiness could have been due to pituitary apoplexy, when there is haemorrhage in the pituitary adenoma ( tumour).
I heard somewhere that like Jesus, he did utter words to the sane effect, why have you foresaken me! It seems that they were sure that they were the chosen ones?
If Quran is man made, which it seems to be, then Hadith, Sunnah are equally redundant as Quran would be, because it is all coming from the same person. I think that without the foundation of a Divine Quran, the whole buliding block of Iskam would either collapse or it would be a watered down cultural and ceremonial religion, just to keep up the tradition of a people.
Every true faith is infallible. It performs what the believing person hopes to find in it. But it does not offer the least support for the establishing of an objective truth. If you want to achieve peace of mind and happiness, have faith. If you want to be a disciple of truth, then search - Neitchze