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 Topic: Yes I AM a Muslim!!

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  • Yes I AM a Muslim!!
     Reply #150 - June 13, 2015, 04:24 PM

    I think Mohammad had eplipsy and probably acromegaly. I do not think we could call him a liar or psychotic. He could not have managed to do what he achieved through mental illness or just by lying. He must have been a clever man. I think he might have had psychiatric manifestations of his medical condition including episodic seizures, delusional states and hallucinations. If we believe the traditional story of Mohammad, and if had written most or oart of Quran, he was definitely poetic. He must have believed in himself being the messenger or prophet, even with a degree of doubt. Nevertheless, he was convinced that there was a God and that even if he lied or manipulated things to favour his personal, financial, political and spiritual ambitions, his Lord would still be very pleased about what he managed to achieve for Him.
    Mohammad's physical appearnce, if descriptions are true, would be very overpowering and unique ( acromegalic ) and he would have had the traits of being loyal, honest, industrious, trustworthy, etc. he would have had something very soecial about him. When one is popular,mfamous, respected and feared, one dies develop further belief in himself and even if there were ever doubts in his mind, he was enjoying it. So it would have just boosted his morale. If we look in the history and see grand figures, good or evil, they were eccentric, usual everyday Tom, Harry and Dick never achieved anything big.
    Mohammad's profuse sweating brought ablution as a ritual, cleaniness became important. If he did have lack of libido or ED associated with acromegaly, that might explain why he needed to have so many companions, to avoid monotony and may be boost libido. He did not father many despite so many women, relative infertility associated with acromegaly could have been the cause.
    At the end, high temperature, headache, drowsiness could have been due to pituitary apoplexy, when there is haemorrhage in the pituitary adenoma ( tumour).
    I heard somewhere that like Jesus, he did utter words to the sane effect, why have you foresaken me! It seems that they were sure that they were the chosen ones?
    If Quran is man made, which it seems to be, then Hadith, Sunnah are equally redundant as Quran would be, because it is all coming from the same person. I think that without the foundation of a Divine Quran, the whole buliding block of Iskam would either collapse or it would be a watered down cultural and ceremonial religion, just to keep up the tradition of a people.

    Every true faith is infallible. It performs what the believing person hopes to find in it. But it does not offer the least support for the establishing of an objective truth. If you want to achieve peace of mind and happiness, have faith. If you want to be a disciple of truth, then search - Neitchze
  • Yes I AM a Muslim!!
     Reply #151 - June 13, 2015, 04:48 PM

    Mo himself said he's just a man. The hadiths aren't divine, just the quran. The idea of hadiths being divine is shirk.* So if you ask why follow the quran if it isn't divine, you can easily ask why one would follow the hadiths.

    *I beg pardon to stick an asterisk by that: hadith qudsi. I've proposed here that some might be divine revelations passed from the Christian / Jewish scriptures and quoted by the Prophet. Others might be fragments of Qur'anic text that dropped out of the mushaf, like the ayat al-rajam etc.; these can still be legally binding.



    Also we have this from Imam Suyuti (what I said about Muawiya having an IQ of 135? Suyuti's was twice that):
    'The revealed speech of Allah is of two kinds: As to the first kind, Allah says to Gabriel: Tell the Prophet (s) to whom I sent you that Allah tells him to do this and this, and He ordered him something. So Gabriel understood what His Lord had told him. Then he descended with this to the Prophet (s) and told him what His Lord had told him, but the expression is not this (same) expression, just as a king says to someone upon whom he relies: Tell so-and-so: The king says to you: strive in his service and gather your army for fighting ... and when the messenger (goes and) says: The king tells you: do not fail in my service, and do not let the army break up, and call for fighting, etc., then he has not lied nor shortened (the message) ...

    'And as to the other kind, Allah says to Gabriel: Read to the Prophet this (piece of) writing, and Gabriel descended with it from Allah, without altering it the least, just as (if) the king writes a written (instruction) and hands it over to his trustworthy (servant) and says (to him): Read it to so-and-so. Suyuti said: The Qur'an belongs to the second kind, and the first kind is the sunna, and from this derives the reporting of the sunna according to the meaning unlike the Qur'an."

  • Yes I AM a Muslim!!
     Reply #152 - June 13, 2015, 05:00 PM

    Quote from: hatoush
    I am a Muslim who consider Quran, a human product, that's a dangerous idea

    Yes indeed.

    The self appointed guardians of Islam would much rather you leave Islam and call yourself an apostate.
  • Yes I AM a Muslim!!
     Reply #153 - June 13, 2015, 05:35 PM

    Mo himself said he's just a man. The hadiths aren't divine, just the quran. The idea of hadiths being divine is shirk. So if you ask why follow the quran if it isn't divine, you can easily ask why one would follow the hadiths.

    Actually you are wrong there Quod, most orthodox Sunni Muslims will consider an "authentic" hadith as being divinely inspired also - albeit not "literally god's words" but inspired by God nevertheless. As a result they are a considered inerrant and must be followed. They will only reject it if they can dismiss it's authenticity.
  • Yes I AM a Muslim!!
     Reply #154 - June 14, 2015, 04:20 AM

    I wasn't saying otherwise, perhaps I worded it wrong. My point is that the hadiths are looked at as you're arguing the quran should be looked at. So if one were to say why should they follow the quran if it's not the literal word of allah, you can ask them why follow the hadiths as they also isn't the literal words of allah. No problem with divine inspiration there, still followed and still considered holy.

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • Yes I AM a Muslim!!
     Reply #155 - June 14, 2015, 01:06 PM

    ......... divine inspiration ..............holy...........

    I am angry.. I am upset.. I don't have milk to make a cup of tea.. and stupid electricity goes and comes.. I am upset with all that and those two words I see above.  I am angrier than that fro_musagirl . I am mad QSE mad....

    what is  this divine inspiration? what is this holy  business...?    WHAT IS THAT NONSENSE..,    Dammit GIVE ME ONE THING...ANYTHING....  SO-CALLED THINGY  FROM  ANY RELIGIOUS SCRIPTURES  that is  divine inspiration .. that is holy ., I tell you this., for that  I will show million things that are similar and even  better than that holy golly divine shit I read in so-called religions and their books . and and such things that arr similar which I see in  religious texts every one  observe them everyday   in day-to-day life without even  noticing them. In fact you observe them in animal kingdom.   If sounds of human beings that happened to be considered by their followers as  holy .. then  there is nothing  on this earth that makes noise and that is not holy... ..

    Those  silly books  are BOOKS OD THEIR TIMES  and the people who said wrote were the nomads of their time.  And any one who tries to shove them in my face as holy chocolates and force them in to my life   I will shove them back in their ass....  But as long as they keep it in their brain and in their home  that is fine with me..  I support such people and give full freedom to explore their scriptures.. their god's words until they become the dust... the start dust...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Yes I AM a Muslim!!
     Reply #156 - June 14, 2015, 06:04 PM

    I agree yeezevee, however I don't think it's a bad thing to offer a more flexible approach. Coincidently, I am also nearly out of milk.

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • Yes I AM a Muslim!!
     Reply #157 - June 15, 2015, 09:39 AM

    I agree yeezevee, however I don't think it's a bad thing to offer a more flexible approach. Coincidently, I am also nearly out of milk.

    offer... ??  offer who? ;offer what? offer why  ;QSD??  who the fuck am I to offer??  i don't have time to write as that word "OFFER " needs a half page of thoughtful rebuttal.. and I am reading some stuff .. funnily the links I am reading seems to have that rebuttal in them...  and links are  I wen to that link because of  CEMB's   jacktheexmuslim
  and I clicked that link because i was trying to know something about Khadija .. alleged wife of alleged Prophet Muhammad  an I was reading that link to know how Turkish folks COOKED THAT TURKEY

    and  And I was reading that link abut some chicken recipe

    funny thing is all those links couple to what I wanted to write on "THE OFFER"  you have in your post..   but I will write about that offer little later..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Yes I AM a Muslim!!
     Reply #158 - June 18, 2015, 01:15 PM

     i don't have time to write as that word "OFFER " needs a half page of thoughtful rebuttal.. and I am reading rf.. funnily the links I am reading seems to have that rebuttal in them...  and links are [/quote]

    Yeezevee why indeed are you in the conversation if you don't have time to be in it by making that thoughtful rebuttal.

    I'm currently working on something else to get involved here be I read this thread most days I'm here. It really does call for some thoughtful consideration.

    If at first you succeed...try something harder.

    Failing isn't falling down. Failing is not getting back up again.
  • Yes I AM a Muslim!!
     Reply #159 - June 18, 2015, 02:37 PM

    yee...;  i don't have time to write as that word "OFFER " needs a half page of thoughtful rebuttal.. and I am reading rf.. funnily the links I am reading seems to have that rebuttal in them...  and links are 

    Yeezevee why indeed are you in the conversation if you don't have time to be in it by making that thoughtful rebuttal.

    good point Lynna ., well PC is making stupid noise when type a post in to CEMB forum ., it is annoying annoying as this bearded fool in this tube..

    PC is adding its own silly  words  such as &#160 though I don't type them ..Any ways so how are you doing?/
    I'm currently working on something else to get involved here be I read this thread most days I'm here. It really does call for some thoughtful consideration.

    good good., I agree with you Lynna., Yes this thread does need  some careful and thoughtful points/words  on  that "OFFER"....

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Yes I AM a Muslim!!
     Reply #160 - June 22, 2015, 11:00 AM

    Hassan, I just read the transcript of the interview you gave. Whats the name of the publication that interviewed you?

    Those are some fantastic answers.  Afro
    Wish more muslims could realize the points you are making are perfectly valid. Islam needs to adapt to a progressive world, and not the other way around.
  • Yes I AM a Muslim!!
     Reply #161 - June 22, 2015, 11:39 AM

    Hassan, I just read the transcript of the interview you gave. Whats the name of the publication that interviewed you?

    Those are some fantastic answers.  Afro

    really but some say that is not Islam ., that is Hassan Radwan's  Rejectamonism   .. and i don't know what that is I guess it is some monism  Cheesy

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
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