Re: Amir Khan - a good boxer, but not on the elite level
Reply #3 - August 06, 2012, 03:36 PM
I have a huge soft spot for Khan. Good man, from my neck of the woods, generous with his time and money, good ambassador to young underprivileged kids.
I'm not sure what he can do now. Whatever he does, it needs to be soon. I dunno what is going on in the gym, but it is clearly wrong. He needs massive changes. He is so undisciplined. He needs putting in his place. His defensive game seemed to be improving not so long ago, but now he seems to be reckless and exposed, easily exploited.
Maybe he's got the wrong people around him. I'm sure they are all great, but maybe they are just not right for Khan. Roach seemed to have him under control. Dunno how he managed to let that slip away.
Too fucking busy, and vice versa.