The point is. Critics of Islam can not be a Muslim and criticize Islam. At best you will be branded as heretic and at worse you will be an apostate. That is the name of the game until today. This may change 10 years down the road, but now we have to accept the fact that one can not be a Muslim and criticize Quran, Hadith and Prophet of Islam.
anyways that is life .. take or leave it..
Muslims assume that their sources are absolutely correct, and thus believe that any discrepancy is a misunderstanding of their own. If there is a mistake in the Qur'an, they'll perform mental gymnastics to explain it. If the mistake is in the Hadith, they'll reject it even if it meets the criteria for authenticity. Muslims often use the argument that no Muslim scholar has found issues in Islam, which to me, is the equivalent of saying that, the North Korean dictator finds no injustice in his leadership. My favourite contention is when they claim conspiracy, apparently, everyone is out to destroy 'the Truth of Islam'.
Re the author. Although his real identity is unknown I am as sure as I can be he is not a Christian Arab and that he is exactly who he says he is an Egyptian Muslim or rather exmuslim.
I agree with Abu Ali on this, the writer can't be a Christian as he throws insults at Christianity, in addition to Islam, as well. I'm only reading the English, but the Arabic probably hints at the nationality of the author, and maybe his academic background.
Doubter - seeker yes any help would be very much appreciated. I'm our atm but will get back to you when I get back.
When I get a chance later today, I'll create a Google Drive folder with all your current work collected from the forums. I'll post a read-only link for the forum members, and I'll contact you to add you as a collaborator. This should make your job much easier, and make it easier for the members to review the latest work.
Edit (19 oct): Google Drive [read-only] link: me to get edit permission.