The fact that you've stuck to your name shows that whatever discrimination comes from it is not painful enough for you to consider changing your name.
Or I ain't a pussy-ass sell-out. I've been tasered, beaten, stabbed, jailed and shot at, but I don't back down from a fight if I think I'm in the right. Those who are weak like you may not understand.
I had that name for 18 years when I became old enough to legally change it. It was given to me by an absentee criminal father from Egypt who I have no love for. But I'm not changing it just because some ignorant-ass motherfuckers got a problem with it, and want to treat me differently because of it. I don't fuckin back down. It's not like I got a gun to my mom's head or am having a red-hot poker shoved up my ass.
Would you become White if you could do so easily? Maybe you would, but then you would be the aforementioned pussy-ass sell-out.
Discrimination is if you're not given a job because of your skin color or ethnicity, or if you suffer some other disadvantage. A check of your apartment caused you no such disadvantage.
I've been denied jobs on the basis of my name. Can I prove it? No, but such things are very difficult to prove. But let's put it this way-- when you and two people you know are applying for the same two positions and the two people are shocked you didn't get the job because you had much better qualifications than them and actually say "That's bullshit they hired me, they should have hired you", it does make ya wonder.
But school was worse. Being called Qaddafi by the other kids, and having a racist teacher try to block your entry into the gifted program, even though your test scores were through the roof, because she irrationally hated you. No picnic.
Have other people gone through worse discrimination? Oh fuck yes, I realize I'm lucky in comparison with a lot of people. But you tell me I've never suffered a disadvantage even though you don't know me-- fuck you, buddy.
It may come as a surprise to you but I do not, and many others do not want to live in a society where people are free to spread prejudices against ,or hatred towards me based on my skin color/ethnicity.
Then you don't want to live in a free society. Period.
I suggest you try and grow some empathy towards minorities and realize that we want to live safely and as equal citizens. If you have newspapers publishing hate material about you, or people in churches/mosques spreading hate towards your ethnicity, that does not give you any sense of safety/freedom.
Hey fuckface-- have you been pepper-sprayed and beaten with bludgeons by the state police because you were beating the shit out of neo-Nazis? If not, then shut the fuck up. I will step up to the fuckin plate to defend my fellow working people against racism or any other form of bigotry any day of the fuckin week.
I have been in many situations where I was prepared to sacrifice my own freedom and safety fighting against racism and bigotry-- but what I WILL NOT do is sacrifice the freedom of others or of society in general on the altar of anti-racism.